The Death Knell

Chapter 4815 The Immortal Battle

New York, full of futuristic technology, is bustling even at night, with neon lights and loud music everywhere, but the people here live like walking zombies, which gives everything a different kind of dead silence.

When people walk in such a city, it seems as if everything has nothing to do with them. The so-called loneliness in a busy city is probably like this.

In this timeline, because Gotham has been destroyed, there is no place for the "dirty things" to go. Instead, they are everywhere. So whatever you encounter in New York City is normal.

Although Harley was just hiding in the corner and peeping, she had basically understood the invisible man's path.

A plan was emerging in the thought bubble above his head. He planned to first open fire to distract the Tuxedo Skeleton, then use stealth to take away Superman and the black cloth bag, and then sacrifice these two items to Blank.

Harry can see two things from this plan. First, the opponent can use firearms and is good at shooting black guns. Second, the opponent can use magic. After all, sacrifices can only be done by real wizards and crazy Satan worshipers. We will do it.

Yes, although Gotham is on the East Coast, far away from Los Angeles where demons gather, there are still Satan worshippers, and there are several of Harley's former patients.

They would kidnap beautiful girls and then kill and dismember them on the secret altar they built, saying that they would sacrifice them to the great Satan, and pray to the Lord of Hell to grant them strength, wealth, rights and other things.

But, according to Harley's knowledge, none of these people have succeeded.

Afterwards, she once asked Xiao Dai about these mysterious things, and then she understood the secret inside.

Not to mention that people who don't know magic basically can't effectively contact the devil. Even if he is really noticed, hell is divided into three parts, and there are three Satans. Ordinary madmen can't figure out the way below.

Lucifer didn't like human sacrifice. He thought it was a method only enjoyed by the evil gods in South America. It was too vulgar and out of style. He loves humans and doesn't want anyone to die because of him if it's possible and hassle-free.

He would only be unhappy if a mortal killed someone in his name. Maizi, who took over his position as Satan, was a die-hard confidant, so naturally he held the same position.

Another Satan, Yin Xie Na Mei Ming, is the devil who manages the Eastern Hell. As long as the target of sacrifice is a European or American, the soul will not fall into her hell at all.

And she is the god of filth in the underworld. She prefers dirty souls, such as Constantine, to pure girls.

The last Satan, the First Fallen, the oldest demon king and snake in the world, he is addicted to making deals, and upholds the 'old rules' of signing contracts on parchment. Dirty rituals like blood sacrifice are not his rules.

He wants souls full of sin and depravity, such as Constantine, but Satan worshipers often kill worthless ordinary people. Even if such souls do not go to Limbo, they are directly managed by 'Death' Yes, if you, as Satan, still have a hand in it, you won't get any benefits out of it, but you will be in a state of disgrace.

The three major Satans do not accept blood sacrifices from ordinary people. If you say that devil worshipers engage in serial killings, what kind of power can they gain?

Nothing but driving themselves crazier and eventually getting a room in Arkham Sanitarium.

Thinking of these interesting past events, Harley burst into laughter, but in the eyes of her teammates, she was suffering from another serious illness.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you laughing suddenly?"

Behind her, Diana pinched Harley's mouth and told her to keep her voice down so as not to be discovered by the skeleton.

"Uh-huh, it's nothing. I just suddenly thought of something fun. Don't talk about me anymore. Let's continue watching the skeletons."

Hu Nongren's words flowed naturally from her small mouth. Harley leaned back on Xiao Dai's shoulder with a smile, and adjusted a comfortable angle to avoid being hit by the armor.

Just when she finished speaking, the skeleton had already fought with the transparent man, or was beaten one-sidedly.

The sound of gunshots could be heard, but the fire and bullets could not be seen. Only the body of the skeleton and the nearby ground were filled with smoke and dust.

According to Harley, there should be only one attacker, but the strong firepower displayed by the opponent now makes people suspect that the skeleton was ambushed by a company of Marine Corps. In addition to not being bombarded by heavy weapons, he was not bombed by heavy weapons. His entire frame was swaying from side to side in the dense rain of bullets, and his tuxedo became riddled with holes in the blink of an eye.

"Is this... a ghost bullet?" Diana discovered the key clue through watching and immediately deduced the identity of the ambusher: "The person who attacked the tuxedo skeleton was the ghost gentleman, a true undead sorcerer. I I’m not very familiar with him, otherwise I should have thought of him earlier.”

Ghost Gentleman is a super villain motivated by interest. Like most ghosts, he is driven by obsession. He is one of the old enemies of Hawkman and Hawkgirl. He is also a ghost with serious mental problems.

Because his obsession is ‘immortality’.

This is very ridiculous to say. Obviously, as a ghost, he can be regarded as a member of the undead, but because the soul and the 'Death Orb' are merged into one, even if the multiverse is destroyed, he will not be able to survive. Can be reborn.

But here comes the problem. He doesn't realize that he is dead, and he is obsessed with pursuing immortality. Even if someone explains the facts to him, he won't believe it. Instead, he thinks that some bad old man wants to lie to him.

"you are dead!"

"Really? I don't believe it."

"You're so dead!"

"Haha! You lied to me! I'm obviously alive, please hand over the secret of reincarnation and eternal life!"

This was the conversation that often happened between him and Hawkman and Hawkgirl, thousands of times, and it was almost the same every time. No matter how the two people proved that the ghost gentleman was dead, they just didn't believe it. What could they do?

For hundreds of years, he has been entangled with the reincarnations of Hawkman and Hawkgirl, wanting the secret of their immortality. Anyone who understands understands it, so how can there be any secret? These two people were purely cursed. What should they explain?

It's annoying, but those two people just can't get rid of him. The reason is simply three sentences-can't kill him, can't beat him, can't survive.

The ghost gentleman's abilities are similar to those of common ghosts, including invisibility, walking through walls, physical immunity, and other common ghost tricks. But with the addition of the identity of a sorcerer and a sharpshooter, this person becomes difficult to deal with.

Although the code name contains the word "gentleman" and he dresses like a 17th-century British aristocrat, his behavior is exactly the opposite, full of the temperament of a bandit.

He especially likes a series of shady methods such as shooting people in the back, going to someone's house in the middle of the night to poison someone, stealing things and applying curses, spreading gossip to destroy the target's interpersonal relationships, etc. He can even push Eagle Man down after the ghost himself appears. Exploding the hammer on the ground, the frontal combat effectiveness is not bad either.

But if there is really any big conflict between him and the Justice League, there is none. They just want to 'live', so the only targets are those two people, just like the Penguin and Superman have no hatred, and Two-Face and Diana. No resentment is a principle.

So Diana was a little curious now. It was understandable that such a guy would survive, but why would he turn to Blank?

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