The Death Knell

Chapter 4701 Mage Nemesis

Regardless of whether they are superheroes or super villains, most of the time they have to play games according to the rules established by humans. As social animals, what matters when they go out to hang out is nothing more than one thing - more people, more supplies, fighting ability or brains.

Loyalty is something that the older generation pays attention to, but Deathstroke may have many problems, but if others have helped him, he will never forget it.

Ever since he succeeded to the position of Supreme Mage, Hoggs has been providing all kinds of help, making suggestions, and doing things himself. Every time he only needs a roast chicken or roast suckling pig, and the consequences are the most. Just ask Deathstroke for something to eat and drink, and some cigarettes to smoke.

It was said to be a transaction condition, but Su Ming knew that this was all taken care of by Brain Ax. As an extremely high-level Outer God, do you need a few pig heads that you paid tribute to?

Whether it's taking care of the new Supreme Mage or valuing Deathstroke himself, preferential treatment exists objectively. Hoggs doesn't say it, but he can't help but accept this favor.

Yes, it wouldn't hurt Emperor Weishan to let Ebony Throat go. Anyway, an old mage who wanted to kill Thanos and then retire was also alone, so the threat was very limited.

But if we face each other today, the Supreme Mage lets the Ultimate Supreme go. If this gets out, where will Emperor Weishan's face be put?

The Anti-Trinity is already about the same strength as the Three Saints of Emperor Weishan, and his status among the many demon gods is similar. If, as the Supreme Mage, he is so easily persuaded by the other party's spokesperson, doesn't that mean that Emperor Weishan has lost?

This is the rule in the magic world. The spokesperson itself represents the ancient gods, and every move is related to many things.

Therefore, Ebony Maw must be killed, even if this old noseless alien man has nothing good that Deathstroke sees in him, he must be killed.

"Haha, are we really not allowed to talk anymore?"

After giving a wry smile, it was obvious that Ebony Throat also felt the cold murderous intent of the death knell, saw the black sun rising behind the Supreme Mage, and wanted to struggle as much as possible.

However, Deathstroke just shook his head, and his eyepiece looked in another direction:

"I feel ashamed to say that I have been a Supreme Mage for almost ninety years, and I have yet to help Emperor Weishan kill any enemies. That is to say, I killed an Ash Supreme back then. Even if I killed Sithorne and Seth later, I would not be able to kill any enemies." Mostly for self-protection. It’s rare to meet you today. I think it was God’s will that allowed us to meet. What do you think?”

"Well, it seems that the Supreme Mage thinks he's sure to defeat me? We haven't fought yet, so we don't know who will win yet."

Ebony Throat raised his hand to form a seal, and a huge triangular array representing the Anti-Trinity appeared behind him. However, compared to the golden appearance of Emperor Weishan's seal, this seal was red mixed with black, giving people a A feeling of depravity and filth.

Probably because its color scheme is very similar to Deadpool.

"Well, it's time to take action. I told you so much. I'm waiting for Hela to kill all your other companions, lest you have any way to help them recover. What are you waiting for?"

Deathstroke walked toward Ebony Maw with his sword in hand. He didn't even plan to take off. He just put the corner of his cloak on his free arm, as if holding a shield:

"If you don't have any backup plan, then I will definitely defeat you. The earth is the source of magic. You alien mages, hehe, no matter Adam the Warlock or you, the Emerald Queen or the Fairy Banshee, in In my eyes, they are all the same trash fish. Come on, I'll let you cast your spells first, throw some of your strongest magic on me, and I'll appetize you first."

A lot of words were said before the battle, but after the battle actually started, the situation was one-sided.

As an alien, Ebony Maw knew too little about Deathstroke, and he had no idea what the Supreme Anti-Mage represented.

His magic is indeed quite powerful, stronger than Alberta's ultimate forbidden spell, and it also has spatial properties. Hitting Su Ming's chest was like billions of glass particles scratching it, as if he was using space. The fragments tore him apart.

But the level of ebony throat

I have touched a little bit of the concept, but it is not the ability to directly manipulate the concept. The essence of this attack is still magic.

As long as it was magic, it was restrained by the promethium metal armor and the magic floating cloak. Su Ming just patted his chest with his cloaked hand, and the magic was patted away like dust.

Next he continued slowly towards Ebony Maw.

The old mage used a second magic, a force field spell, but was blocked by Deathstroke with his cloak. Even though the attack was an invisible thing, Deathstroke seemed to be able to see its outline.

Then Ebony Maw used a third spell, this time it was a dark attribute spell, so Su Ming simply didn't even use the cloak, stretched out his hand to grab it, inhaled a cloud of black smoke into his body, and even hit him lightly. belch.

No matter what spells the enemy used, he kept moving forward unhurriedly. Various demons hit him, but he stood forever like a fork in the river of time.

And by the time he walked up to Ebony Maw and raised the lightsaber in his hand, the poor mage had already released more than a dozen of the top magics. At this time, his mental power had reached its limit and he had gone crazy.

Although space magic is good, you should not be greedy. If a mortal wants to understand space, it is no different than relying on the brain to visualize the whole picture of the almighty universe. Occasionally, it is okay. If you think like this often, people will inevitably become insane. This is also a common phenomenon. The caster has sequelae.

"Hehe, I'm free! I'm free!"

The pale, noseless old man said this. He sat on the ground and clapped softly, as if to celebrate himself.

If ordinary people encounter this situation, they may also want to study why he said this and where does freedom come from.

But Deathstroke won't.

The lightsaber in his hand was originally made to deal with the real Darkseid. It was a weapon that could kill a concept. It was used to kill a mage, and it even seemed to be overkill.

The lightsaber waved down, and the several layers of magic shields that Ebony Maw had placed on him before the battle began exploded. The next second, his white-haired head was lifted into the air by blood, and was firmly grasped by a black tentacle. .

At this time, Hela just happened to kill the last trash fish, dragging a lot of heads with cervical vertebrae, and walked towards the death knell.

The time is right, no one will be delayed.

"It's done, now all that's left is Thanos and his son." Bobo was the first to run over, nimbly climbed up Deathstroke's thigh and onto his shoulder, sat on his fixed seat, and scratched his cuckold. The black hair below: "I just listened to the conversation between you and this noseless guy. Do you really think Thanos is a threat?"

"Haha, I lied to Ebony Maw. Thanos can't even defeat Deadpool. What kind of threat is he? Let's go and watch him beat his son. Then I have to find a way to comfort him."

Deathstroke shook his magic floating cloak and draped it behind him. His mask penetrated into his skin, revealing a gossipy expression like a melon-eating crowd.

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