The Death Knell

Chapter 4689 White Tomorrow

"Okay, friends, after eating a bowl of noodles, the anti-life equation has infected all life in the entire single universe, or in other words, most life."

Su Ming pointed to the big pot over there and asked Diana with his eyes if she wanted to eat noodles, but Deadpool was lying on the ground pulling out his intestines, leaving the woman with no appetite. She could only shake her head at her boyfriend with a wry smile, so Su Ming continued to talk about business:

"The only ones who are not infected now are you and our enemies. Through the darkness, I can feel all the lives under my control. At the same time, I can also feel that there is an abrupt "blank" somewhere, so I guess, The goddess of death and those black-robed rats are right there."

"Very good, where is it?" Thanos showed a cruel smile: "If I block their escape this time, I will be sure to kill them all."

He has been patient for a long time. Deathstroke led everyone around, not knowing what he had arranged, but now it was finally time to rescue the goddess.

Yes, in this way, the goddess should be able to feel his love for her, right?!

How hot, how sincere, of course, Thanos knows what the goddess of death likes best, and that is killing people and sending souls to her!

"You are very energetic, then you will be the vanguard." Su Ming knew that Thanos would say this, so the candidate for this round of thunder was naturally the Mad Titan: "I won't talk nonsense, let's go , By the way, let me test you. Blank knows that I have the concept of darkness, so she asked her men to hide in places where there is no darkness, or where the darkness is isolated and surrounded. So where are they most likely to be hiding? "

"The land of light on planet m78, Ultraman's hometown!" Deadpool jumped up from the ground on the spot. Not only did he heal himself in an instant, he also posed in a posture of Ultraman Seven's transformation: "It's all there. Light, no shadow and no darkness.,3

...Then the Kingdom of Light must exist in the current multiverse. " Su Ming asked everyone to get on the flying carpet. He took out a few pieces of change from the reception bag and put them in the restaurant owner's shoebox: "Does anyone else want to guess? The answer will be announced immediately.

"Don't guess, the enemy can open up pocket spaces, so they can be at any coordinate in the main dimension.

Hela, who stepped onto the flying carpet on the black stone spikes, shook her head. She knew that Deathstroke was joking again, and maybe he would ask Nick Fury when he would die next.

Yes, she already knew this classic question about Deathstroke. Even though she was the God of the Underworld and an Aesir, she had lived on earth for so long and still lived with the female Thor. It was hard not to know this joke.

"Yes, but you really don't have a sense of humor, but I'll say it anyway.

Deathstroke sighed, glanced at Hela with a somewhat complaining look, raised his visor, and his voice became hoarse and gloomy:

"Although the blank multiverse is a flat surface, the skull single universe we entered has an understandable appearance of a sphere, so it was also produced by the Big Bang, so there will be an origin point. .”

"The magic world believes that the earth is the center of the universe, while the scientific community believes that the origin of the explosion is." The orangutan took over, and he already knew what Deathstroke was going to say: "But whether that point exists is just a hypothesis, after all. Even the Big Bang theory itself is a hypothesis, right?”

"In the DC universe, it is a hypothesis, but in the Marvel universe, it is not. The Big Bang theory has been proven in Marvel. Our creation gods were all born in a Ningzhou egg and reincarnated again and again. 「

The flying carpet took off, Deathstroke pointed it in the direction, but still relaxed and continued to talk to everyone:

"In this world, there is a high probability that it can be proven, but it is not important. We are not scientists, so I won't go into details. Anyway, as long as you know the origin of the universe, it is the origin of the divergence of some energy, and light is also a The energy is there, abundant."

Almost in the blink of an eye, everyone was transported to the target location by the cloak. Here was a gorgeous cosmic scene, like various gorgeous oils.

The colors were painted on the translucent glass cloth, and then added with light and shadow.

A point is emitting infinite strong light. The Big Bang happened no matter how many years ago, but the energy here is still radiating outward.

And that point is at the end of the radiation, infinitely close to the center of the universe. "How to get in is a problem." Carol couldn't see what the dot represented, but she could feel the abnormal force field, so she looked at Deathstroke.

"Simple, it's the same as entering a black hole, except that this can be regarded as a white hole." Su Ming is not an astrophysicist, but he can still fool people, so this is a lie: "Cloak, crash into it, there should be a A singularity that is infinitely close to the critical point.”

The collar of the cloak turned up. It was a little speechless. Yes, the Supreme Mage didn't know how to enter a pocket space, which sounded a bit embarrassing.

But he obviously knew it, so why didn't he ask himself and instead just hit him? Is this the habitual thinking of robbers?

Well, as people say, as a magic holy object, I can't really do that, because there is obviously a way to bring everyone in without causing damage, and that is to use magic. I am covered in magic pattern embroidery all over my body. It's not a decoration.

So in everyone's eyes, the cloak still led everyone in, because no matter how subtle the method it used, and how many abilities it activated, in the eyes of a group of people who didn't know how to do it, it This is a simple accelerated charge with an impact.

But no matter what, everyone went in.

According to theory, pocket space should be regarded as a kind of auxiliary dimension, but it is often called pocket space because of its small area.

Therefore, when everyone rushed into this space, they almost immediately came face to face with the enemy. This was a building similar to a football stadium. From the sky, it should look like a bird's nest or a donut.

But it doesn't matter what it looks like, because Thanos has already felt the aura of the goddess of death, and just like the agreement, he rushed to the front.

He jumped off the flying carpet and used a powerful move to overwhelm him. The target was a lone man in black. At this time, the guy seemed to be walking on the open space in the center of the "Donut", and he seemed to be going somewhere in a hurry. place.

The Mad Titan is huge and has never known what stealth operations are. Even if the howling wind did not alert the enemies on the ground, Zi Shu took the initiative to attract their attention and shouted while he was still in mid-air:

"Go to hell!!!"

This is a bit ambiguous. I don’t know whether he wants to kill the enemy or let the enemy take him to death. Anyway, he seems to have mad cow disease at this time. His eyes are red and there is foam on his horns. He is completely penetrated. A state of madness.

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