The Death Knell

Chapter 46 Extreme Speed

Out of Thalia's sight, in the vast snowfield, a red light moved rapidly on the thick snow.

Countless piles of snow were thrown up high into the sky, like flowers scattered by a goddess, but before they could hit the ground, the people who raised them had long since disappeared. Focusing on the front of the ball of light, you can see that it is the man in the cloak, holding Bliss on one shoulder and running wildly with his legs.

Time seemed to stand still around them because they were too fast and the world was too slow.

"How's it going? How do you feel? I've never taken anyone on a run around the Arctic Circle."

The cloaked man asked with concern, while keeping his feet down, the snowflakes could not even touch him, and both of them were wrapped in golden lightning.

Bliss just looked coldly at the non-existent road ahead. The dark polar night spread endlessly in her field of vision. The horizon on the snowfield was unknown, but she knew that she was rapidly approaching the coastline:

"If you know the other me, then you should know that I have my own means of enduring pain."

"Uh, I mean, if it's not necessary, you don't have to endure anything. Batgirl, uh, it's still awkward to say this." The cloaked man's cloak lifted a corner as his legs moved, revealing the red uniform underneath. .

"Actually, your so-called Speed ​​Force wraps us all in a special force field. Just like so many times before, I feel nothing."

Bliss replied quietly, she felt that the world had become strange, and things she had never thought of happened to her. If this cloaked man hadn't come up with evidence, she would never have believed the so-called future that others said.

"This environment that is static relative to the outside world is called the 'bullet time' area. I have temporarily given you a little bit of the Speed ​​Force, so the communication between us is synchronized. When our speed and acceleration are in line with the position of the Speed ​​Force... .....Uh, you don't seem to care..."

The cloaked man immediately began to explain to Bliss the theory of the Speed ​​Force. This was the experience he had accumulated over the years in the application of the power.

But he found that Bliss was completely distracted. She seemed to be in a daze and didn't care about what he said. She was a little different from Batman here. Bruce would never be distracted like this around others.

"Okay, let's stop your research report on the theory of relativity first. We still have business to do. Once everything is resolved, I can pay for you to have a good talk at the Gotham City Stadium. I can hire as many spectators as you want."

"Emm...why should I tell irrelevant people about my abilities?" The cloaked man was a little confused.

"Then there's no need for you to tell me." Bliss shook her head. If she wanted to know, she would only believe the results of her own investigation instead of speaking out like this: "So take me back to Gotham first, go home."

The cloaked man sighed, both of them were like this. Are Batmans in all worlds so awkward when interacting with people?

"Okay, bats are always the boss, we have to cross the sea."

He carried Bliss on one shoulder and ran to the end of the snowfield. He rushed straight into the sea. The ice floes and waves in the surrounding water were completely still in their sight. He stepped directly on Walking on the sea surface, there was a huge splash behind him.

In the dark night, they seemed to be running towards the sunrise.

"Is it really okay to leave Mr. Butler on the island?"

The cloaked man ran, his mouth seemed to be as restless as his steps, and he asked another question. Bliss rolled her eyes, although it was the man's talkative behavior that made her believe what he said.

No one would send someone who talks so much nonsense to deceive her, because too much talk will lead to mistakes, and the liar must be careful to ensure that he will not get into trouble, let alone if the target is her? It is impossible for a person who talks so much to pay attention to every word he says. His words can only be true.

"I'll say it again, that's Observation Station No. 7, not some uninhabited island. Alfred is the safest there." Bliss corrected him: "If I'm not wrong, your Batman I should also like that place.”

"Yes, Miss Bliss, as an old man, a tropical island near the equator may be really good for my legs and feet, but we can no longer eat coconuts and bananas for breakfast tomorrow. You may need to improve the recipe. "

Alfred's voice came from the pointed ears on Bliss's head, which were both walkie-talkies and bat radars.

"Don't worry, Afu, I know what I'm doing."

Bliss accepted his kindness, but always said she could do it habitually. The cloaked man took her around the world several times in a month, went to many places, and made various preparations, but generally Speaking of which, I would still go to the island to have dinner.

Alfred insisted that he be responsible for the nutritionally balanced meals.

The island's specialties are coconuts and bananas. In this month, they have tried all the recipes with seafood and coconut and bananas. Although Ah Fu's craftsmanship is very good, people are not monkeys. No matter how delicious the bananas are, they will get tired of them.

"So, miss, can you come to the observation station to pick me up first? No one has cleaned the mansion for nearly a month. As a housekeeper, this is a serious dereliction of duty."

"The situation in Gotham is uncertain at this time."

Bliss planned to refuse. In order to avoid sensitive places, she had never been close to her home. Although she knocked over Bane and snatched his nuclear bomb an hour ago, it was still underground in the city.

For her, as long as she hasn't caught up on this month's city surveillance videos to understand what's going on in the city, the situation in Gotham will remain unclear.

This was the purpose of her return to Vayne's mansion this time.

The butler was not in a hurry, but still said in his elegant and decent tone: "But don't you already have a plan, miss? The matter will be solved, just like before."

Bliss was silent for a moment, her blue eyes shining with thought.

"Yes, you are right, we are almost ready." She patted the cloaked man on the shoulder: "Go to the island first, and then go to Gotham."

"Then we need to speed up a little bit, give me ten seconds." The cloaked man calculated a moment and said with a smile: "This time I feel that coming here is really a weight loss journey. I have already lost too much weight. "

Although the cloaked man said this, he still quickened his pace, and the speed of his steps could no longer be seen clearly.

More lightning emerged from his body, completely surrounding the two of them, like a golden comet, creating a deep ripple on the ocean and turning towards the equator.

No living thing can see their passing, because the time is so short that they can't even form an image on their retinas. Probably only God can know what happened.

As if the words had just fallen, they appeared on a tropical island, where the sun had not yet set, and Alfred was on the barbecue grill nearby, preparing butter-grilled bananas.

The cloaked man took a breath, picked up a roasted banana and stuffed it into his mouth. He felt like he would faint if he didn't eat something, even though bananas reminded him of orangutans, and he and a country built by orangutans Been at war.

"Allow me to remind you, Mr. Allen, that you did not wash your hands."

However, the cloaked man shrugged and filled his mouth with golden bananas. The temperature made him keep flipping the food in his mouth, and said vaguely: "Actually, I washed it, but I washed it too fast."

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