The Death Knell

Chapter 4291 All-out Offensive

"You recited the poem very well, but don't recite it again." Luther returned to the camera, glanced at the sluggish orangutan, and slowly shook his head: "I almost made an experiment error when I heard that dirty thing just now. "

"Haha, if you don't talk about that, what will be the result?"

Su Ming touched the orangutan's head. The latter's head was drooping. It was obvious that he no longer wanted to engage in literature and art.

"It is indeed Clayface plasma, wait, don't rush to judge, I haven't finished yet." Luther smiled and raised his hand, showing a projection report: "However, it is not the original plasma I released before. A little genius improved it in a direction that I didn't expect."

"Oh? Is there anyone on earth who you can call a genius?" Su Ming raised his eyebrows, and he became a little interested.

"You're just a little clever, you can't compare with me at all. According to the Eastern dialect you like, how can the glow of fireflies compare to the light of the bright moon?"

Luther's chin was raised again, with the same disdainful smile on his face, just like Su Ming had just joked about Bobo's lack of experience, and he spoke faster and said:

"Someone copied Clayface's plasma, purified it again, and combined the deformation factor with a certain carbon-containing metal to create a nanorobot."

With that said, Luther began to demonstrate the nanorobot he had captured with great interest. In that drop of body fluid, a large number of small metal structures could be seen.

Under the stimulation of electric current, they can continuously deform and replicate themselves. They originally looked like miniature spiders, but they can be ever-changing like building blocks.

Through different combinations and arrangements, various cell forms can be simulated, and it seems that inorganic substances can also be simulated.

Once this kind of nanorobot is injected into the human body, it means that the barrier that plasma cannot be injected is bypassed and a better and more stable deformation effect is achieved.

As long as they have this technology, the people behind the scenes can cultivate an unlimited number of chameleons, and can even control the lives of the injected people like the talisman of life and death.

"Nano robots... the last one who invaded Gotham as a robot was killed by me." Su Ming breathed a sigh of relief. In some ways, enemies who take the technological route are more powerful than mysterious enemies. Easy to deal with: "Adjutant, inform Batman that he should arrive at the police station now and ask him to be careful when handling the muddy corpse."

If nanobots exist in the blood of the corpse, then the corpse is actually a bomb prepared for Batman. ’

Someone is targeting Batman. They probably want to take advantage of the bat's autopsy to launch invisible nano-robots to invade the bat's body.

Of course, the enemy didn't expect that the first person to be examined would be Deathstroke, a symbiote host immune to microscopic invasion. Unexpectedly, the gorilla detective would immediately think of Clayface Plasma, which led Deathstroke to contact Luthor, the inventor.

In this case, the person who shot and killed the tool man should also be the one who planted the bomb.

"Already conveyed, the time is just right." The adjutant also threw out another projection screen. You can see that Batman paused before touching the body, then immediately took a few steps back, and after re-instrumenting personal protection, he started to be careful. Move the body.

"Okay, Deathstroke, what are you going to do next?"

Luther said that there was only so much help he could provide. As he spoke, he walked towards the disemboweled alien and continued to remove the internal organs. He also said that he was going to watch the excitement next.

"Haha, we don't know much information at the moment, but one thing we can be sure of is that the person behind the scenes has targeted Diana and Batman..."

With a chuckle, Su Ming raised two fingers, left the table where he was sitting, picked up the orangutan and prepared to go.

Bobo quickly climbed onto his shoulders and fixed himself, then seriously and seriously added the second half of what the mercenary had not finished:

"So we have to go find Superman immediately. The enemy's first wave of offensive was launched secretly, targeting the three giants of the Justice League."


Clark Kent, also known as Superman, Man of Steel, Heart of Gold, always insists on justice and always has hope.

Many people thought he was perfect.

Thinking that he can't fail, is invincible, and never admits defeat, because that's what the Justice League advertises.

But such a man actually has many weaknesses. Batman knows these weaknesses, Luther knows them, and Deathstroke knows them too.

Of course, there was one weakness that he knew better, and that was - he really couldn't do anything to his wife and children.

Just like what the death knell said before, Clark would always go home for dinner, but the atmosphere at the table today was not very good because his son, Mr. Jonathan Kent, was somehow stimulated.

"Dad, I want to live out on my own and rent a house in Gotham."

Hearing this, the potato pieces that Superman was about to bring to his mouth fell back into the soup. He frowned, but still asked with a smile:

"Why do you think that way?"

"Damian said that I am not as good as him, and I will definitely not be able to solve the problems caused by madmen like Gotham. I want to prove him wrong. I will go to Gotham tonight to patrol, catch all the bad guys in prison, and make him and his Something even my father couldn’t do.”

Jonathan is very courageous. Although he is young, he obviously has great ambitions. At the age of ten, he wants to surpass Batman.

Superman obviously thought of this too. He laughed, but still shook his head and rejected the child's request:

"Damian is right, young man, Gotham... is a city that only the Bat Family can adapt to. Our style of conduct will not work there."

Superman's style of acting does not rely on strong power to conquer others, but relies on the power of hope and example to awaken the truth, goodness and beauty in people's hearts, so that the city and society can develop towards the better.

This is how Metropolis has become the most secure city in North America, because people know that Superman will always appear when they need help, and they hold on to this hope.

For Clark, power is only an auxiliary tool to protect hope, not a universal solution that can be relied on.

On the contrary, there is only chaos and darkness in the hearts of the residents of Gotham, with silhouettes of bats spreading their wings and pale faces laughing. The reason for most people to live there is very simple, just to make money and use money to become so-called human beings. Master.

They have no emotions such as truth, goodness and beauty at all, and Superman cannot set any example there. The final result is to put everyone in the city into prisons and lunatic asylums one after another.

But if that's the case, why bother? Because Gotham is already a prison now.

Criminals and lunatics all over the world are rushing to the dark city smelling Batman's scent. It just doesn't have walls and power grids. What surrounds everyone is all kinds of complex desires and the dark side of the human heart...

As a Kryptonian, Superman believes that he has no position to read people's hearts, and he also feels that he should not interfere in things he does not understand.


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