The Death Knell

Chapter 4559 The God of Deceit

"Mother, there is light over there. Look, finally, I thought we all had night talk syndrome."

Loki helped Frigga move forward slowly in the dark environment, but soon they noticed the existence of a beam of light in the distance. It was very faint, a bit like looking at the street lights on the street corner in foggy weather, but it was also a light source. .

He felt like taking a shower. Everything in this dimension was dark, not dark, but smeared black, which made people feel dirty.

It's like the coal mine where dwarves mine, or the inner wall of a boiler.

"Haha, night blindness is a disease that only humans can suffer from. That kind of blindness will not make everyone smarter, which is not a good thing. Come on, let's go to the light. I hope your brother and Xianfu are safe now. .”

Lifting the live broadcast toolbox in her hand, Frigga ran wildly, as fast as a jet plane.

There was no problem with her physical condition and she did not need support, but her second son was very filial, so she did not refuse to be helped forward before.

It is true that both of them are mages, but the spell casters in the fairy palace are not mortal magicians. In fact, they are more like magic warriors. Physical exercise is also a necessary exercise.

"Hehe, mother, you are too fast, wait for me.

Loki deliberately pretended to be slower than his mother and happily ran with Frigga. Knowing that Deathstroke might be watching everyone somewhere, she chose to enjoy the journey.

One runs and the other chases. If it weren’t for the fact that there is no roadside scenery here, then the scene of the beautiful mother and daughter running through the wilderness will definitely become the artist’s masterpiece.

Soon, they saw the ruins of a building, and Iron Man and Squirrel Girl chatting on the black earth beyond the ruins.

The girl with squirrel-like front teeth had bulging cheeks, as if she was chewing something hard, and her mouth made a crunching sound.

"Hi, Your Majesty the Queen of Heaven and the God of Cunning, you came at the right time." Tony lifted his mask and greeted the two happily: "We just destroyed a fake supermarket, but we took out some real food from it. Do you need it?"!

"What's delicious? Let me see."

After flipping up his long and charming wavy hair, Loki smiled and stepped forward, as if he wanted to see what the several bags in Iron Man's hand were.

Just when Iron Man enthusiastically handed over the hotpot with Captain America's face on it, what he got in exchange was not a thank you, but a stab from Loki's dagger, and a burst of crazy stabs.

Loki's strength is far less than that of Thor, but he can still produce tens of tons of power with one hand. Her attacks every time have knocked Iron Man's feet off the ground. He can't control his body, and the black water in his stomach spurts out like money. out.

While stabbing, she also hugged the victim's neck, leaned into his ear and laughed.

"Nice try, asshole, but don't use deceitful tricks in front of me in the future, you are not worthy to compare with me.

After that, she let go of her hand and cast a spell, freezing the feet of Squirrel Girl beside her with ice. Then she threw away the body of Iron Man and stabbed the squirrel in the belly and neck with a dagger. , popping her head like a water balloon.

Loki's weapons are so inconspicuous that many people don't even know what the daggers are called.

Odin's Gangnir, Hela's Night Sword, Surtur's Valedin, Thor's Mjolnir, etc. are all well-known weapons in the Nine Realms and are considered to have excellent materials. , the forging craftsmanship is exquisite, and each piece can be regarded as an artifact.

But in fact, the humble knife in Loki's hand is also an artifact, and the effect is very interesting.

Essentially, it only has one, and it is enchanted so that it can be opened or combined like disposable chopsticks, so as to meet the application in various scenarios.

Its name is "Love", or "Broken Twig", yes, it is the mistletoe branch that Loki used to trick the blind god to kill his brother Baldr.!

Later, she kept the branch of the murder weapon, and used Surtur's fire, Nidhogg's venom, and the craftsmanship of the dwarves to forge it into a weapon.

This dagger represents bleeding love, grief

The kiss seems fragile and harmless, but in fact it is no worse than Thor's axe.

It's just that the weapon's special effects are not very powerful. Unlike Gungnir, which can lead the Rainbow Bridge to automatically search for enemies once thrown, or the Meow Hammer, which attracts thunder from the sky, the special effect of "Love" is that it can target the holder's relatives. A friend launches an attack that inflicts increased damage.

For example, if Loki uses it to stab Carol, it may not break her defense, but if he uses it to stab Thor, the sword will be a critical hit.

The closer the target is to the wielder, the more dangerous the dagger is, making it the most suitable weapon for Loki because she loves her stupid brother so much.

Within three seconds, Loki used his frost magic to beat the fake Iron Man and Squirrel Girl into two puddles of black shaved ice. In fact, it should have been black mud, but this was the effect when frozen.

The ruins of the building not far away also disappeared, as if it had never existed, it was just a bubble.

Maybe somewhere in this dimension, the scene of Iron Man and Squirrel Girl destroying the supermarket did happen, but it was not here. What appeared here was just the latest projection of the distant story, a trap arranged by the enemy.

"How do you know this Iron Man is fake?"

Frigga, who was still dignified and elegant after a long run, came over, looked at the remains of the monster on the ground under the black sky and nodded, satisfied with her son's decisive action.

"The real Iron Man is not so kind to me. He is Thor's friend. My brother has said a lot of bad things about me to him, and they are all untrue."

After hearing her mother's question, Loki turned around and her tone suddenly became aggrieved. She walked back to her mother with small steps and rested her head on the Queen's shoulder:

"So, Iron Man will not treat me to a meal. He will only bully me with Thor. He is not even willing to drink a glass of wine with me, blah blah blah."

"Huh, Thor has gone too far. He even didn't take you to drink. It's so shameless! I'll scold him for you later! Good boy, don't be sad. No matter what, I believe Thor still loves you. Yes, he is just not attentive enough and likes to lie after drinking too much. "

Believing it to be true, the queen touched her daughter's head, patted Loki's back to comfort her like a baby, and asked again

"So what about the little girl with the tail? How did you tell that she was also fake? I never saw that she was a shape-shifting ooze before."

But Loki just shrugged, his tone seemed a little embarrassed:

"She doesn't have any obvious flaws, but I hate squirrels. That bad squirrel in Alfheim has bullied me since I was a child, so I stabbed this squirrel girl to death purely because she was siding with the fakes. I wanted to try my luck. .”

"Well, this sounds a bit like your father." Frigga smiled without going into detail. She hugged Loki's shoulders again: "So, my child, what do you think of this dimension? Is there anything I can help you with?" What's everyone's solution? I'm a little worried..."

"Please don't worry, I am your child and have inherited your noble wisdom."

The bad girl with big waves rubbed her nose against the queen's face, raised her head and replied seriously:

"I am the strongest illusionist in the nine realms, and I have just seen through the nature of this dimension. I have a way to counter all the illusions here. For you, mother, I can really help everyone."

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