The Death Knell

Chapter 4427 Catching Piglets

He runs away, he chases, he can't fly.

Although when he noticed that Donna was jumping over to pounce on him, Hermes made an emergency change of direction, and his whole body was almost level with the ground in order to turn, just to avoid the tigress's prey.

But in mid-air, Donna threw out the lasso at the moment when the speed lightning wrapped around her body was about to fade away.

As her special skill, Donna is very proficient in using the lasso. No cowboy can compare with the two sisters. She jumped up on Wally's shoulders and jumped more than 20 meters away from the target, only 20 meters away from the target. When she was at a distance, it was impossible for her to miss.

After all, it was forged from the belt of Titan Gaia. It was also an artifact, and even had some automatic tracking capabilities.

In the past, there have been many situations where the enemy grabbed the lasso and caused a tug of war, but Donna's lasso has never failed.

The golden rope swung around Hermes' ankle like a snake that came alive, and then she pulled hard.



The two collided and turned into a rolling gourd, leaving a big hole in the grassland.

Wally stopped suddenly, came to the side of the pit and looked into it, and saw Donna sitting on the back of the prey, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"How's the situation? Oh, let me help you."

He jumped down into the pit and hurriedly helped her suppress the struggling prisoner. It wasn't until the noose tied up the enemy's hands and feet like a piggy that Wally had time to ask about Donna's injuries.

The Flash is always like this, his actions are much quicker than his words.

The female warrior who clapped her hands and head stood up, checked herself and then lightly kicked Hermes, panting unsteadily:

"It's not a big problem. I used a shield to cushion it. It's just a little short of breath and bleeding from the shock. It's just a minor matter."

"That's good, come on, I'll take you back."

The man in red uniform puffed up his face, blew out a long breath, and then smiled.

Being tied up with the noose of persuasion, Hermes seemed to have become demented.

On the way back, he was quiet.

His eyes were dull, his mouth was half-open, and when he was carried on his shoulders, his saliva wet a large piece of Wally's uniform.

Anyone with less willpower than Donna will do this, lose their own will, and become a reading machine that answers every question.

Hermes is a messenger. He does not have any outstanding achievements. What he is best at is escaping. This kind of god cannot talk about the existence of willpower.

When they returned to Deathstroke, only about ten seconds had passed. Everything happened so fast that outsiders couldn't even understand the thrilling speed. The vision became narrow and all kinds of models were in the peripheral vision. The vague feeling of lake and lake color spots.


As soon as Wally put the prisoner down, before he could say anything, Damian walked over and slapped Hermes.

For this purpose, he also specially put on the power amplifier invented by King Robin. With this slap, he almost knocked the messenger into the soil, leaving a purple bruised palm mark on the other person's face, making the god's head shake. The doll usually moves back and forth from side to side.

"Huh? What happened?" Wally was confused. He looked at the expressionless boy in confusion: "Robin, do you have a grudge against Hermes? I don't know whether you Teen Titans and O There is an intersection in Limpis."

"You may have."

Damian put down his palm, glanced at the noose holding the captive, then glanced at Donna, and silently retreated to Deathstroke.

He gave Wally an ambiguous answer, and whether he believed it or not was not his concern.

Deathstroke said he wanted to slap this god, so he would do it. Only then would he be an obedient child.

Maybe this way, one day, my father will be willing to admit it head on.

"Don't worry about those details, Wally." Su Ming touched the head of the boy next to him, stuffed a bag of chocolates into his arms as a reward, and slowly stepped forward, his shadow covering the kneeling god: "Isn't he just an old man? God? Your teammates hit him and you still want to ask why?"

"That's right! You have to stand firm. You are a human superhero."

Bobo on Deathstroke's shoulder kept waving his hands to signal Wally to get out of the way, his face as disgusting as if he was shooing away flies:

"Hermes is not even a human being. Even if we kill him, the three giants of Zhenglian will not have any objections. You go and rest quickly. Here, the thirty pizzas over there are specially prepared for you by Deathstroke. I’m worried you’ll be hungry when you come back.”

On the grass not far away, there were indeed thirty flat paper boxes. I don’t know why Deathstroke would carry such things with him.

"Oh, that, I know." Wally glanced at the pizza, then at the captives, and decisively chose the food: "You're right, Bobo, when the gods want to deal with us, they and the aliens There is no difference between people anymore.”

Having said that, he still didn't want to see the murder scene, so his expression was inevitably a little sad.

"I'm glad that you can figure this out. Anyway, Wally, you saved the earth and humanity again, thank you for your hard work."

Throwing out the 'high hat' and buckling it on Wally, Su Ming patted the man on the shoulder, and a demon-like hoarse voice came from behind the mask, full of persuasion:

"Go ahead, sit over there and eat slowly, and let Shazam accompany you. Donna and I are going to interrogate Hermes to see how much he knows."

In fact, the pizza is not specially prepared for Wally, but a backup plan made in advance in case he wants to travel to the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" one day, because this kind of food is simply delicious for the four little turtles. Just like catnip has the same effect on cats.

However, there is nothing wrong with giving it to Wally today. No matter what he thinks, if the task assigned to him is completed, then he must be rewarded.

Wally may not care about other things, but when Deathstroke said that he saved the earth and mankind, the Flash was immediately happy, and he felt much less guilty about his past mistakes.

"Well! Then I'm not welcome!"

His mood became brighter, and his appetite also improved. He didn't even plan to leave a few pieces for Shazam who was playing on his mobile phone, and just grabbed the pizza box and showed it off.

After sending Wally aside, Su Ming took off his mask, lit a cigarette, and then nodded to his sister-in-law who was holding the noose, signaling the interrogation to begin.

"Say! What is this place?!"

After receiving the instruction, Donna pulled the noose and asked the question in ancient Greek.

Hermes, who was like a pig, gave the answer mechanically. He replied in English with eyes blank:

"This is the world of Atlas, and all of us live in this world."

Donna, who was holding the rope, frowned. She didn't understand, but when she saw Deathstroke and Bobo's expressions of understanding at the same time, she knew.

Deathstroke always has a way.

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