The Death Knell

Chapter 453 Sea Lord Orm

Fighting endless monsters in a dark place reminded Su Ming of the "Starship Troopers" he once watched.

Of course, in the movie, the bug's nest is a perfect example of lighting, and even the moles on the brainworm's face can be clearly seen.

The reality is definitely not like this. The Haitou people were originally fearless of death, but the second mutation made them even crazier. Now they are like an underwater Zerg army.

They rushed at several people from different angles, but Yeying obviously believed in Black Alice. She just lay down next to the big hole in the floor, drawing a magic circle, and left her back completely to Lori to take care of.

Lori is not used to the tentacle attack method. As a human with only two hands, it would be difficult for anyone to suddenly become a soft creature that can extend infinite tentacles.

She tried her best at this time, but she could only control six tentacles at the same time, so the mage often needed the help of two warriors around her.

Anyway, Su Ming's tactic is to use light. From time to time, he will let the God Killer burst out with strong light, and the task of guarding Ye Ying's back is left to him by Strangler and Magic Floating Cloak.

Strangler's attack is very deadly, and it still has time to chew on the heads of the Haitou people and suck their brains.

The magic floating cloak is watertight in defense, and it can always block the enemies that Lori misses.

There is nothing wrong with the Blue Devil. Although his efficiency is a bit low, he needs the trident to penetrate the body of the Haitou clan and activate his uniform ability to incinerate them. Otherwise, three holes will not cause any harm to the Hidden clan.

But he is very flexible and can defend and protect himself well enough.

This is the situation now. The team is surrounded by endless trench tribes, and the enemies are surrounding a few people like a revolving door.

They extended their claws, roared silently, and pounced from all angles.

Either by swimming directly and charging, or by sneak attack through the ceiling, the black shadows kept falling in the opposite direction like dumplings being dropped from the pot.

The turbid seawater, filled with unknown suspended solids, was constantly being stirred.

However, Deathstroke's martial arts skills were superb. With him blocking the direction of the big hole, it was easier for the three of them to defend him from other directions.

Deathstroke is like a black and yellow wall, no one can cross his defense line.

But the murlocs would only pry open the corpses in front of them and rush forward desperately. There were more, pouring out from the big hole in the floor.

It seems endless.

The slippery enemy with a slimy sheen flowed out of the big hole like liquid. Su Ming's movements at this time were more like a high-frequency version of whack-a-mole.

Often more than a dozen Trench Tribes would emerge at the same time. He would need to make a series of calculations and predictions in a few tenths of a second to swing a cross section with the weapon in his hand to cut off the heads and bodies of the enemies.

At this time, it is necessary to defend against attacks from other directions.

The Haitou tribe must have bypassed the edge of the city plate and came up from below, because at this time, enemies began to pour in outside the door.

This time I was truly surrounded.

Fortunately, time was on Su Ming's side, and Ye Ying's magic circle was ready.

She stood up, made an OK gesture, and then started it.

Then Su Ming saw the Haigou tribe pouring out of the cave. Before they had time to react, they disappeared silently into another black hole corresponding to the underground cave.

I thought it would be like a toilet flushing, a whirlpool coming out and sweeping them away, but now this process of falling directly into the cracks of the world looked more like they were eaten by invisible creatures.

This is just a trial run, so the teleportation scale is very small, but there is no need to defend the direction of the cave entrance.

Now according to the plan, Su Ming should call the upside-down man and negotiate a deal with him.


The situation on Batman's side is getting worse and worse, and now all the available people in the entire Hall of Justice have been dispatched.

But as time goes by, more and more heroes can't bear it. They either suffer mental breakdown or turn into fish for various reasons.

All this was seen by Batman, and the Hall of Justice continued to echo with broadcasts commanding evacuation, and the red emergency lights also turned on.

All satellites outside the earth have been destroyed by aliens, many warships have begun to penetrate the atmosphere, and the Justice League's communications have been almost completely interrupted.

So no matter where the heroes are, they are on their own.

Neither Batman nor the Justice League could give them any better advice.

In fact, what they should do is to run for their lives quickly, but Batman will not say such words, which means that there will be a huge rout on a global scale.

He needs them to delay so that Zhenglian scientists have time to find the location where alien sea water pours into the earth.

And this 'faucet' shouldn't be a waterfall that suddenly appears in the sky, but a spring or fountain somewhere under the sea level.

Surveying the world's waters is not easy under these circumstances.

Batman called Megan and contacted Superman and Barry, asking them to prepare while helping other heroes around the world.

Once the faucet was discovered, he needed them to act immediately and turn it off by any means necessary.

"Call ended, Batman is offline."

The situation is very bad. The scenes on many screens of the surveillance host are no longer needed. Batman has turned them off.

No matter where the focus was before, it is now a vast country, completely occupied, and the former heroes have grown gills.

There are more and more black screens, and the gray monitors are glowing coldly, staring at Batman like an abyss.

He leaned back in the chair, still holding the can in his hand, while the Martian girl emerged from the side with an awkward look on her face.

"I'm not a computer or a communicator. When you're done talking to them, just say, 'Megan, I'm done.'"

Batman ignored her complaints and continued to give her orders in an unchanging tone.

"Until communication is restored, I need you to help me contact Barry and Superman. Cyborg's backup communication plan should be online. We need to speed up."

Cyborg has another method, through the sonic boom technology of the Mother Box, to transmit signals to the echo layer of the blood domain, and to emit sound waves through the Wall of Origin, so that he can even communicate with any multiverse.

