The Death Knell

Chapter 4324 Help

The straight-line distance between Rhode Island and the metropolis is only a few hundred kilometers. After all, they are both cities on the east coast. Flying here with a cloak only takes a few seconds longer than teleportation, and it has an advantage in terms of energy consumption.

Of course I came here to find the Doom Patrol, not the Young Justice League, right? Those kids were of no use in an incident like this.

Flying over the dark forest and flying along the dirt path, the trees here still show their teeth and claws like tree spirits, and they don't look very friendly at night.

When Su Ming landed in front of the mansion, he found that the mecha man was repairing a car not far away. It was the Doom Patrol's broken bus, which was also making a clanging sound at night.

"Hey, Cliff, good evening. Why are you up in the middle of the night repairing this thing instead of sleeping? Are you planning to take the opportunity to run away from home?"

Deathstroke jumped off the flying carpet, waved his cloak back to his shoulders after everyone else landed on their feet, and greeted the mecha man warmly, like an old friend.

The cry of crows came from the woods, adding a strange atmosphere to the already dark night. The mansion behind it looked like a haunted house, and the mecha head lay on the scooter and slid out from under the car:

"Oh, it's Mr. Deathstroke, good evening, and a few members of the Justice League."

He rubbed his hands, which were covered with oil and seemed unsuitable for shaking hands. He just smiled and said:

"As for why I work on my car at night, you know, time doesn't mean much to a guy when his head is buzzing and he's living in a burrito."

What he said was true. After undergoing brain surgery and changing into a steel body, he achieved an alternative form of immortality in disguise.

The lifespan of a brain-controlled robot is almost unlimited, and one of the costs is that it can always hear the hum of electricity passing through its body, every moment, and never stops.

"Oh, man, it sounds like you guys are not having a good day today?" Su Ming patted the shoulder of the robot that sat up and looked at the mansion with a smile: "I think your base is a bit like a haunted house, but it's not worthy of being called a haunted house. Making burritos, it’s less messy, or at least it doesn’t look like it.”

"Oh, that's because you didn't go in and take a look. Oh my god." The robot lay down again and kicked itself under the car. The voice like gold and iron came from the bottom of the car: "Chief seems to be today. I was approached by a ghost, and he was making trouble at home, so I came out to hide."

"Oh? Is it possessed by a ghost?" **'s eyes suddenly became sharp, and he began to wonder if the chief had also been replaced by an impostor.

Deathstroke also had the same suspicion, so he motioned for everyone to go into the room: "Then you can play with the car slowly. We happen to have something to ask Kai for help. It's better to come early than it is a coincidence. By the way, we can also help the chief to see a doctor."

"Thank you, please do so." The mecha man obviously had no intention of accompanying him, and just started working again under the car.

The group of people walked to the door of the villa. Deathstroke raised his hand and pressed the doorbell. Soon Elastigirl came over and opened the door. Everyone saw that she seemed to be melting a little. This should be caused by excessive mental stress.

"Good evening, Rita." Su Ming greeted the other party: "I'm here to visit again. Is it convenient now?"...

"Oh, Deathstroke, good thing you're here."

The former female star gave him a warm hug. People in the 1960s were so warm. She pressed half of her melted face to prevent her eyeballs from falling out, and arranged her beautiful hairstyle like a poster girl:

"Please come in quickly, the chief has some inexplicable problems, we don't know what to do, and Kai seems to be driven crazy and out of control."

Without further ado, seeing that she was speaking so seriously, Su Ming stopped chatting and asked her to lead the way quickly while he followed quickly with the orangutan on his back.

Rita's high heels are very high. When she walks at home, she looks like she is walking on a red carpet. When she steps faster, her twists become even more exaggerated. She is worthy of being a super actress.

If it weren't for the side effects of her superpowers, she would have been more popular than Marilyn Monroe.

It doesn't matter whether the chief dies or not, but if Kai goes crazy and lets out some personality, it won't be much easier than dealing with Lucifer.

This time Rita did not take everyone to the underground experimental area, but went to the study room by turning left and right. After she hurriedly opened the door, Su Ming could see that everyone from the Doom Patrol was there, and there were a few more. Unfamiliar face.

"Hello everyone, I'm here again. I see you have some new members today. Is this a celebration?"

Deathstroke walked in with a smile on his face, completely unable to tell that he had killed someone else's whole family just a few minutes ago. The orangutan on his shoulder also held his pipe and raised his hand as a greeting.

"Ah, you came just in time." The bandaged Negative Man, or Negative Man, was obviously relieved. He stood up and shook hands with Deathstroke: "But you are wrong about one thing. We will not be happy about the increase in members. , because we are all monsters, and our superpowers turn us into monsters that are not accepted by society. Every additional member means there is another unfortunate person in the world."

Larry Horner is right, the Doom Patrol is such an organization, or shelter, that specializes in homeless super-powered monsters.

It feels a bit like the X-Men, but their situation is more complicated and their experiences are more tragic than the X-Men, but the mentality of the members is more stable.

Take the film maker's own situation as an example. He was originally a pilot during World War II, but fell in love with his wingman partner. In that era, homosexuality was an absolute taboo. He kept this secret in his heart, which was very painful.

Later, he was possessed by a negative space creature, and he was stuck at the critical point between reality and the shadow world. Once he had emotional fluctuations, he would probably lose control and be replaced by the alien dimension creature in his body, making him unable to control himself.

"Tsk, don't be so pessimistic, Larry, at least it's better for everyone to stay together and stay warm than to die silently where no one can see." Su Ming patted the other person's arm and nodded to other people in the room.

In addition to Yuan Xi, whom I met last time, and Kai, who now has the personality of an old lady fortune teller, there are a few more people this time.

This time there is also a "folk" with gray hair on his temples and a very unstable mental state; a super muscular man who only wears a pair of animal skins and is still showing bodybuilding movements; he is an alien but has serious delusions of being persecuted Cathy Brinker, who has a personality disorder due to the disease; and Trinone, a magician who doesn't want to kill people but always kills people unintentionally.

Absolutely, the peak lineup of the second-generation Doom Patrol is just one short of the 'Change Girl' Sid.

Every time he sees this team, Su Ming wants to laugh, because these people are so miserable. Seeing them enjoying themselves in the story makes it difficult for you to make other expressions.

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