The Death Knell

Chapter 4406 Meeting a musician on the road

"A sneeze! A sneeze! A sneeze!"

Wade, who was half-opening his mask and drinking beer, sneezed a series of times, and a pool of snot was sprayed on his crotch. He quickly grabbed the viscous fluid with his hand, and when one hand was not enough, he stuffed half a can of beer into it. My wife put up her hands and explained:

"Old fellows, I feel like someone must be talking bad about me behind my back. My nose is extremely itchy, but it's okay. I'm worried about what to do for everyone. Here's the material. I'll show you how to blow bubbles. Come on, let’s take a look at the gifts!”

After saying that, he made a gesture of stuffing a large puddle of snot in his hands into his mouth, as if he was going to use it to perform a bubble blowing performance.

This is actually just a joke. He is not an old man, so how could he eat dirty things? It's just for the show effect and non-existent virtual gifts.

Mainly because he was a little envious when he saw Harley eating bubble gum but didn't give him a piece.

But at this moment, the ring road, which was originally illuminated only by fireworks in the sky, suddenly erupted with bright light, and a vortex composed of flames suddenly appeared in front of the road, attacking the front of the truck like a giant mouth.

Ghost Face immediately stepped on the brakes and turned the steering wheel to make the car hit the building on the roadside instead of plunging into the whirlpool of flames.

When she found someone blocking the road ahead, Harley jumped out of the window. She did a forward somersault in the air and landed firmly in the middle of the road.

While the others were basically fine even if they were involved in a car accident, Xia Jialu showed up and used magic to cover her husband and Ghost Face. Those in the back row are each more rough-skinned and thicker than the other.

"Ding, check, check"

The flame vortex disappeared, and the sound of a flip lighter came from behind the vortex, and a little spark illuminated the face in the darkness. It was a handsome-looking man in a windbreaker who was clean from head to toe.

Carrying Dorothy on her shoulders, Harley blew a bubble, popped it with a pop, rolled it back into her mouth with her flexible little tongue, and spread her big smile:

"Ha, is that Constantine from another world? He's quite courageous. He dares to stop a car by himself. I've already thought about bundling a fool like you on a firework and launching it to the moon. Are you interested? ?"

"Cough cough cough! Ouch!"

The purple demon transformed by Xia Kaila landed next to Harley, and she hugged Wade like a princess.

It's just that at this time, Deadpool opened his mouth and kept making sounds of unknown meaning. He also kept pointing at his mouth, very anxiously.

It turned out that Wade, who had just stopped suddenly with his ghost face and opened his mouth to pose, shook his hands holding the snot, and the big ball of snot poured directly into his mouth, without any precaution, and stuck to his throat.

Due to oral cancer, the teeth in Deadpool's mouth were so loose that he couldn't stop chewing his own snot! I feel like I'm suffocating!

Fortunately, there are also well-informed Killer teammates. Although they usually don't talk, don't participate in complaints, and the live broadcast effect is not good, they are all talents and have sufficient anatomy experience.

Mike strode over, raised the kitchen knife in his hand, checked it, and performed a tracheotomy on Deadpool.

Even though the carotid artery was severed and the cervical vertebrae were broken in half, ventilation was possible. Mike did not take the credit. He wiped the knife with the palm of his hand very carefully.

Deadpool quickly inserted his fingers into the trachea from the broken part, and with a loud squeeze, he finally pulled out the maltose-like snot, and he let out a comfortable breathing sound like a broken bellows.

"It turns out it's a group of people like you who keep killing my 'friends', haha." Doomsday Blues took a puff of cigarette with great energy and slowly clapped his hands: "A group of deformed clowns, a group of pathetic social scum, The thought of dying in the apocalypse with you people makes me want to puke, duh.”

He really spit out a mouthful of phlegm, much like the local Zha Kang, but the smile on his face looked like a fake smile, as if plastic or wax had been solidified on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense. I've seen a lot of pretentious doomsday prophets like you in Gotham." Harley had no intention of rushing up to attack him. She wanted to wait for Deadpool to recover and let her cousin try the water. , so she just kept talking: "The final result for you lunatics is that the waste cardboard with the words 'The end is coming' will be snatched away by passers-by, and then you will die alone in the cold sewer, haha."

Unlike the other party, Harley's smile is genuine at all times. She laughs when she wants to, cry when she wants to, and rarely hides her emotions.

The personalities of the two sides are obviously different, so naturally they don't talk much about each other.

Constantine, codenamed Doomsday Blues, began to cast spells quickly, which was not common for Zha Kang on Earth 0. The previous fire dragon magic was thrilling enough, but now he was trying to summon another big guy.

A huge door made of obsidian slowly emerged behind him.

As the spell was recited quickly, the door glowed red, and the obsidian turned back into magma again, seemingly flowing.

Immediately afterwards, the door opened, and an army poured out from behind the door. They looked a bit like demons, but they were different from the common hell demons. Their colorful skin showed that they came from another dimension.



Breathing the air of the main dimension, these monsters roared with excitement, and then dragged their deformed flesh and blood weapons and launched a charge towards the target in front of them.

Doomsday Blues just dropped a smile, twisted on the spot a few times, and then disappeared into the vast sea of ​​monsters.

He threw out a lot of powerful soldiers, but he escaped.

It really slipped away. Harry could still see his dirty glass-like thought bubble, but now he couldn't see anything.

"Don't go! Hey! Are you a man?" Deadpool jumped up. He held his head with one hand and held a knife in the other hand: "Come here and fight with your Deadpool for three hundred rounds. You can only do this." The shaking bug, @#!% @!@#@%!\u0026¥!(\u0026%@##!”

It's so dirty. The curse words that Deadpool masters are so dirty that they sound like a muffled sound to others.

Oh, it was the beeping sound coming from his own mouth, because he knew that those words would be blocked or cut even if he said them, so he simply saved trouble and reduced the workload in the later stages of the film.

It's a pity that scolding is useless. Doomsday Blues has no intention of coming back to fight, and the army is already in front of them.

As the missionary of hell, Nailhead immediately began to rub his own mysterious cube and spread out hell to fight. The other demons and humans showed no fear, raised their weapons and rushed towards the army.

In the blink of an eye, there was a bloody collision, and the two sides fought together.

The tactical choice of Doomsday Blues is very clear. The murderous team used to bully the few with more people, and sniped the members of the "Last 52" one by one.

Then he would bring out more people and retaliate in his own way. This army of demons from another dimension, at least tens of thousands of monsters, was still pouring out from the door.

Now, the killers seem to be at a disadvantage.

"Shake people, Harley, call people quickly. Isn't Gotham your territory?" Deadpool waved his two knives in front of his sister-in-law. He was stabbed to death by the demon's weapons, but he was still vomiting blood. Urging my sister-in-law: "It's better to get someone stronger and faster. We may not be able to withstand it for long. There are too many monsters, and they have bad breath. Oh, they even bite my feet. It tastes so strong!"

The defense line was in danger, and the low-level demons relied on brute force, but quantity caused a qualitative change.

"Be fast, and be stronger." Harley took back the sledgehammer, kicked away the little devil that was coming towards her, and quickly backed away towards the truck with her cell phone: "Ah, I got it, I'll make a call right now."

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