The Death Knell

Chapter 4298 The deceased speaks

"I can find a human soul for you, but not a dog."

Death tilted her head, and she gave her answer. She smiled and leaned her head on Deathstroke's shoulder, led him somewhere, and explained:

"God likes dogs very much. All dogs go to heaven when they die. Some people say that loyal dogs are the material for reincarnated angels. You should ask Lucifer for the specific details. But I think, from a human perspective, this process Very…cruel.”

"Well, that's okay. At worst, I'll go find the big cat for help later. Thank you, Death."

Su Ming suddenly thought of a parallel world where God always dressed up as a Dalmatian.

But the dog's soul can't be found, so that's it. The humans among the witnesses are the ones who can communicate anyway. Maybe there's no need to interview the dead dog?

Someone captured a dog and injected it with nanorobot clay-face plasma, so that the dog's remaining flesh could transform into small kryptonians.

The original dog was the victim.

The same goes for the old lady in Gotham who went to the police station to call the police. They may have witnessed the true appearance of the murderer.

Yes, after being killed again, they all turned back into a puddle of mud, as if their corpses had been destroyed.

But the soul is intact, and I can still ask for information.

As long as he knew the face of the real murderer, with the help of his lieutenant, Su Ming could scratch the suspect off the face of the earth in minutes.

He even had a backup plan, which was to find a place to rest and keep an eye on Batman and Superman.

Because the enemy's first wave of attacks consisted of three plots, it only succeeded in half, which was to drive away Diana.

She didn't expect that she would leave Earth 0 instead of going to Zeus to have a fight with her mother. It was a mistake, so it was only half of the success.

The traps for Bat and Superman were all destroyed by Deathstroke, leaving nothing to be discussed.

But they will definitely change their approach and continue to attack the remaining two giants. No matter what they are planning, they will definitely take the next step after getting rid of the three giants.

Therefore, fishing is also feasible, and the plan being implemented now is to kill two birds with one stone.


"It turns out that this was the plan, to investigate the souls of the deceased, and I learned the genius-like idea of ​​solving the case."

Donna followed Deathstroke, holding Bobo in her arms and whispering to the woolly monkey.

She knew that her weakness was recklessness, and that was the custom of Paradise Island, but who didn't want to become smart and become a detective like Batman and Bobo? If you encounter any clues in the future, you can investigate it yourself, how convenient it is.

Death was too cold. When he got close before, the orangutan couldn't withstand the chill in his bones. He could only leave Deathstroke's shoulder and look for Donna, who had the second strongest constitution, to keep warm.

Although he was shivering and smoking his pipe, Bobo still smiled, exhaled a puff of mist and said:

"You can't learn it. No one else can learn the death knell method. Death is not so easy to talk to everyone. If you don't believe me, try it."

Donna is an Amazon warrior. Like Diana, she refuses to admit defeat. If Bobo says she can't do it, then she has to try.

So the girl quickened her pace, came to the other side of death, and asked aloud:

"Ma'am, may I have a word with my dead sister?"


Death smiled and refused without any extra explanation. He just told the questioner that there was no way. It was the smile that made the refusal more humane.

I don’t know how many souls have asked her whether they can be resurrected. They have too many regrets and there are too many things that they have not had time to do.

Death gave the same answer, and the corners of Forsythia's mouth and the angle of his smile remained unchanged at all.

Donna carried Bobo back to Wally dejectedly. Compared with her, the speedster who had sat in the Mobius chair was obviously calmer. At this time, he was looking around at the scenery to satisfy his curiosity.

Surrounding everyone were the souls queuing up. They and the group walked in the opposite direction and slowly walked up the mountain, but they seemed invisible to the people close at hand.

Black ashes fall from the sky, flying like heavy snow, but they leave no traces on the soul. What is this?

As for Shazam, what does a kid know? He is still playing with his mobile phone.

"Haha, did I say that?" The orangutan began to gloat and patted Donna on the shoulder: "Compared to Deathstroke, you are still too weak. You have no qualifications or bargaining chips to negotiate with death."

"Humph, do you think Slade is better than me?"

When Donna saw the orangutan's evil smile, she became angry. In one move, she stuffed two fingers into the orangutan's nostrils, turning him into a pig.

"Ah, I can't breathe!"

The black-skinned orangutan screamed and struggled.

In this way, Death and Deathstroke walked at the front, talking quietly, followed by the female warriors and orangutans playing and laughing, the speedster looking left and right, and the oversized boy addicted to mobile games.

This team doesn't look very serious, but the team atmosphere is obviously good.

A few minutes later, no one knows how far everyone has walked. In this black and white space, it seems that distance does not mean much, it is just the scenery created by death.

She stopped, stretched out her hand to stop a figure who was slowly moving forward with the soul army, and brought her to the death knell:

"Old man, we met, tell Deathstroke who killed you."

Death held the old lady's hand and smiled kindly.

The old man seemed to have just woken up from chaos, and was confused. But after she woke up and saw the death knell clearly, she let out a piercing scream, like a banshee active in the Mediterranean:

"No! It's him! It's him! Please let me go! No! Don't give me the injection!"

Death waved her hand, and the old man returned to the army. She continued to walk towards the top of the mountain, holding a torch tremblingly, as if nothing had happened just now.

The atmosphere in the team became a little strange. Su Ming touched his chin and looked at Death:

"The one who killed this old man was another Deathstroke? You saw it at that time, right?"

"Yes, Slade, I am responsible for guiding souls to leave the world. But I know that if I tell you directly that I saw a death knell killing this old man, you will definitely not believe it." Death smiled and touched him. arms, as if to comfort him and ask him not to be angry: "So, I must let the deceased tell you personally, so that you will not doubt it."

"I'm not that paranoid, and I won't be angry because of a peer from another world." Su Ming laughed, took out a packaged pastry from his pocket, and placed it in Death's hand: " That's a good answer, it's time for us to leave, thank you for your help."

After saying that, he teleported away with his teammates while thinking.

Death looked down at the gift she had received, but the snack rotted rapidly in her hands, turning into black ashes in the next second, slowly falling from her fingers and blending into the black and white world, like a silhouette.

The gift is nice, but she doesn’t need to enjoy it today.

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