The Death Knell

Chapter 4391 Tragic Man

Su Ming told Wally that he might not be able to hold on for long. In fact, he was afraid that he would be possessed by the desire to kill, unable to control his bloodthirsty desire, and start killing.

If all the Kryptonians were killed, it would be a small problem.

As for the people who came to keep me company.

It was a shirtless Kryptonian with shawl hair. The uniform and cloak on his upper body were wrapped around his waist like tattered cloth. There was a scar on his chest similar to the letter 'S', which was now scabbed.

The other person has a good figure, not a strong man with exaggerated muscles like Baolang, but a very well-proportioned and strong man. His face is also very handsome, but his skin is a very sickly gray color.

Through the green smoke floating in the air, the other party was flying in the air, staring at the group of people in the dilapidated building from a distance, and shouted angrily:

"Madmen of the Zuo De family! Did you kill Fanze?! Why do you want to destroy the peaceful life on Krypton?!"

When Su Ming heard the other party scolding the Zuode family, Su Ming just laughed. It had nothing to do with him anyway. He stood inside the protective shield and smoked. He also made a Wing Chun gesture and raised his fingers in the sky:

"I won't go out, come here!"

Wally also knew that the situation was not good, and it was not time to dwell on the term 'World-Destroying Catastrophic Flood'. He quickly stepped forward, and was instantly surrounded by lightning, and disappeared in a swish.

With Wally reporting the news, everyone is no longer alone, so even though the teammates don't say anything, their expressions are much more relaxed.

After all, knowing that there is a way out is completely different from the feeling of fighting against the odds, and because the planet under your feet is not the earth at all, it is not appropriate to say that you are fighting against the odds.

But this moment of relaxation was short-lived. As the green mist floating in the air gradually thinned and the energy radiation began to dissipate, the teammates could clearly see the shirtless Kryptonian in the sky.

"How could it be Haile? He should be frozen in the timeline, right?"

Bobo's face turned bitter, and he hugged Deathstroke's neck, obviously a little worried, and whispered quickly:

"Well, I don't know which timeline he slipped through, but you have to be careful, Slade, he may be the strongest Kryptonian warrior we know so far. Clark and Kara are like As weak as a baby.”

"Don't worry, if I don't beat him to death, Superman's face will have to be given. I'm just helping Haier adjust the position of his mouth."

But what about Su Ming who is carrying the monkey? Slowly he took out a few pieces of Kryptonite from his pocket, as if inlaid with infinite gems, and threw them one by one on his fist armor, letting the strangle hold them in place, and answered Bobo with a smile:

"And the orangutan you are talking about is the old man. Although Hail is good, he is still inferior to Judgment Day and Rao. He is just more difficult to guard against through space teleportation, and he is better at using cosmic energy."

If other races had Horr's abilities, even a Senagan would be awesome, but not the Kryptonians.

Their weaknesses are too obvious. As long as you can keep up with them, don't be surprised, and have kryptonite in hand, the Kryptonians are no threat at all.

Hale has the strongest resistance to kryptonite among all Kryptonians, and can maintain combat effectiveness even when irradiated by a red sun generator, but as long as kryptonite is put into his body, he will still be on the street.

Yes, the more kryptonite is used, the more solid the identity of the mastermind of the explosion becomes. So the Haier in front of us is not the problem, but the other death knell hidden in the dark is the problem. People who use their brains are always A difficult problem to solve.

When he was on Krypton, Hal was a space explorer who worked for the great scientist Jor-El. He was a close friend of the Al family and even regarded Joe as his father.

But the actual situation, which he himself didn't even know, was another matter.

He is a hybrid clone made from the genes of several Kryptonians. On Krypton, this technology is illegal. The El family made him to serve as the family's bodyguard, which is why he is so powerful.

The patriarch of the clan at the time, Jor-El, was very kind to him and raised Hale single-handedly. Hale never knew that he was a clone. Instead, because of the mainstream views of Krypton at the time, he hated and hated illegal cloning.

Later, when Jor-El realized that Krypton was about to be destroyed, Hal was exploring the universe on a spaceship and could not return to Krypton.

After Joe sent his biological son Kal-El away in an escape pod, he also contacted Hal and entrusted him to protect the history and knowledge of Krypton in the interstellar space, and to take care of his children.

Of course Haile, who was sincere about his family, agreed, and he followed through on his word, preparing to follow the flight traces of the escape capsule to accompany his little brother.

However, this journey was not smooth. What happened to Superman's cousin Kara also happened to Hale.

He survived many dangers, and by the time he arrived on Earth, Clark was already in his thirties and fully an Earthling.

Superman knew about the destruction of Krypton and the death of his parents, but he believed that the past was over and he could stay on earth and live a good life.

In all aspects, Hal, who was personally trained by Jor-El, is more capable and more ambitious than Clark. He is ready to do a big thing, which is to resurrect Krypton and everyone on Krypton.

If you want to do this, you need to manipulate the timeline and send yourself back to the past, before the destruction of Krypton, to stop the mercenary "old warriors" sent by the "Round Table" to destroy the planet, and change everyone's destiny.

Hal is preparing to build a time machine on Earth, and invites Clark and Kara to join the plan. However, in order to power the machine, the energy of the sun needs to be drained, which means the solar system needs to be destroyed.

Hal didn't care at all whether humans died or not. He just wanted to resurrect Krypton and see his El family members again.

Of course Clark would not agree to this crazy plan, and then Hale broke out into a battle with the Justice League. During this period, there were many love-hate incidents. In the end, Kara pretended to surrender and stabbed Hale in the liver with a fragment of kryptonite in a sneak attack. This event ended.

Hal fell into a wormhole opened by a time machine he built, and then the wormhole exploded, sending him back to the Kryptonian timeline decades ago, where he met young Jor-El.

Six months later, he discovered that Joe was secretly creating a clone, and that clone was actually himself!

He found that he had been deceived, so he changed his mind. He no longer wanted to protect the El family, but wanted to become the tyrant of Krypton.

And he really did it, rewriting the past of Krypton and becoming the only king. Anyone who disobeys him will be killed.

He created his own timeline and story line, which is called the Hal Era or the Hal Dynasty.

But rewriting the original timeline comes at a cost. Superman disappeared due to the change in the timeline. Batman soon smelled the smell and discovered that Krypton still existed in the universe, so the Justice League discovered the traces of Hal. Once again Make war with him.

Thanks to the help of the Speed ​​Force, a group of people destroyed different Hal clones in different timelines, and gradually restored the timeline back to the right track for the explosion of Krypton.

And the last fragment of Hal's timeline was frozen together with time by Clark using his freezing breath, and was discarded in a corner of the time stream that would never be mentioned. Everyone thought that Hal was dead and the matter was over.

At least it's over temporarily, because without the flow of time, the ice will not melt, and Hale will always be frozen, as if he was thrown into a more advanced phantom zone.

Su Ming originally thought so too, but now, a few kilometers away in front of him, there was a ready-made Hai Er floating in the sky. It couldn't be more true.

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