The Death Knell

Chapter 4308 Plan in advance

The group of people moved to the door of the building. Deathstroke asked others to guard the door while he took Bobo to the building to find the Angel Reincarnation Pool.

Gabriel said it was a swimming pool glowing with white light, which was very easy to find, and Deathstroke would definitely not miss it.

The building was quiet, with only the sound of footsteps echoing in the empty corridors, but there was no dust on the ground, and the giant building was not damaged like the previous city, so it should still be functioning normally.

According to legend, after entering heaven, outstanding souls have the opportunity to become angels if they perform well. Simply put, they are baptized in the reincarnation pool and transform from the soul state into a new life with a physical body.

Of course, angels are all asexual, more like some kind of tools, just like Deathstroke's own bionic human assembly line, which continuously produces various tool humans.

The raw materials Su Ming needs are carbon, silicon, hydrogen, and oxygen. What God needs is soul, which is about the same.

Yes, angels can fly and have innate combat experience, but bionics are also good. They can also pick up customers and make money, which ordinary angels cannot do.

So Su Ming felt that his androids were no worse than angels.

"Hiss, fu~" Bobo smoked his pipe and squatted on Deathstroke's shoulder. His monkey head turned a few times, but he could only see the strong white light coming from the wall of the building: "Slade, something's not right. .”

"Well, if the reincarnation pool is still functioning normally, there shouldn't be even a bird here." Su Ming already held the lightsaber in his hand, and he was not too nervous. After all, after all, the strongest person in heaven is now Even if Michael is crazy, no matter what, he will not be his opponent.

"You're not very interested in Christianity, so do you know Michael's weaknesses?" Bobo asked again, intending to provide Su Ming with some information.

Anyway, in Bobo's opinion, the death knell is a bit strange.

He has a lot of knowledge about the Celestial Empire, but he doesn’t know much about some American customs and proper nouns; he speaks Chinese better than English, and he obviously has no fear of God, as if he is sure that he is not under God’s control. .

If Slade hadn't looked like a white man with blond hair and blue eyes, Bobo would have wondered if he came from the East. Of course, there is still this possibility. Maybe the death knell that everyone sees so far is just a common disguise he uses. Skin.

He has the help of a powerful chameleon like Strangler, whoever he wants to transform into is much more convenient than using Clayface plasma.

"Oh? You know, then tell me, and I'll listen to it." It's not that Su Ming doesn't know about Christianity. He made up for it when he went to the world of "Missionary", and even used the Holy Killer to kill a single person. The God in the physical universe is the pervert who likes to be a dog.

But the situation there may not be completely applicable to Multiverse 1, so it is also good to learn some folk customs and knowledge from the local residents Bobo.

Anyway, there is a lot of information and it is not overwhelming.

When Deathstroke nodded, Bobo knocked his pipe on his knees a few times, and he began to tell biblical stories about Michael.

Michael's regular image is of amber long hair, wearing a white robe, his wings seem to have a light green color, and he has two artifacts in his hand, the golden scales 'Fairness' held in his left hand, and the bloody scale held in his right hand. The red cross-shaped greatsword 'Judgment'.

After Lucifer fell to heaven, God gave Michael the Seraph Sword to compete with Lucifer who held another Seraph Sword, but most of the time, Michael still preferred his own weapon.

Normally, in order not to appear too harsh, his giant sword would be hidden behind his back in the form of a milky-white Holy Light Cross, but when he entered a battle, it would turn red, as if it was filled with blood.

He is also known as the 'Vice King of Heaven' or the 'Dragon Boy'. The former is easy to understand, because after Lucifer fell to heaven and God separated himself, Michael became the second in command in heaven. After all, he is the body of God. He didn't even have a mouth, only Michael could communicate with him.

The dragon boy mentioned in the latter is even more meaningful, because in the Bible, the dragon represents Satan, and the most famous Satan is Lucifer.

Dragon Boy, translated as Satan's Boy.

Michael always appears with a giant dragon in many paintings. Sometimes he steps on the dragon's head, and sometimes he holds the dragon's head and talks intimately. This all shows that he is Lucifer's best friend and even has a relationship with him. A feeling that goes beyond a close friend.

This relationship did not change because Lucifer fell to heaven. Although the two fought in the thousand-year war until their heads turned into dog brains, that was God's order and could not be disobeyed.

After God and Lucifer reached an agreement on a truce, the archangel became good with Lucifer again.

Before he went crazy, Bobo had heard more than once that the archangel went to the Afterlife nightclub to meet Lucifer for a drink. Many reporters even took photos of the two handsome men embracing each other affectionately.

Lucifer and Michael are so handsome, with a beauty that transcends human common sense and can even affect people's minds.

And Lucifer's territory is Los Angeles, where Hollywood is located. The most popular ones are paparazzi and news brokers. If they can't find news, they just shoot handsome guys and beautiful women to make news.

"Just tell me the conclusion, Bobo, what's the point of telling me Bible stories and gay gossip?"

The more he listened, the more something was wrong. Bobo was even ready to elaborate on the grievances and hatreds between the two angels. His beaming look made him look like a busy old lady, so Su Ming had to interrupt his conversation.

"Oh, well, the titles of Vice King of Heaven and Dragon Boy show that Michael has two nemesis, namely God and Lucifer."

Bobo smacked his lips in regret. He took off his green deerstalker hat and touched his sparse hair:

"But in addition to these two titles, he also has two lesser-known titles, namely 'Sleepless Angel' and 'Protector of Women and Children'. Haha, do you understand what I mean?"

"So that's the idea. You've been a big help. I'll introduce you to another person later."

The little Fu orangutan has already mentioned this. If Su Ming hasn't heard anything yet, it's all in vain.

He really didn't know that Michael had the latter two weaknesses before. He only knew that Michael was also known as the 'Lord of Light' after Lucifer fell to heaven. Logically speaking, he would be able to restrain each other from the concept of 'darkness'. , so he plans to operate on this concept.

But with Bobo's tips, Su Ming discovered another simpler and feasible tactic.

"Then, the certainty of beating Michael now is one thousand percent!"

Seeing Deathstroke suddenly making moves like playing cards, and saying words that were incomprehensible and contrary to common sense, Bobo also understood that the mercenary must have a plan and became ill again.

Deathstroke's mental state has always been a mystery. He seems to be normal all the time, but he also seems to be sick all the time, which is really elusive.

The unknown brought fear, so he was still very afraid. He waved his hands to reject Deathstroke's kindness, and Mao had a look of horror on his face:

"Just help me, but don't introduce me to any more girlfriends. I want to live a few more years. Ever since you introduced the three to me last time, I still have nightmares about three tigers. The tanks were crushing me back and forth."

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