Although a section of the wall of origin is broken, it can be used in other directions.

Cyborg is not here now, but Batman can use technology to imitate this. Although multiverse communication is impossible, he can still restore communication to the earth through the echo of the Wall of Origin.

Batman has long been prepared for Star Wars, and when the enemy cuts off Earth's communications, he will activate this plan.

"Blue Beetle is in charge of this. He supervises and protects the scientists at the secret base station."

Megan's psychic ability immediately found Ted Coad. Blue Beetle was in an underground bunker somewhere in Detroit. Almost under the eyes of the Sky Eye Society, there was a secret laboratory of Zhenglian.

There is no doubt that they are now completely submerged in water. Although the underground bunker is very waterproof, food, water, and even oxygen are all limited.

If the Justice League cannot solve the current flood problem, all those people will be suffocated underground.

"Do you need me to do anything else? I can feel that you are worried about the Bat Family. Do you want me to help you contact them?"

"They are rushing to the temporary shelter to maintain order. Get out of my head now. I didn't call you here from the Titans to give me a psychological evaluation."

Batman knows Barbara will make the right choice, she is the calmest of all the Batgirls.

Worry? Maybe some, but right now the Bat Family's safety is not as high a priority as the safety of the world.

Megan pouted, okay, if you don’t want to contact me, don’t contact me. Why are you so cruel?

Batman felt Megan leave his brain, and the feeling of being spied on disappeared:

"Tell the science department of the Hall of Justice that if they can't find the location of the seawater injection as soon as possible, they must be prepared to give Batman an explanation."

"Well, I'll find a nicer way of saying it, but I'll give them a hint of fear and they'll figure it out."

Megan scratched her head, she didn't want to act too 'bat-like'. And as long as it can achieve its goal, Batman doesn't care about the details.

"Continue to evacuate the halls and allow the cooks and cleaners to take shelter."

Megan moved closer, she wanted to see the monitoring host: "What about you?"

"I must ensure that the containment measures of the general complex will not go wrong." Batman turned his chair and looked at the few screens that were still on: "I broke all the bones in my body to get it from the Legion of Doom, and There's no way I'm going to lose it here."

"If I abandon Batman while there are still unresolved problems, Uncle Ron will be very, very angry." Megan touched her arm. She only heard that Batman planned to defend the Hall of Justice. She won't leave either.

A white light flashed in Batman's eyes, and he adjusted his posture slightly: "When the science team evacuates, I will go with them and completely seal this place... Now help me contact Superman."

Megan nodded, she believed Batman's words: "As you command."


The situation on Mera's side is just as bad, and the Justice League simply can't spare the manpower to help her.

And as her water curtain protecting the city was broken, Poseidonis has now completely fallen, with only a few spiers still above the water.

Mera's guards and advisors all turned into murlocs and attacked her.

And she used her water control ability to form a protective film on the surface of her body to isolate the purple sea water, and she rushed out of the crowd of fish.

At this time, the only help she could think of was on the top of the tall tower, which was a lonely prison.

The once prosperous Poseidonis is now in chaos. A strange fish-man army appears in the city, and the splendid buildings are rapidly falling silent.

She swam quickly through the water, protected by the hard water, and climbed to the top of the tower while wielding her weapons to fight off the murlocs.

The walls are dry, which is good.

Mera mobilized her powers, and the hard water strengthened her strength, and she removed the bars of the cell with her bare hands.

"We have had conflicts before, but now Atlantis needs you. Not only your compatriots, but all creatures on the earth need you. Orm, will you help me?"

Orm was locked in place by metal chains as thick as his thighs, and his dark purple armor was still on his body. When Atlantis rose to the surface, he also needed armor to block the sunlight shining into the cell outside the window.

Orm smiled, and he looked up at Mera, who was holding his weapon in her hand.

"You and Arthur have always regarded me as a monster, but everything I did was for Atlantis..." Orm stretched out his hand to her. He needed a weapon to cut off the iron chain: "Yes, of course I will help you, Mera, today...the world needs the Sea Lord!"

Mera didn't hesitate. She threw the silver trident in her hand to Orm and turned to fight the pursuers with hard water.

Orm immediately cut off the chains that trapped him and picked up his helmet from the corner of the cell. He moved his wrist slightly and felt the heavy weight of the familiar trident in his hand.

"Come with me, there are several artifacts in the city of Poseidonius that can reverse the disadvantages."

Mera also let the hard water protect Orm, and the two jumped into the deep purple water again from the other side of the spire.

Although Orm is slightly inferior to Arthur, he is still a very powerful warrior. Under his protection, they can advance very smoothly.

Of course, the most important thing is that Orm is ruthless and will use any means to achieve his goals.

Those who became fishmen were once his subjects, and he didn't hesitate at all. He slashed and stabbed with the trident in his hand, leading Mera to fight a bloody path.

They returned to the flooded city, and Orm took her around in the maze-like palace corridors.

The trident in Orm's hand danced wildly, and several fish-men fell apart instantly, and he also laughed and teased Mera.

"It seems that my people are very 'respectful' of their new queen."

Mera just used water to push the fishman away. She didn't want to kill anyone: "Speaking of this now? I have to remind you that my water control technique is the only way to ensure that you will not turn into a monster."

Orm shrugged, broke a fish-man's neck, and pulled off the other person's head like a fruit.

Well, with such a skillful threat method, and threatening other people's lives without any concern, Mera is indeed more suitable to be the king than Arthur, and Orm has changed a lot about his sister-in-law.

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