The Death Knell

Chapter 4782 Intelligence Analysis

"It's like, it's so similar." Jason was touching Milkman Superman on the final machine, just like a blind man touching the bones when telling fortunes, touching the whole body of the strong man: "Not only do the faces look exactly the same, but even the bones The form is exactly the same as in my memory, is this Superman, right?"

To be on the safe side, Deathstroke removed all of Milkman Superman's limbs on the way. Many people have the ability to heal themselves and can grow the severed limbs, but for intermediate situations such as dislocation, self-healing cannot handle it.

After all, the limb is still there, but the joint is detached. The body and brain will automatically judge that the new limb is not needed, and the self-healing ability will not activate.

As a person with self-healing ability, Su Ming has done many experiments with his cousin and has fully verified this theory.

Of course, in order to prevent Milkman Superman from resisting, the mercenary returned to the Batcave and used existing materials to create a pair of lead eye masks and a pair of masks made of promethium metal.

With all his limbs dislocated and his eyes and mouth blocked, Milkman Superman is no match for Kara with only his torso and biological force field, let alone the mantra lasso wrapped around his body.

"It's not certain yet, Jason." Su Ming looked at the prisoner lying on the operating table and took another puff of cigarette: "I was originally more inclined to think that he was an 'actor' created by a blank, but now he shows Many things about him make me suspect that he is the missing Superman from our timeline, who has just been brainwashed and transformed."

The main factor that made Su Ming think this way was milk.

A madman with the same superpowers as Superman. He can engage in any profession. Why did he send milk?

Delivering takeout pizza, delivering cable TV installation, delivering home cleaning services, and unblocking sewers can all achieve the same effect, which is to enter the customer's home and complete the murder.

He could have been the newspaper delivery man, the cable TV man, the lawn mowing god, but he was none of those things, except milk.

So what are the characteristics of milk?

First of all it is white, what about ‘blank’? If she had really been witnessed by Superman, as the name suggests, she would most likely be white.

Blank can be understood as nothing, and the nature of the DC universe is a comic book world. The "nothing" in comic books is a blank sheet of paper.

Secondly, milk is a liquid.

Liquid represents amorphous, elusive, and difficult to control. There is an old saying in China that it is difficult to recover when water is poured out.

But in the field of quantum science, this sentence may not necessarily hold true. In the world of physics, there is an experiment called "putting the spilled milk back into the bottle." This is a hypothesis that affects the flow of time through quantum.

This experiment may not be as famous as "Schrödinger's cat", but "milk flowing back" is human's research on the theory of time and entropy.

The experiment tested the theory by undoing the propagation of a wave function, a mathematical structure that physicists use to describe the state of a system that can assume all possible states.

For example, the possible locations of existence, the probability of being in the corresponding state at a specific time, etc. In this simulation, even the smallest particle unit, the quantum, is no exception, and the wave function will expand over time. It can be described simply as if you wait for one hour, the particles will escape farther away than when you wait for five minutes.

First, a quantum computer simulates a single particle so that the wave function unfolds over time like ripples in a pond. A specific algorithm was then written in the quantum computer, and it was this algorithm that reversed the time evolution of each component of the wave function, like a tape measure retracting into its own box, pulling the later ripples back into the source that created it. in particles.

In this experiment, scientists seem to have achieved a particle flow direction that ignores time, and the entropy in a single environment does not increase, just like returning spilled milk to the bottle.

In other words, Su Ming has been silently preparing to deal with Dr. Manhattan and has prepared a lot of backup plans. Otherwise, he may not really be able to study quantum theory, let alone know such a "spill the milk" hypothesis.

Quantum, on the other hand, is related to both Dr. Manhattan and Blank. In this way, Milkman Superman did not deliver bottled water or juice, but milk. This may be a hint.

The last point is what Milkman Superman said when he distributed the milk to the victims.

He wants others to ask him for help, wants others to thank him, and wants them to communicate with him.

This clue is relatively hidden, because some psychological factors need to be considered, that is - when a person lacks something, the more he hopes to obtain something. When he cannot obtain it from himself, he will turn to others. Where to get it.

Suppose there is a person who is very ugly and has no money for plastic surgery. Then his inferiority complex will make him hope that someone can help him. If this wish cannot be realized, he will start to fantasize.

For example, it is very reasonable to say that a XX system falls from the sky, sends a gift package to a newbie, and turns him into a super handsome guy, because all human myths are actually YY stories from the past.

If you cannot do something yourself, you will imagine that there is a mysterious and unknowable existence that can do it. This is actually a kind of self-protection and psychological adjustment, which is called hope.

As long as human beings have hope, they can endure a lot of pain and suffering, even if that hope is just imaginary or even self-hypnosis.

To sum up, Milkman is actually asking others for help, thanking others, and wanting others to talk to him.

The first and third items are easy to understand, but why Milkman would want to be grateful is a question best dug out of Milkman's head.

I told my teammates my thoughts and ideas, and everyone fell into thinking. In the empty bat cave, there was only the sound of the bats among the stalactites.

"You've said everything I want to say." Halle, who was wearing a red dress, was the most direct. She walked to the side and found a place to sit down, and ate the cake in her hand carelessly: "So I have nothing to say. Yes, this Milkman Superman seems to me to be in the state you mentioned, hee, the cake is so delicious."

She has a different personality from Diana. She doesn't like to be competitive all the time. She is only motivated by things that interest her.

For example, compete with others to see who is more fashionable, who has killed more people, or who is better at making cakes. But she had no interest in competing to solve crimes, and thought it would be better to go home and pet the cat.

"Milkman, is he really the Superman we lost?" Diana looked at the prisoner who had his limbs removed, blindfolded and covered his mouth. She tugged on the noose in her hand: "Find a way to wake him up first. , it’s really impossible to use the lasso to interrogate him.”

She didn't finish her words, but Su Ming knew the meaning in her eyes.

If it doesn't work, you can only resort to strangulation. However, no one can say whether the method of eating other people's brains to obtain memories will affect health and brain function. After all, the most complex organ in the human body is the brain.

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