The Death Knell

Chapter 4531 The team that was broken up

This time, Su Ming witnessed with his own eyes how people disappeared. Not only did he see it with his eyes, but he also felt the movement of those dimensions swallowing people up through the darkness.

Like some beast lurking in the darkness, the dimensional entrance is like a mouth, hooding its prey.

It feels a bit like a magic trick that transforms a person into a living person. You cover the person with a piece of black cloth, and when you remove the cloth and look at it, the person is gone.

"It's strange. Which person is thrown into which dimension seems to be completely random." Su Ming asked the cloak to lead everyone to follow Jessica. The female detective was also swallowed by a dimensional entrance just now: "But I feel that we The enemy shouldn’t be so casual. At least if it were me, I would definitely make targeted arrangements for different people.”

"Maybe our enemy doesn't understand the heroes on Earth?" Carol took a deep breath, and everyone was ready to enter the dimension: "It's also possible that the enemy is a fool?"

The cloak silently began to lower its height, sinking into the open invisible entrance, like getting into the belly of a lion while it was sleeping with its mouth open.

” I hope it’s the former, and it’s unlikely that the enemy is a fool. "

Everyone, including Thanos, was amused by Carol's statement. Hela smiled and held Captain Marvel's shoulders:

"Because it's impossible for a fool to become a spellcaster. Our enemies currently show good abilities, and powerful mages are often accumulated over time. Idiots can't live that long."

Deathstroke, who was walking at the front of the flying carpet, nodded. Hela was not wrong. At least most of the time, mages needed to accumulate.

Although the Marvel world does not require dark thoughts like DC, if you think about things too simply, you will often die.

"Okay, no amount of guessing is of any use. Why don't we see with our own eyes what kind of dimension our enemies have created, and whether it's as fun as my blood-seeking ice city."

As he spoke, the space around everyone began to distort. It was not the smooth teleportation feeling, but like sitting on a boat and suddenly encountering a crazy dog ​​wave, bumping up and down violently.

If the cloak was a hard object, Su Ming would doubt whether he would hear such a clanking sound.

But the good news is that everyone saw the light before their eyes and entered the dimension smoothly without attracting the attention of the enemy.

Jessica was sucked in by this dimension, but Su Ming's first impression was that it was more like a parallel world, because not only did it have scenes exactly like the cities on Earth, but there were also many humanoid creatures moving around.

Of course, if you exclude the tentacled creatures that appear and disappear under the river, it would be more like it.

"Is it the Ancient One?"

Deathstroke is not the only person with super vision. After seeing the tentacles crawling like earthworms deep in the river bottom, Hela immediately became alert. She obviously also had some allergic symptoms to the ancient ones.

"It's not clear yet. Don't think of those indescribable existences when you see tentacles, because many other concepts can also express themselves in the form of tentacles, such as darkness and chaos, growth and distortion."

Su Ming comforted her. This was not nonsense, because he did not feel the breath of the ancients here. …

You must know that when the universe was cancerous, he could be said to have seen all the known ancient existences. He was sure that if he met an "acquaintance", his hair would stand up immediately.

What about here? There is no familiar feeling.

This dimension now seems more like it was created by a lunatic who had seen both the Ancient One and the Earth, fusing the characteristics of both.

Putting aside those things, the first thing is to find Jessica Jones. He is the most lacking talent type on the 40k earth - a detective, and cannot be lost easily.

"It feels like England here." Carol sniffed hard, then immediately covered it with her hands, retched and said, "Alcohol, urine, steam engines, environmental pollution, what kind of crazy dream have we entered? ?」

"It's not a dream, everything here exists in reality."

Thanos who keeps moving his fingers

Shaking his head, he then looked at Deathstroke. With a serious expression, he hinted that he could no longer smell the goddess' scent.

The things here are very real, but a world without the goddess is meaningless to him.

"Don't worry, Thanos, take it step by step. Once we crack the enemy's three dimensions, where else can they hide the goddess of death?"

Su Ming, who started looking for someone calmly, took a puff of cigarette and exhaled it slowly. He squinted his eyes and scanned every street in the riverside city:

"Think about it, you can't find the goddess directly, then if we are running around like headless flies, and our enemies are hiding around with the goddess, and are playing hide and seek with us in these dimensions, then when will we be able to find the goddess? Is it over?"

"What is a fly? What is peek-a-boo?" Zishu narrowed his eyes.

"A fly is a flying creature that often loses its head automatically. It is a specialty of the earth." Carol gave an explanation, because Thanos had explained to her what "some" meant before, so she wanted to take revenge: "And hide and seek It's just a hiding game, just like the goddess of death who always avoids your tryst with Deadpool."

In response, Thanos just glanced at her calmly and said nothing. There was not even any emotion in his dark red eyes.

Ignoring the friendly interactions of his teammates, Su Ming took out a vibranium ingot from his pocket, weighed it casually in his hand a few times, and then tapped it lightly with the small strangulating tentacle.

It was really a slight knock, because the people behind him didn't even hear anything that could be called a harsh sound, and could only feel a slight vibration.

But then they saw Deathstroke reaching out and patting the flying carpet a few times, pointing it in the direction.

"Is this how to use metal?" Even Hela was curious now. She reached out and took the metal ingot from Deathstroke and rubbed it in her hand. She couldn't feel anything except the cold touch.

"The resonance between similar metals is a very special mode. Resonance is a physical phenomenon and a spiritual touch."

It was as if he was waiting for someone to ask a question, because Deathstroke had already made that pose in front of him. When someone asked a question, he turned around and started "playing the accordion" and said with a smile:

"No one knows metal better than me."

Isn't it right? From the moment he crossed over and fell into the DC multiverse, Su Ming has been dealing with various metals.

You use special metals to arm yourself, and the enemy also uses special metals to fight. They are batteries, a concrete manifestation of matter, and a weapon for creatures to harm each other.

So, with metal resonance, most of the time it works across different universes.

For example, right now, he could actually feel Diana in the Monster Universe, hammering the wall angrily. It seemed like she had woken up.

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