The Death Knell

Chapter 4525 Triple Gate

"This cave seems to be a dimensional entrance?"

Covered by the cloak's concealment, Deathstroke and his team were currently suspended above the heads of the people from Earth. Although they knew they would not be discovered, Hela's voice was still very low when she spoke.

She looked at Loki and Thor below with a bit of sadness in her eyes, but she focused more on Frigga.

Seeing the Queen sitting on the excavated stone chair with her eyes closed and resting, Hela rubbed the hem of her dress with her fingers. She didn't know what she was thinking, but what she said was about business.

"What you saw is correct. Although it is not very obvious, there are indeed entrances to some dimensions hidden in the darkness ahead."

Su Ming nodded as he looked at the Avengers. He sat cross-legged on his cloak and supported his chin with his fist.

"Some?" Carol raised her hand to ask. She tilted her head and frowned, "I know what dimensions are, but what do you mean when you say some?"

"If my knowledge of Earth's language is correct, I think some of them should mean plural."

Thanos covered his Infinity Gauntlet with his hand, as if caressing the power gem intentionally or unintentionally, as if it could make him feel more at ease and get rid of the fact that death ran away with people.

"Thank you. If I really need a dictionary, I will definitely ask you." Carol rolled her eyes at Zishu and spat out some yin and yang words. "Of course I understand." Some of them represent the plural in themselves, but I I don’t understand why there are “some” dimensional entrances here.”

The Mad Titan didn't bother to argue with her, he just tilted his head and stopped talking.

Su Ming thought about this, took out an ordinary pistol from his pocket, skillfully unscrewed the warhead, and poured the gunpowder into the palm of his hand:

"I don't know how much you know about magic theory. I'm not a spell caster, so I'll just give you a rough idea..."

Carol nodded repeatedly and interrupted with a cute expression: "But you are the Supreme Mage."

"I told you before, the Supreme Mage is not necessarily the strongest spell caster, he can also be the person who can restrain the mages the most, such as me."

Shrugging, Su Ming put his palms between the four of them and pushed away the orange cat's curious paws to prevent it from eating the gunpowder particles:

"Getting back to the subject, we all know that magic is a way of using energy. It can also be regarded as a method of using mental power to mobilize energy to change matter. But in any case, its essence is exchange. It’s not necessarily equivalent, but there must be an exchange.”

"It makes sense, and the lower the level of the creature, the greater the base, and the more it consumes."

Thanos spoke out in support. He actually does not like to kill powerful creatures, but prefers to massacre weak people on a large scale. If the number is large enough, there will be more souls provided for death.

Of course, it is no longer necessary now. After the multi-fusion incident, there is now only the world of 40K left in the multiverse. There are still many painful souls floating in those annihilated universes. Maybe they all come here. , his goddess would not be able to digest it in tens of billions of years.

But last time Thanos heard Deadpool say some dirty words, saying that Deathstroke still holds six pocket worlds in his hand, namely 40K-1 to 40K-6. Doesn’t he know that there are also clones of death in those worlds? Where are these parallel universes hidden?

Maybe it's in a certain dimension...

As for Thanos, a tech guy, how did he know about the concept of dimensions?

It’s a long story, but advanced civilizations in the universe all know an example. Asgard is actually in the inner dimension. It is at the critical point between the other dimension and the main dimension, like a dock connecting different levels. .

"Well, it can be understood that way. What I want to talk about next is exchange. The more common one we have is the energy release process, which is actually converting matter into energy, such as burning coal, burning wood, burning corpses, etc."

Taking out a small bottle of wine, Su Ming took a sip of wine, grinned, and continued:

"The situation in front of us is actually similar. The enemies we are looking for used the energy generated by the collision of three planets to create three

different levels of material dimensions. The other party has a very good magician. What I call good is almost at the level of a dimensional demon. "

After speaking, he rubbed his hands vigorously, and the gunpowder in his palm was ignited, blooming with light and releasing energy.

But then, he activated the Time Stone again, and the result was that the spreading fire light was frozen, forming a solid shape like a sapling.

"But to do this kind of thing, not just any demon can do it, right?" Hela thought for a moment and shook her head gently: "There should be only four ancient ancient gods in my memory who can create a material dimension for living things to survive in." God can do it.”

The four ancient gods mentioned here are Oshutu, Gaia, Sithorn and Set.

"Ah, actually there are also those ruthless people from the outer dimension, such as the Moon and Sun Demon Gods, but these guys are just staying at home, so don't worry." Su Ming nodded and confirmed Hela's statement, and added He said: "Most dimensional demons are just occupiers of dimension fragments that have already been formed, not creators."

"Then where did our enemy learn the dimension-making technology?" Carol understood now, and she petted the cat faster.

"There are too many ways. It is possible that the Death Seed has this function. Don't forget the time of its birth. It is a classic antique." Deathstroke did not continue this meaningless conjecture, but turned to look at found the way to the cave.

Very good, Little Spider and Treasure Girl have also arrived, and they are now hiding at the corner of the rock wall behind to spy on the adults.

I don’t know if there are any special unspoken rules. Su Ming discovered very early that in many worlds, old antiques are more valuable than new ones, such as the Warhammer Universe or the Dark Tower. The older things are, the better. , it would be even more incredible if something was born at the beginning of the universe.

As for the Death Seed in the Marvel Universe, even though it only touched the tail of the First Firmament Era, it can be regarded as one of the most ancient things.

"Then what should we do now? It seems that Loki didn't see anything, or he saw something but didn't want to tell everyone."

Carol stopped petting the cat and looked down at the world outside the cloak. She sighed:

"If everyone blindly enters the unknown dimension, that is not good news for us. Just rescuing them would be like being led by the enemy."

"At least Loki won't go in. She will only try to trick Thor into going in."

Hela touched her lips and smiled slightly. She had already seen through something.

The crazy Zishu narrowed his eyes and whispered:

"I don't understand, Deathstroke, even if they all die here, it doesn't matter. The incompetent waste is dead when it dies. You can create better minions, and the useless life should end." "

That's right, this is Thanos's style. In the past, his crew were expendable.

Dead? If they die, blame themselves for being too weak! The weak should be eliminated and do not deserve to be alive and wasting resources.

"Thanos, this is the biggest difference between you and me. This is also the difference between Titans and humans. We are social animals, and anyone can provide emotional value to others."

After listening to Zitu's words, Su Ming dug into his pocket and took out a small in-ear headphone. He weighed it in his hand and said with a smile:

"In addition, what I hope is that one day after I realize my wish, others of the same kind can enjoy the scenery I can see together, instead of being like you, finding a corner of the universe alone, silently picking manure and farming, and doing it yourself Think he is a god."

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