The Death Knell

Chapter 4676 Blank Elements

"Elemental creatures should be right, they don't have souls in the true sense."

Hela answered Bobo's words. The goddess of the underworld was playing with her nails idly, and only occasionally glanced at the movement on the battlefield. She said this to Bobo:

"I can't feel their souls escaping when they were destroyed. Of course, the deformed pieces of meat they fought against also had no souls. Haha, Slade really had a good idea. These two families are really matched against each other. They are both... An unspeakable monster."

She almost wanted to laugh when she said this. Why did she encounter so many strange things after leaving the Marvel Universe? Is the outside world so interesting?

But it's fun, but it's just not as fun as a game console.

She has long understood that the battle will never end, and enemies will always emerge from the dark void. Now that even Odin is dead, even if she can fight again, who will she fight for? Woolen cloth?

It's more refreshing to rub the game controller at home, eat fast food and drink drinks.

"Well, they are not necessarily light elements, although they are white..." Su Ming squinted at the battlefield for a while, then took another sip of wine: "I can't feel the attribute of light, so I'll call them blanks for the time being. Elements, this reminds me a bit of Substance Zero, which is an element used to create the world."

The combat itself is mediocre, with nothing more than a deformed giant hairtail eating white paper figures, or a bunch of white paper figures trying to grab a big meat ball and tear it apart.

The scene is very dirty, but the level of combat effectiveness is not high. Although these miscellaneous soldiers are large in size, the current forward troops are only planet-level, which is far worse than Carol.

And it is a bit difficult to find any clues from them, because those white paper man-like elemental creatures have nothing on them, just like their owners, they are blank.

"I can't see anything, Slade." Detective Orioles scratched his chin with his paws and yawned: "If you find anything, just tell us."

When he said this, everyone looked at Deathstroke, as if waiting for him to conclude. "I have some guesses, but without evidence it's just wild guesses, so don't say anything." Su Ming pinched the cigarette butt and put it away, then patted his cloak and raised the can in front of his eyes: "Okay, there is no excitement here, Ezekiel. Show the way."

"Forward." The cockroach pointed in a direction.

Okay, the cockroach navigation seems unreliable, but Su Ming still likes to listen to what he says. After all, this is what a warrior is like, he needs to keep moving forward.

"Alas, Deathstroke is too cautious." Zorn patted his cloak, which was stained with dust. He complained to Barry beside him: "He teleported me to you, but you were running at the time, and I almost He was killed."

He heard that Deathstroke was hit by Barry. Maybe it was for this reason that the character of that person was very different from the other Deathstrokes. Was this because he was mentally ill?

At this time, the two of them were located in a wilderness near the sea, specifically somewhere on the west coast of Africa. Apart from the sea, there were yellow stone mountains. It could be said to be a barren land without a single hair.

Barry is the one in a cold sweat. Don’t you know that for a speedster, when a smiling Batman suddenly appears in front of you while running at the speed of light, how much damage it can do to the hearts of young people?

If I hadn't reacted quickly enough and recognized that this was not the Laughing Bat, I would have almost punched it.

Afterwards, he grabbed the smiling Batman and went ashore. The other party explained the ins and outs to him, and the deputy testified. Only then did Barry believe that this was really his Batman, just a second personality.

He took off his ceramic armor hood, wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, smiled and said to Batman:

"I don't blame Slade for sending you here. After all, Diana has joined the team. If you are both here by then, will she listen to you or Deathstroke?"

From a normal emotional point of view, Slade is Diana's boyfriend and has always been victorious in the past, so it is natural for her to listen to him.

But from another perspective, Wen Yunxia is the think tank and tactical director of the Justice League, and he has never made any mistakes in the past.

Plan, and as a member of the main alliance, Diana has no problem listening to Batman. Then the question arises, can there be two conductors in one team?

"Yes, if you can think of this, it means that your emotional intelligence has increased. I originally said bad things about Deathstroke to Diana, and that was my intention, so that he would separate me from the team." Bat-Man smiled and looked at the sea. He still had another hand in his hand. He also took a small sip of the cigarettes and wine that Deathstroke gave him: "But you only saw the first level. Deathstroke asked me to come here for the second and third levels."

"Huh? So the second level is for you to command me and Arthur?" Barry also looked at the sea. At the end of his field of vision, there was a Hex Colossus that was slowly falling. Just now, Barry sent Batman away. Come ashore while Arthur is still in the water dealing with his enemies.

"This is also a layer, but he has other intentions." Batman sighed, and he touched his butt and chin: "He also wants me to help him organize that big space voyage, but the real purpose is not to let me Really get involved, but let me watch, watch human beings move towards the universe, can you understand why?"

"Uh... I don't know, and I don't want to know. Isn't it too tiring for you two to get along with each other? It's true that my brain is very fast, but if I were to think like you every day, I would definitely lose my hair.

Barry spread his hands, saying that he didn't want to guess anymore. Anyway, no matter what, weren't these two people on the side of mankind?

Everyone's goal is for the good of mankind, so why do you calculate and calculate? Do really smart people have nothing to do and use this kind of thing to exercise their brains?


While the two were talking, Arthur jumped out from the shore not far away, and he spit out a large mouthful of seawater, like a small fountain.

After sizing up Batman, he swung his hair around like a big dog, walked over with a fivedent in his hand, and asked with the look of a melon-eater:

"What are you talking about? And Batman...have you changed your clothes?"

The original Batman was dressed in black, but today's Batman is dressed in purple, which looks quite gorgeous.

"Haha, that's right. How do you feel about wearing new clothes once in a while?" Zorn asked with a smile, and even turned around in a normal circle to show off his jersey to Neptune.

"You actually laughed!" Arthur showed a surprised expression, blinked a few times, and scratched his head as if in disbelief, but soon he found an explanation himself and smiled: "Hehe, it's pretty good-looking. , and you look more sunny today, which is good. You must have encountered some happy event! Bat just smiled and nodded. He didn't want to explain the second personality problem to Arthur, so let's leave it like that.

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