The Death Knell

Chapter 4302 Garden of Eden

The big garden in heaven is called the Garden of Eden. Everyone knows this.

According to biblical stories, it is always warm as spring, the vegetation is evergreen, and fruits are everywhere. When humans live here, they never have to worry about hunger or disease.

Until Adam and Eve were coaxed by the snake of the First Fall, committed original sin, and were expelled to the world.

Therefore, from the perspective of Christianity, people are born with sin, and they must atone for their sins through suffering while they are alive.

Of course, this is a record in the Bible, and I don’t know if it is because the body of God died. The garden is now eerie, as if it has been abandoned for a long time and is about to become a wild forest.

There were some melons and fruits, but there were strange black patterns growing on the peels. They all looked like devil fruits, lying horizontally or hanging among thorns. Su Ming didn't really want to eat them anyway.

Gabriel, who was at the front of the team, was leading the way with an assault rifle. For some reason, it gave people a sense of immediacy as the Japanese entered the village. Apparently the changes here made him feel unfamiliar, and he had to constantly look left and right while walking.

"Hey, Laojia, do you know why there are seven levels in heaven?"

Following the leader, Su Ming walked through the garden and woods, holding a lightsaber on guard while trying to find out some information.

The Supreme Heaven, also called the Seventh Heaven, in Su Ming's opinion, is very much like a special dimension opened up in the realm of the gods. The existence form of this dimension is very much like a seven-layer burger.

"I don't know. Heaven already existed when I was born." Gabriel was a bachelor and had no intention of covering up at all: "Maybe you can ask Lucifer. He was born when God said there was light. He must know more than us brothers."

"Alas, but Lucifer is not as easy to deal with as you. He always makes some conditions that are unacceptable to normal humans."

Su Ming touched the orangutan's head on his shoulder and complained to Duck Angel:

"For example, he often hints that I go to bed with him, and for a straight man like me, even if he can become a woman, he still can't accept it."

After hearing this, Gabriel turned his head and looked at Deathstroke, then turned his face and continued to move forward:

"It's normal. Your soul is very interesting. Of course he likes it. Whether you realize it or not, Lucifer loves humans the most among us. It's just that before he fell to heaven, he gave mankind light and warmth. After falling to heaven, It only gives people desire and pleasure. You can look at it from another perspective. He wants you to go to bed because he wants you to feel joy and happiness."

"What about you? Gabriel, what are your feelings towards humans?"

Deathstroke suddenly picked up a watermelon from the bushes. It had a natural pattern like a ghost face on it. Su Ming planned to save it for Halloween as a home decoration.

"Human beings are a smart but filthy race. Original sin is still tightly entangled in the depths of everyone's soul. I can feel the burning sin, which makes me feel the reality of the world more and more."

The dim light fell from the sky, leaving mottled tree shadows on the angel's face. He watched the death knell put away the fruits of Eden, his expression looked a little sad, and he sighed and said:

"I know you will definitely want to ask me next, why do I have physical relations with humans, right? This is me trying to fall in love with humans. I have been living in bridges or subway stations since my fall, and the people I see are all... Poor, hateful scum of humanity, I thought, if I could make them feel happy, maybe they would love me, and if I felt their love, I would love them back.”

Faced with such an answer, Su Ming and Bobo looked at each other, and the orangutan's mouth turned into a classic Batman expression.

how to say? It sounds a bit logical, but both of them felt that Gabriel was cultivating Stockholm Syndrome in himself.

He relies on human money to live, and uses it to buy things like food, alcohol, and drugs. His perspective of integrating human society is that of a duck. Without money, he will be hungry and addicted.

When humans make deals with him, after a long time, he will feel that what the donor provides is kindness and love.

He wants to be a victim of society.

"Well, that's a great answer and a genius's understanding. Come on, we all love you."

How to put it, Su Ming understands and admires Gabriel very much. Because the body of God died and the murderer could not be found, he felt that he was responsible for guarding the door, so he voluntarily came to the human world to suffer in order to repay his sins and relieve his heart. of guilt.

But probably due to the influence of his brother Lucifer, he began to try to love humans, so he became the ghost he is now.

Even though they are both fallen angels, their ways of dealing with others are still very different.

Lucifer was enjoying it, but Gabriel was obviously in torment and regarded it as penance.

By the way, Constantine is really indifferent. Gabriel is already in such a miserable state and has such great ambitions, yet he still wants to lie to him and betray him? Is this helping angels learn about the dark side of human nature?

That is to say, Gabriel doesn't care. If he really wants to do anything to Zha Kang, Constantine may have to ask Lucifer to persuade Gabriel.

But as a deal, Lucifer will definitely not help in vain.

Constantine is still handsome, but a bit smelly, but he is bisexual, so the conditions can be imagined... Oops!


The Garden of Eden is almost infinite, but with the leading party, the distance seems to be shortened.

Gabriel led several people into caves, crossed small rivers, walked in dense forests, and strolled on grasslands. He walked faster and faster, and even smiled rarely.

If you ignore the strange smell like rotting corpses in the forest, the dead fish and black oil floating in the river, the group of deformed sheep encountered on the grassland and other unappetizing discoveries, this outing is really good.

As we walked, we arrived at the other side of the Garden of Eden. At the foot of a mountain, there was a small doorway.

Gabriel took out a silver key and was about to open the door, explaining to everyone:

"When you go out from here, you will enter the fifth highest heaven. The souls of good people and the souls of the loyal dogs you are looking for were all here in the past. However, I have been away from heaven for some time. I can't guarantee what the situation is here now. You still have to be ready for battle."

"The souls of humans and dogs live together? This doesn't seem to be companionship after death, right?"

Wally touched the top of his head. He didn't like dogs very much because his own pet was a turtle, which was sometimes bullied by wild dogs when crawling in the yard.

Gabriel understood why Wally was confused. He didn't understand it before, but he understood it after living in the world, so he answered:

"I know that humans regard themselves as the gods of all things, and they always have a condescending stance when looking at dogs, but for God, there is no difference between humans, dogs, and bugs, including us, do you understand?"

No one knows whether the second generation Flash understands it, but Bobo understands it, and he raised the key question:

"When angels speak, they always call God 'my Lord' or 'Father'. Why did you use the title God? It's more like..."

Faced with this question, Gabriel just smiled and had no intention of answering directly.

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