The Death Knell

Chapter 4745 Observation and Experiment

Ellsworth Memorial Hospital commemorates Edward Ellsworth Jones, a famous American expert in social psychology and cognitive psychology and the founder of attribution theory.

This theory advocates that people derive behavioral intentions and motivations from behavior and its results, and that the derived behavioral intentions and motivations correspond to the observed behavior and its results, that is, correspondence inference.

The more information a person has about an action and its reasons, the more relevant the inferences he can make about that action. The more unusual a behavior is, the greater the correspondence in observers' inferences about its causes.

After observing enough samples, attribution theory can even be added to logical reasoning. This is the psychological profiling commonly used in solving crimes today.

Through what the suspect did to the corpse, such as the method of killing, preparation for killing, behavior after killing, etc., we can infer the psychological state of the suspect, whether he is introverted or extroverted, whether he has any hobbies, and what is his psychology. made.

Therefore, Ellsworth Memorial Hospital itself is more like a laboratory. Its purpose is to put various mental patients in it, so that researchers can observe and collect pathological data and performance at any time.

Unlike treatment facilities like Arkham Sanitarium, they basically do not use drugs and psychological treatment, but only provide a comfortable environment where mental patients can fully express their nature and instincts.

Okay, having said all that, just think of this place as a wildlife park.

Flying over the Suicide Cave, it was pitch black all the way, but this hospital was still brightly lit at night, like a lighthouse.

But it is a mental hospital after all, with tall and solid walls, dense barbed wire fences on top of the walls, and a lot of security sentries and police dogs at the door.

So it looks more like a castle manor, except that the main building is more modern.

After landing outside the gate, Su Ming tilted his head and motioned for Diana to negotiate with the guard, using her identity as the Justice League.

"We're going to visit Reggie Long."

Under the dim street lights, the group of people were bathed in the dim light, as if they were being held down by a cone. After receiving instructions from her boyfriend, Diana said this to the guard at the door.

"Wonder Woman? Oh my God, welcome to you, God, it's such an honor to see you." There are more than a dozen night security guards in the concierge, but the oldest security captain among them is actually a fan of Wonder Woman. When she saw that the person walking in the dark was her, the wrinkled old man showed an excited expression, which made Harry a little worried that he would die on the spot due to a heart attack.

Because under normal circumstances, Harley would not kill the elderly or children. She also had a so-called moral bottom line. Of course, this bottom line was also flexible. If she was particularly happy or unhappy, she would do anything without any taboos.

"Thank you for your welcome and support for the Justice League." The person was so enthusiastic that Diana could only show a business smile, shake hands with the other person and sign an autograph, and then pointed to the teammates outside the steel gate: "So we can go in now What?"

"Of course, Wonder Woman, but can you please write one more sentence?" The old man handed back the signed book a little shyly, and waved his hand to his men to open the door and let everyone in: "Please write 'Send' To lovely Henry, you are the most beautiful boy. Yes, Henry is my name. I have been your fan since I was just five years old sixty years ago! I have seen thousands of videos of you during World War II. All over!"

The other security guards were suppressing their laughter in pain, but Su Ming could feel Diana's back stiffen for a moment. Under the warm light of the guard room, it looked very desolate for a moment, but she still said in a gentle voice:

"Thank you for once again reminding me how old I am this year. Okay, I've signed it for you. Can you go in now?"

"Hehe, that security guard should actually be studied behind the wall. He definitely has mental problems. It is initially judged that he has an antisocial personality."

The group of people entered the gate smoothly and got a map of the hospital. Harley was chewing bubble gum and chatting with Diana:

"There are a lot of people who like you, Xiao Dai, but after watching the battlefield records of World War II so many times, it proves that he likes to watch the scenes of you killing people. This kind of hobby is really amazing, especially when he started watching killings when he was only five years old. .”

Diana quickened her pace and looked unhappy. She didn't want to recall her participation in World War I and World War II. It was a human civil war after all, and she didn't want her age to be mentioned all the time in front of her boyfriend.

But Su Ming caught up to what Harley said. He raised his hand to hold the little jelly bean in his arms, led him forward, and said at the same time:

"You're right. In fact, those security guards are all mentally ill, but they are patients with mild symptoms and the ability to act on their own. So they are both employees and customers here. If the shift changes after dawn, We might still see them in the courtyard."

It's not uncommon for patients to take care of patients, but in most places, docile patients come to help the nurses. I'm afraid this is the only one that really lets mentally ill people act as security guards and distributes weapons to them.

"Well, so that's it? I've long heard that Ellsworth Memorial Hospital mainly observes the living conditions of patients, which is a bit interesting." Harley showed an interested expression, and her eyes rolled wildly: "I found out again It’s a good place. When I’m on vacation next time, Xiaohong and I won’t go to the botanical garden. It’s fun to observe patients here.”

"As long as you are happy, but there are no high-risk lunatics here, so the depth of research may not be as deep as Arkham."

Su Ming took a look at the map distribution, and then opened the door of the villa:

"The person we are looking for should live on the second floor, but the patients here are relatively free except that they cannot go to the office area on the south side of the first floor. So we need to pay attention to a young black man, about twenty-five this year. He looks about 10 years old, has swollen cheeks, and looks like he has a big head and a thick neck."

After hearing this description, Kara immediately activated her super vision, trying to penetrate the floor to find someone.

Unfortunately, Ellsworth Memorial Hospital is a metropolitan mental hospital, and some of the experiments there may seem a bit inhumane to ordinary people.

Not much, just a little bit. After all, it is to allow mentally ill people to form a small society by themselves and observe their reactions. Some things are actually quite dark, but at least they are much better than the St. Elizabeth Mental Hospital in Washington.

Despite this, in the past, in order to prevent Superman from seeing through the internal situation here, with the funding and guidance of Mr. Luthor, the walls and floors of the entire building were additionally reinforced. She didn't know how many layers of lead sheets were added. Peeping in vain.

Supergirl frowned. This was the first time she encountered such a damn building.

"I can't see through the floors here, so I have to find people in stupid ways."

"It's okay. Let's go ask the patients here and we'll find out." Harley reached out and patted her red skirt, then took out a small makeup mirror and applied lipstick on herself, pushing the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose with her fingers. : "When dealing with cuties, let me be the expert. Follow me, hehe."

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