The Death Knell

Chapter 4821 Reloading into battle

"It's Batman's proton blaster."

When the three Dianas arrived, they happened to see the skeleton shooting the ghost gentleman with the 'black water gun'. She immediately recognized the weapon, but there was a look of surprise on her face because she didn't expect it. The Skeletons will steal it out of the Batcave.

This weapon was inspired by Batman from the movie "Ghostbusters". The principle is to miniaturize the medical proton accelerator commonly used in medical equipment, which uses electromagnetism to separate hydrogen gas.

Its internal structure mainly consists of several magnets. The central part of the main magnet is the ion source. The gas used in the ion source is hydrogen, which can be found everywhere in the earth's environment.

The hydrogen gas is sent to the ion source filament chamber through a pipeline at the bottom of the main magnet. The filament applies high voltage to generate electrons, which further ionizes the hydrogen gas to produce protons H+. The main magnet applies voltage and draws out the protons. At the same time, it accelerates through the magnetic pole gap of the separated fan-shaped structure. When the protons It is ejected when the energy reaches 235MeV.

It looks like a water gun and has a similar range. It can almost be regarded as a melee weapon. Moreover, Batman did not make this thing to deal with the ghost gentleman.

In Gotham, Batwoman Kate Kane is responsible for dealing with unnatural creatures. She often encounters underworld things like demons or ghosts, so when she once complained to Batman, she said that if she had to destroy A special weapon to kill ghosts would be nice.

People died every day in Gotham, and the probability of evil spirits being born was not low. She was under great pressure.

Batman didn't provide any help on the surface, but he secretly made a proton blaster for his cousin, but he didn't put it in her hands. It was just a backup plan in case Kate encountered a ghost that she couldn't really solve. give her.

Because the gun's technical content is not high, it may be copied by villains if it is left outside. For the sake of the ghost heroes within the Justice League, Batman locked the proton gun in the arsenal of the Batcave.

But later, when the Justice League faced off against a big ghost wearing a green hat, Batman used this weapon, so Diana knew of its existence.

But now the question is, how did the skeleton know? You must know that the only people present at that time were the Seven Giants and the ghost himself...

"Is that ghost gentleman dead?" Kara, who was hiding behind a big steel tree in a corner of the park, asked Diana in a low voice.

In her opinion, as the leader of the Justice League Dark, Diana must be very familiar with these ghosts.

"The ghost gentleman cannot die. If you destroy his body, you can no longer be harassed by him in a short period of time." Wonder Woman watched the skeleton put away the gun and began to play with Superman. She bit her lip worriedly and said, "But It won't be long before that guy will be resurrected from the death ball and then reappear in the world to continue his pursuit of immortality."

If it were an ordinary ghost, if it was hit by a proton blaster, the situation would be the same as if an ordinary person was sprayed by a No. 12 shotgun at close range, and it would die.

But the ghost gentleman is different. In addition to being an undead creature, he can be reborn indefinitely. Moreover, he is very cunning. If he suffered a loss that led to his death once, there is a high probability that he will not suffer again next time.

"Dear, what is the death ball?" Harley chewed bubble gum and adjusted her skirt, looking a little curious: "It sounds like a resurrection item. Is it very powerful?"

"I've heard of it but never seen it."

Diana answered Harley's question. At this time, the skeleton was grabbing a handful of white powder and stuffing it into Superman's hand. He didn't know what he was doing:

"But you are right, it is indeed very powerful. It is said that it was originally a phylactery that Merlin created for himself through some knowledge that ordinary people could not understand. However, before it could be completed and put into use, Merlin was captured by Xanadu that year. The Lady and King Arthur stabbed and sealed it.”

"Then what?"

Harley blinked, reached out and shook Xiao Dai's arm, gesturing for her best friend to continue talking. She not only liked to shout, but also liked to listen.

The former is because she has a mental disorder, and the latter is because she is a psychiatrist.

"There is nothing more. That was the last time that the death ball appeared in people's sight. Then two hundred years ago, an undead ghost gentleman suddenly appeared in England. Many wizards analyzed his situation. , it is judged that the death ball is in his hand, but no one knows where it is hidden and whether it is in this dimension."

While answering her best friend's question, Diana stretched her neck to look at the movement on the skeleton's side, because the ghost gentleman might have been dispersed just now and would not be able to come back for a short time, but just when the skeleton was about to give Superman medicine, that The monster with an upper body made of stone and a lower body with octopus tentacles appeared in front of everyone again.

And this time it seems to be strengthened.

The angel statues in the past were about three meters tall, at least enough to be able to face-to-face wrestling with Superman.

But now this mother who represents "inferiority" is more than three hundred meters tall, and each tentacle under her body is dozens of meters thick, which is thicker than several New York subway cars twisted together.

If it could barely be considered a humanoid creature before, its current state should be called a giant beast.

She didn't talk nonsense as soon as she appeared, and immediately launched an attack. The countless tentacles under the stone skirt were like the wiping turntable of a sweeping robot, and launched a sweep towards the skeletons and supermen in the park. It looked like they were trying to kill someone. Man swept out of the earth.

It feels like taking a mountain to sweep the floor, giving it a weird visual conflict.

At this moment, Diana subconsciously stood up from the hiding place. Although she knew that Superman would not be afraid of this under normal circumstances, but now it can be seen from Clark's face that the power of the kryptonite has not passed yet, and now it is At night, if you really get this blow, you may be seriously injured.

There is no doctor in the team now, and the final machine in the Batcave is broken. If he is seriously injured, it will be difficult to deal with.

But before she could jump out to join the battle, the skeleton, who was squatting next to Superman to grab medicine, had already stepped over Superman's body and took action as the closer person.

He stretched out his skinny white claws, and blocked the exaggerated sweep with just one hand. However, the shock wave caused by the collision between the palm and the tentacles still swept through the entire park, and even some buildings not far away fell instantly.

But even so, both the skeleton standing there and Superman sitting on the ground were unscathed. It was just that Clark's hair style with a curl in front of his forehead was damaged.

Compared with the giant statue hundreds of meters high, the skeleton's figure looks very small, but such a small figure can easily restrain a monster that is powerful at a glance. This gives people an urge to laugh, because the skeleton He seemed to be laughing at this time.

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