The Death Knell

Chapter 4832 Replacement and Maintenance

"The last entry in the diary was in 1990." Harley closed the diary and looked up at Little Bee: "So are Jonathan and Jenny still alive now?"

She waved her little hand in front of her face a few times, as if to enhance her narration. Jonathan was born in 1929, so it is not impossible if he is still alive today.

"Dead. Jenny died of lung cancer in the fall of 1990, and Jonathan died of bone cancer in the winter of the same year." Unfortunately, the ruthless Su Ming shook his head and pressed his fingers on the diary. The pages of the book began to shake, and black smoke like ink flowed from him. Fingertips flowed out, and he wrote some strange symbols like codes on the blank page: "Their experience of working at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in that era destined them to have a higher probability of getting cancer than the mixing workers at the ACE Chemical Plant in Gotham. .”

"Then they..."

Harley rarely felt some sympathy, because not long ago she had watched the story of their love and their happy life, and now that they knew they were dead, it was a little sudden.

She just wanted to know whether these two people died miserably.

Because she has determined that the timeline of these two people has completely overlapped with the history of Earth 0 at a certain point, and Earth 0 has never been very stable. If most people die, they will die miserably. , there are quite a few who died.

"Didn't I tell you that the two died of illness? Their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were all at their bedsides when they died."

Su Ming, who was scratching his head, rolled his eyes, took out a bottle of wine, poured a big sip into his mouth, and then gave him another big sip:

"If you are worried about how they are doing, why not worry about me? You must know that in order to ensure that things in the past develop according to history, I replaced Dr. Manhattan and did all the things that he should have done."

He began to talk about the things he did to maintain the direction of the timeline and avoid triggering the Flashpoint effect, such as killing Rorschach, killing many people, triggering the rebirth event, and destroying the Watchmen universe. These things were all done by him under everyone's control. Made during the period when I lost my memory.

Although he had the cooperation of Dr. Manhattan in the minutes before his death, the person who made the decision was Su Ming himself. He kept trying on the timeline, restarting the stories one after another, and sorting out the logic, especially when it came to killing the previous life. He also suffered a big mental shock from the fact that he threw his soul into the DC universe.

What Sandman said not long ago, saying that Deathstroke replaced Dr. Manhattan, did not mean that Su Ming himself became the blue fruit man, but that he replaced all the protagonists in Dr. Manhattan's "stories" with Deathstroke. !

And what about the original Dr. Manhattan? Disappeared, leaving only a scientist named Jonathan Osterman, who lived an extraordinary but ordinary life with the woman he loved.

I don’t know how many times Su Ming looked at the happy life of the two of them in the dark, and felt that his teeth were sore. In order to eliminate the possibility of blankness from the beginning, he finally had no way to seek revenge from Dr. Manhattan, but instead helped him My wish came true...

The most important thing is that all the things that Dr. Manhattan did to himself in the past have now been done to him by himself. The logic is closed, but it is just holding his breath.

But who could he tell this to? Only Harley and the lieutenant still have memories of the blue man, and the others only know about a physics expert named Jonathan and his beautiful wife.

"Oh, my dear Honey, you are such a gentle and kind person, I know it."

After listening to Su Ming's story, Harley realized how much her man had done in those few minutes that everyone was missing. She laughed and touched his chest:

"Maybe letting one's enemies go is like a fool in Gotham, but I love you even more, because you saved everyone's world again, when no one else knew! And the secret that only the lieutenant and I know, too Attractive! Hahaha!”

"This is probably because the darkness covers everything." The deputy added. She reached out and took the diary from Harley's hand to prevent the madman from destroying the historical relics when he had sex with the Sheriff: "Sheriff, this thing Are you going to be sent to the Land of Dreams?"

"No, this diary is sent to Lucifer. I asked him to help me find the clue about the wish. Now that the matter is settled, I have to give him an explanation. He will understand." Su Ming took out the cigarette and said: He stood up from the throne and walked outside: "Also, help me contact Bobo. I want to make sure that this monkey head is not doing anything bad."

The adjutant nodded and pulled Harley to follow the man, and the communication quickly contacted the orangutan in the Hall of Justice on Earth 0. At this time, the animal was playing chess with a person with a frown on his face.

"Slade, are you looking for me?"

Seeing the black and yellow figure in the projection, Bobo seemed to have finally found an opportunity to be lazy, and immediately put the picked up castle back on the chessboard.

"Do you still remember what I told you before?" The footsteps echoed in the empty hall, golden rain fell from the sky, and the baby-like Cherubim also sprinkled a path paved with petals: "Or Shall we agree on a codeword?"

"There is no need for a secret code. If you are a fake, you can't hide it from Harley. Didn't you ask me to accompany the Doom Patrol in the Hall of Justice to wait for your news? You go find the mysterious statue and the missing Superman. Now Is it done?"

The orangutan took off the cuckold on his head and scratched the black hair on his head a few times, looking a little speechless. Deathstroke asked him to wait for Kai to switch personalities, and now he has a personality obsessed with chess. Once he is not qualified to play chess, this person will go crazy. However, everyone else in the Doom Patrol is a chess basket, and only he can let it go. This 'chess player' gets interested.

But playing chess is really taxing, and the hair on my head is about to fall out.鶀

"Ah, yes, that's right. That's what I told you when I left." Su Ming nodded, he smiled and hugged Harley and the adjutant, put his arms on their shoulders and continued walking: " But now the situation has changed. I killed the statue, but they may still have potential accomplices. You should move on now and find a way to capture the ghost gentleman. It is best to seal him to the bottom of the sea or outer space."

The three mothers were created by Blank. If Blank was never born, they would naturally cease to exist. The statues everyone is talking about now are just played by Su Ming himself in order to prevent the story from changing too much. He is both The abuser is also the savior, but no one knows this.

But the Ice King and the Ghost Gentleman are still there. People like them who took refuge in the blank originally existed in the story of Earth 0, so they still exist now and need to be cleaned up.

"Ghost Gentleman? How did he get into trouble with you? Forget it, I won't ask, that guy is really annoying, wait until I contact Constantine, because only a bitch can deal with a bitch."

The orangutan detective put the pipe into his mouth, patted his butt and jumped off the big round table. He seemed to be impatient to get in touch with the scumbag. At least chatting with the scumbag was better than playing chess with a multiple personality patient.

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