The Death Knell

Chapter 4755 Veterans Club

"You're telling this bad joke again, phew." Harley pinched her nose and poked her head over, looking at the mask that was changing color, but she didn't have much interest. After all, she had played a lot with the inkblot test: "Let's get out of here, here The smell is worse than the sewers of Gotham, and I feel like my skin is getting worse after just a few steps here.”

The situation in the sewer is actually not bad. After all, the water is flowing, but here is a lot of garbage piled here, as if it is retting. It has a foul and fermenting smell.

Many people can accept tofu, but not stinky tofu. This is the power of fermentation.

"Okay, now that we have the things, we should take action. Batman is being chased like crazy to buy us time. We should also cherish the fruits of other people's labor." Su Ming laughed. He himself was resistant to odors. Very high, and then he carefully put away his mask: "Adjutant, has Luther responded?"

"There is a reply. Although he was curious about how you knew where his time machine was hidden, he still said that he would let you use it as you like, and also gave him the authorization password. Since it is a 125-digit electronic password, I will not repeat it. Just let me input it for you when the time comes."

There was no projection from the adjutant this time, just a voice.

"That's alright, let's teleport. The destination is Superman's hometown town in Kansas."

Su Ming took off the cloak behind him, wrapped his teammates in it, and disappeared in a blue light.

The next second after everyone left, another gunshot was heard near the dark alley. This was another suicide, as if to see everyone off.

The starting point is the metropolis and the destination is the countryside of Kansas. The straight-line distance itself is not far, and the reliance on spider web transmission is more focused on confidentiality.

Returning to the countryside again, all I could see were dark wheat fields. It was already autumn, but I could see heavy wheat ears in the darkness. It was a feeling.

But this time, Su Ming's destination was not Clark's hometown, and he had nothing to say to Martha. The old lady had returned to a memory state without her son, so that was good.

"Fly along the dirt road in front of Superman's hometown, then find a river away from the city, follow the river upstream into the mountains, and you will soon see a hut." Su Ming said about the landmark buildings he knew, and at the same time He turned and glanced at Kara: "Superwoman, your eyesight is better, help us find the riverside hut."

"Over there." Kara raised her hand and pointed in a direction, completing the search almost instantly: "Thirty miles to the east, in a dense forest, the house is a bit dilapidated, and it seems that the door is not locked."

"It is true that the door will not be locked, because the handle on the door is the door handle of destruction in Luther's hand at this time." Su Ming laughed, and he patted the flying carpet, and everyone arrived at the cabin almost instantly at super speed From the sky, he jumped down and landed gently in front of the door: "Come on, we have to go in and find the machine."

This is a large wooden house in the forest. It looks a bit like a forest police station or a place where the forest ranger team lives. However, at a glance, you can tell that it has been abandoned for a long time.

Facing north and facing south, it is located by the river. There are about seven rooms and three living rooms on the ground floor, and there is a very charming log porch in front of the door.

There were several rocking chairs on the porch, which were now covered with spider webs. The round table that was originally used to place teapots or fruits also fell to the side.

There was a sign hanging above the door that read 'XX Veterans Club', but the part of the paint that was supposed to be the name fell off due to weathering, leaving only mottled rotten wood.

"Is this where Luther found the doorknob of destruction?" Diana fell beside Deathstroke. She tugged on her cloak to cover her exposed white shoulders: "But isn't he a veteran?"

"It's just a cover to say it's a veterans club. This is the secret research center that Lionel Luther used to be in charge of." Su Ming walked onto the porch and turned around to wait for the three women to follow. The shadows of the trees in the nearby dense forest drifted in the wind. It moves like a ghost: "Destruction is born here."

"So, there should be a fragment of the synthesis here?" Diana seemed to suddenly become smarter, and she immediately thought of the synthesis.

The Justice League saw the way to transcendence from the aggregate, so correspondingly, the way to destruction should also be discovered by humans from the aggregate.

But at the beginning, Luther did not have the total body in his hand. It was stolen from Zhenglian. But according to Deathstroke, the doorknob of destruction was the one that appeared earlier.

"Yes, you have learned to answer questions." Su Ming took Xiao Dai's hand and led her towards the house. There was a dusty smell in the air: "Actually, the first person to discover the fragments of the aggregate was 'Savage' Wanda Savage, on the tundra in the Arctic Circle about 160,000 years ago, he picked up a fragment of the General Assembly and gained the power within it, thus achieving immortality."

Wanda Savage is an old rival of the Justice League. His past experiences do not need to be explained to Diana, she understands them very well.

The most appropriate description of the Savage should be a 'time terrorist'. He is just like Kang the Conqueror next door. He will do different things at different points in time. Also because of this characteristic, he has countless The only thing that is better than Kang is that there is no civil war between his many clones.

Whenever Savage appears at a certain point in time, the split at the current point in time will be replaced by the main personality consciousness, ensuring his uniqueness at the moment.

Luther did kill a wildling during the Legion of Destruction's uprising, but he only killed the wildling at that point in time.

That guy is a member of the Immortal Council, and he is not likely to die easily. The reason why he has been quiet recently is because he is holding back the bad water somewhere.

However, Savage's old enemies are Hawkman and Hawkgirl, so even if he is really planning something, it has nothing to do with Su Ming.

"Then what?" Diana took off her shield, drew her sword, and was the first to enter the room to explore the environment for everyone. After confirming that there was no danger, Deathstroke continued: "This is a laboratory established by savages and run by Luther's father. ?Then what we are looking for is definitely at this point in time?"

"Ah, no, I get a headache when I hear about time." Harley covered her head and hung it softly on Diana's shoulder. She closed her eyes and said, "In the past, I heard what the Flash said about the past. When it comes to the topic of the future, I feel uncomfortable, little bee, won’t your plan cause another flashpoint?”

"Don't panic, my dear, the operating principle of Luther's machine is different from that of the Speed ​​Force. This is technology and hard work." Su Ming patted her waist, smiled and rubbed her face: "Come in, everyone. We can even have breakfast here, the machine we're looking for is underground."

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