The Death Knell

Chapter 4817: Endless Entanglement

The skeleton wanted to leave, but the ghost gentleman obviously didn't intend to let him leave so easily.

After the long-range magic bullet attack was ineffective, he ceased fire and seemed to be brewing a new plan.

The gunshots on the street disappeared, leaving only the original advertising voices and loud music, but it was like the calm before the storm. The three women did not follow them immediately because they felt that there seemed to be something in the darkness. Something is squirming.

"Is it coming?" Diana asked Harley next to her. Although she didn't know what the thought bubble Harley often said was, the little madman swore that he could see the location of the ghost gentleman. Diana Choose to believe her.

Although Harley is crazy, she won't joke about this kind of thing.

"Well, that transparent man just jumped off the building, and he planned to stab the skeleton in the back." Harley replied, but she was looking at the sky, as if she was talking to the owl staying on the edge of the rooftop of the high-rise building, but her voice was very low.

"Who will win between the two of them?" Kara, who was as red as a monkey's butt, found another topic. She didn't want everyone to pay too much attention to her private life, although not being able to do that did make her feel like a freak.

"Skeleton." X2

Diana and Harry in the corner answered her in unison, with almost no hesitation.

The reason why Xiao Dai made this judgment is more rational, because she understands the ghost gentleman. When his magic bullet rain is ineffective against a person, he is like a tiger without teeth, and the remaining methods should not be the opponent of the Tuxedo Skeleton. .

She didn't know who this tuxedo skeleton was, but in the Wayne Mansion, he was able to bring down Superman and Jason in a very short time. This was enough to show that he was a guy who relied on his brain to fight. Generally speaking, such a person Everything is more difficult to deal with.

Moreover, the skeleton had been dancing and taunting just now. The ghost gentleman is not a calm person. He must be very angry now and will do some irrational behavior.

So Diana told Kara the reasons for her judgment. Harley, who was chewing bubble gum at the side, rolled her eyes but said nothing. Instead, she nodded repeatedly, indicating that what Dai said was right.

The next development proved that in addition to the two ways of appearing that Diana mentioned, there is a third way, which is for the ghost gentleman to appear on his own initiative.

As a spirit body, when he wants to interact with the material world, he must let himself become an existence in the material world.

If he wants to snatch away Superman and the cloth bag, he cannot be in a spiritual state, but must embody himself as a visible and touchable embodiment of obsession, which is what people often call a ghost.

This ghost gentleman looks like a translucent milky white figure, and he is dressed a bit like Kaitou Kid, with a white dress and cape, and a tall top hat, but he has no head, and a monocle is suspended on his face. At first glance, it seems that he is just a moving suit.

He quietly emerged behind the tuxedo skeleton, and then stretched out his sinful hand, as if intending to pull the skull's head off.

Speaking of which, he is quite knowledgeable. He knows that the weakness of most skeletons is that the bones are not closely connected, the head can be disassembled, and the soul fire is stored in the skull.

To deal with skeletons, all you need to do is blow their heads off and it should be done.

So when the three girls saw him stretching out his hands and picking off the skull's head as if to pick a watermelon, they were a little nervous and excited.

The next second, he reached out and grabbed the prey violently. The ghost gentleman had no head, and no one knew how he spoke. Everyone could only hear him laughing:

"I caught you, I'll pull it out!"

As he spoke, he suddenly jumped up from floating in mid-air, as if he planned to use this force to break the skull's cervical vertebrae.

However, the result was beyond his expectation. This skeleton, which was covered with dust and cobwebs and looked dirty, did not lose his head.

No matter how much effort the ghost used, his head still stayed firmly in place and was slowly turning behind him.

"Huh? I'll pull it out!"

The headless ghost gentleman made a furious sound. He shouted again and jumped up into the air harder.

It was still useless. He could no longer grasp the opponent's skull with both hands. He used too much force and let go on the spot. Not to mention, the tuxedo skeleton had already turned around to see him, the sneak attack thief.

The skeleton tilted his head, then nodded slowly, probably recognizing who it was, and then without any fancy moves, he just punched out!

Before the fist came to the Ghost Gentleman's chest, it made a whistling and harsh sound, like someone scratching a blackboard with nails.

Although this punch was fast and hard enough, the ghost gentleman was a ghost. A huge hole was punched in his chest, which almost split the whole ghost into two halves. However, he did not die, but dissipated with a strange scream. on the street.

"Pure physical attacks can't kill the ghost gentleman. He can enter the spiritual state at any time, just like Ron's phase shift." Diana explained to the sisters, and also expressed her own thoughts: "If you want a long time To ensure his purity, it is best to use magic to seal him, at least for a while."

"No, it's best to kill." Harley blew a bubble, which exploded and covered her face. She quickly rolled the pieces back into her mouth with her flexible tongue: "This timeline The ghost gentleman above has taken refuge in the blank, and if it is not completely solved here, he will definitely harass him endlessly next.”

He is not afraid of thieves, but he is worried about them. The key is that the ghost gentleman's main job is to be a robber, and being a thief is just his part-time job.

"Then what do you think we should do? Although I can use some divine skills, we can't just jump out and help the Tuxedo Skull. After all, he kidnapped Superman and seriously injured Jason. His position is very suspicious."

Wonder Woman stretched out her arms and showed off her protective silver bracelets, which are both armor and seals. When she takes them off, she can activate the divine blood in her body and activate some of Zeus's divine skills, which are the most primitive witchcraft.

For example, lightning, chain lightning, ball lightning, etc.

There is no way, Zeus is the God of the Sky, and the inheritance left in his bloodline is naturally the ability to play with lightning in this regard.

Harry rolled his eyes and obviously had an idea. If a simple physical attack didn't work, then add an energy attack, just use the electricity that Xiao Dai said.

Gods can control thunder and lightning, and technology allows humans to do the same.

This is New York in 2077, a bustling high-tech city that never sleeps. It may lack many things, such as no humanity, no normal social form, and no good food.

But there is absolutely no shortage of electricity here.

Advertising projections on the street, cars flying in the sky, and speakers making all kinds of noises. It can be said that electrical appliances are everywhere. It is difficult to find anything on the street that does not use electricity.

If the skeleton wants to borrow some electricity, all it has to do is pull a wire and poke it at the ghost gentleman who appears. Moreover, the main component of the dried skeleton is calcium carbonate. The skeleton itself is an insulator, so it is very safe.

I hope the creepy Mr. Skeleton can think of it, Harley thought.

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