The Death Knell

Chapter 4616 Go home and collect clothes

"Oh, these people from the Justice League are too enthusiastic."

The adjutant naturally detected the movements of Barry and Arthur, and even gave a close-up shot, specifically zooming in on the projection to show the details of the battle at that location.

The Hex Colossus is indeed not weak, but it is still difficult to fight against the power of nature. It is really a disadvantage to fight Arthur in a home terrain like the ocean.

Especially when Barry ran with Arthur on his back, the speed was so fast that Colossus didn't even have the chance to lock the target and fight back, and could only watch helplessly as Arthur completed the summons.

Speaking of which, Arthur is a standard warrior, with rough skin and a simple mind. He is so fierce that it sounds inappropriate for something like summoning, but in fact it is one of his regular naval battle methods.

As mentioned before, Arthur's ability is to communicate with marine creatures, generate mutual induction through the power of life, and be able to understand each other.

The aquatic products in the sea are not only the common tuna, sardines and the like, but there are also some evil things lurking in the deep sea.

Whether it's DC's Earth 0 or Marvel's 40K, there are always some existences in this earth's ocean that are difficult to describe in words, but generally speaking, they can be classified as giant beasts.

Just like the huge turtle in the sea of ​​Azeroth that can accommodate many creatures living in its body, there are many species in the deep sea that humans do not understand.

Of course, they usually have little interaction with humans, so there is no need to worry about how they live, but when someone can communicate with them and make them join the battle, it is another matter.

What Su Ming and his party saw now was such a scene.

Located on the sea 700 kilometers east of New York, this is where the battle broke out. Barry carried Arthur and circled wildly on the sea, but the protagonists of the battle were not actually the two of them.

Arthur didn't know whether it was because he was lucky, or because the deep-sea monsters in 40K had never encountered a creature that could communicate with them before. Anyway, now Arthur had a mysterious helper.

A large cluster of white translucent tentacles stretched out from the water and entangled the Hex. The huge arms and legs were firmly sucked on the surface of the rock-like body, dragging it towards the sea.

"What's that? A giant squid?"

Hela crossed her arms and watched the projected program with Deathstroke.

The Æsir have an indissoluble bond with boats, and people who often take boats will always have a different understanding of the sea. For example, the famous North Sea Kraken is their old friend in the atrium.

"You can't say for sure. It may be the cubs or hybrid individuals of some ancient beings, it may be the deformed second-generation ancient gods, or it may be the failure of some biochemical experiments. There are too many possibilities."

Deathstroke could only see those tentacles, but he couldn't tell what the object of discussion was. It must have a larger body hiding underwater.

"This is your Earth, Deathstroke. How come you haven't studied what's under the sea in the past?"

Hela twisted her mouth, she felt a little strange.

"I am the supreme mage of mankind, and I am not from Atlantis. I only know that no matter what is on the bottom of the sea, it is a creature allowed by Emperor Weishan to exist on the earth."

Su Ming calmly took a puff of cigarette and watched more and more sea creatures gathering towards Arthur, and the sea beasts that appeared became more and more deformed and indescribable:

"Anyway, as long as you know that they will not pose a threat to the earth itself, you can look like whatever you want."

That's the good thing about marine life. They don't go to land, and they don't have any direct conflict with humans.

Except for idiots like Namor, but he is dead, so there is no need to say more.

"Is that red light your friend? Deathstroke." Thanos focused more on Barry, because even with his dynamic vision, he could only see a blurry figure: "He is very strong. I could feel that he carried a destructive force."

"You were right this time. His power is indeed very strong, but don't worry, he won't compete with you to die."

Su Ming told a joke and looked away.

There is no need to look at the outcome of this battle. Although Hex is tall and powerful, he is also able to mobilize the energy of the universe.

But it relies too much on anti-gravity design, and now it is entangled with a lot of tentacles, as if it has fallen into a mud pit, and will be eaten up by seafood sooner or later.

What's more, Hex is not even a living thing, let alone a human being. As long as Barry can find a crack in it, he can tear it apart with his bare hands.

"Where are the Hexes from other areas?"

Carol who asked the question also glanced at Igris and Sheena. The two Eternals were obviously depressed at this time. After all, Hex was also considered a member of their race and was being killed on the orders of the Druid.

"You'll know in a moment. Oh, yes, you can't just watch the fun. Igris, Xina, you and Crowe wait here for a while. I want to leave with the others for a while."

Deathstroke smiled and pulled Carol, picked up the orange cat from the ice, and at the same time asked Scarlet Witch, Thanos, and Hela to get on the flying carpet:

"I suddenly remembered that my own company is also in Long Island, New York. My teammates also have some relatives and friends who need to be relocated. The clothes I dried at home were also confiscated. I have to take people back to deal with the tsunami problem."

"Yeah" Igris was feeling sad, and he obviously agreed half-heartedly.

"Supreme Mage, please go. I know that tsunamis are always scary, and it seems that many Hex are heading towards New York." Although Crowe looks like a monster, he speaks very gently and has a soft voice. It sounds pretty good.

It feels like a donkey's mouth is open but it makes a lark's cry, which is a bit cute.

"Don't go away, be right back."

After the exchange, Deathstroke jumped onto the flying carpet with a smile, patted its edge gently, and the cloak led everyone straight into the sky, instantly turning into a star-like bright spot.

The leader of the abnormal tribe looked at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking. He finally sighed, wiped his hands on his cold breastplate, turned around and looked at the two eternal tribes:

"My friends, what are you going to do next?"

"I don't know, let's see what Igris says." The two blond men squatted together in the ice and snow world. Xina sadly wiped the tears frozen on her face: "Hex is also a member of our race. Originally, If it weren't for the druids, they wouldn't die, at least not like this."

"It's not the fault of humans for resisting, it's all the Druid's fault." Igris also sniffed, but he didn't cry, but his face turned an ugly livid color: "I already knew he wanted eternity. From the position of Supreme, I also knew that he had been trying to connect with forces outside the earth, but I didn’t expect that he would be so crazy.”

Crowe nodded. He came behind the two of them, hugged one with one arm, stroked their backs and comforted them:

"Yes, it's all Druid's fault. We must put an end to his ambitions."

The three of them hugged each other, as if they were warming themselves with each other's body heat in the ice and snow. They were so warm and loving, and there was no trace of the millions of years of blood feud between the two races.

Of course, the two people being held should not be able to see that Crowe had grown a tail, and used this flexible tail to secretly pull out an emerald-green dagger from the armor sandwich behind his back.

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