The Death Knell

Chapter 4396 Continuous urging

The golden figure in the sky was stretching its body. Even though it was hundreds of millions of kilometers away, Su Ming seemed to feel a heat wave hitting his face.

Not only did Su Ming recognize Rao, but many Kryptonians swimming in the black water below should also recognize their god. If they didn't have to move their hands and feet to keep themselves afloat, they would probably have started to kneel down and worship by now.

But even though their hands and feet were inconvenient, they still had a look of fanaticism on their faces, and they chanted rhythmically to the sky - "I don't! I don't! I don't!"

Maybe it was because Su Ming didn't learn the Kryptonian language very well, so it sounded a bit strange to him, but considering that Rao is the sun god, there didn't seem to be anything wrong.

"I see, he has been watching us from heaven all the time. God's name makes sense."

Su Ming held the lightsaber in his hand with a sword flower. He stood in mid-air, thinking quietly, and then smiled knowingly, as if he understood something.

Incarnating as a star to bring light and heat to his compatriots, Rao is actually quite interesting, but unfortunately he is a member of 'my lord', so he is an enemy.

It's just that the members of our lord seem to have their own agenda. For example, the Yongjia people want to rob and exterminate mankind, the last 52 coalition forces want to avenge Laughter and destroy the earth, and the sixth death knell is most likely to gain some kind of benefit.

So what is Rao’s motive?

He is already the supreme god of the Kryptonians. He can get whatever he wants. His status is so high that even Superman has to kneel down when he sees him. What else does he have?

Oh, I understand, he wants to go one step further and become the God of all living things?

In this way, the 'My Lord' organization is planning in the seventh heaven, infecting many angels, and the person who proposed and did this is the God of Krypton, Rao, who wants to replace him.

"Slade, think about it quickly. How to fight an enemy as big as a star?"

The orangutan made a small monkey cry, and he was obviously a little nervous.

After all, he is a person on the mysterious side. This Bobo seems to know a lot. No matter what Rao's combat power is, the name of 'God' alone explains a lot. This is not something that ordinary gods dare to use. Generation name.

"Don't panic, size doesn't mean anything, energy is the key."

Su Ming squinted his eyes and looked at the sky. The golden figure was getting bigger and bigger. It should be approaching New Krypton:

"And I noticed that this Rao has no hair, and his appearance is temporarily unclear, but just the fact that he is hairless is different from the real Rao who is exactly the same as Jesus Christ in the legend."

"I see, this is the bald Rao you said before, who was beaten up by the devastation? It is suspected to be the single universe split of the real Rao? Deathstroke, please think of a solution quickly."

Damian nodded and looked into the air through his fingers.

As mentioned before, Rao had two obviously different stages. Before the 'rebirth' incident, he was a white-robed man with long hair and his performance was almost like a pirate god.

After the rebirth incident, Rao reappeared with a bald head. Let’s not talk about other aspects, but his resistance to kryptonite really penetrated the center of the earth.

During the invasion of the Dark Knights, the Laughing Bat and others gathered around to watch. As soon as the Destroyer breathed out his kryptonite breath, the bald Rao collapsed and was captured and brutally beaten. The scene was like the Hulk beating Loki in the MCU. Same.

Is the ravager strong? For Su Ming, who had just arrived in the DC Universe, it was indeed a bit difficult to deal with.

Super self-healing, the more you fight, the stronger you get. If you kill someone the first time with one method, you can't kill them the second time with the same method. These properties are just like bugs, so at first you can only find the first-time fallen and give them away after negotiating terms. Go to hell.

But in fact, he is the one with the worst brains among the many crazy Batmans. He is far worse than Iron Fist, who is still a master of all weapons.

The brute force is not to be feared, only the brains are to be feared.

So Bobo asked Su Ming for a way. There are many ways, but first let's see what this glowing star Rao plans to do.

The opponent flew closer and closer, extending his palm towards the planet. From Deathstroke's perspective, it seemed that he was planning to grab New Krypton into his palm and play with it like a rubber ball.

The palm was still some distance away from the planet, and the high temperature caused the black sea to boil, a large amount of fog rose, and many buildings exposed on the water began to catch fire.

"Is he planning to kill us and all the Kryptonians? Slade, think of a way quickly."

There was a streak of sweat on Donna's forehead. Even though the magic floating cloak could protect everyone from the heat, she was still under a lot of psychological pressure.

"Actually, no Kryptonian can be burned to death. Although I don't know how Rao transformed into the Yellow Sun, he can obviously recharge all Kryptonians." Su Ming touched his chin and looked at the swimming Kryptonian below. The stars, they were all as excited as eating Snickers bars at this time.

In the past Superman stories, every time he encountered a powerful enemy, Superman would run to the sun to take a bath to recharge his batteries, and he would soon return full of energy to complete the counterattack.

Obviously, other Kryptonians can also get light and heat from Rao. If this continues, the other party may issue an oracle, allowing all Kryptonians to fly as much as they want, and then surround and kill everyone.

Of course, surrounding and killing the invaders should be just a matter of course. Su Ming guessed that Rao transformed into the Yellow Sun and recharged the people of New Krypton, probably because he wanted to launch a war of faith similar to the Crusades.

Heaven has been corrupted, so what comes next? Once heaven and hell are unified, it means he has mastered one of the important sources of mysterious power. Then he will truly become a god?

This is not possible.

"Wait for me here, Shazam. Protect everyone. Kryptonians generally have no magic resistance. If anyone comes close, shock them hard." He patted the big boy on the shoulder and put the orangutan down. Su Ming left his cloak to take care of everyone. , and he soared into the sky with weapons in hand, a look of high-spirited fighting on his face.

But it doesn't seem like he is serious.

Because let alone the concept of Sigma, he didn't even use darkness, he just used a little cosmic energy from the light ring, dragging the colorful rays straight into the sky like a will-o'-the-wisp in middle age.

It only took a moment to break through the planet's atmosphere, and he came into the vast universe. Facing the huge palm pressing down among the stars, he took out a piece of kryptonite with sharp ends from his pocket.

He weighed it in his hands and moved his neck:

"Adjutant, throw Pym particles at me. I'm going to conjure up an oversized Kryptonite spear, or a Kryptonite pitchfork."

"The teleportation is activated, but Sheriff, why is it a pitchfork? Do you have any idea?" The deputy showed a cute and puzzled expression.

The kryptonite in Su Ming's hand began to grow rapidly, turning into a pillar with the diameter of Kandor City. With a strange smile, he replied: "Ah, haha, well, because it doesn't matter what kind of weapon it turns into, I just wanted to have some fun."

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