The Death Knell

Chapter 4842 Caught fishing

I don’t know how far Geralt and the others have completed their main mission. The situation in the first world is actually pretty good. At least some areas have already had darkness. However, over the vast white wasteland, there is still only light like golden cotton wool. .

Uncomfortable, the first feeling that such a world gives people is uncomfortable.

"Where's Geralt? Tell me the exact location."

The cloak brought the two of them down from the sky, and they burst into the world like they were airborne from orbit. The only difference was that there was no fire at the edge of the flying carpet.

After all, it's magic flying, so you don't have to think about things like gravity, just sit still.

"At the mouth of the Watts River at the southern end of Kelusia Island, hurry up, he doesn't know how long he can last." Ciri lay on all fours on the flying carpet, looking forward, her white hair blowing in the wind Flying, the sweat on his face was flowing down the direction of the wind, looking very anxious.

If you don’t need to study any geography, you just need to know that this island is the largest island in the first world, or a small continent. The environment on the island is similar to Australia. Except for the Gobi Desert, it is a stone mountain. Anyway, it is a sight to see. There are no serious large plants, but there are quite a few large elemental monsters.

There are dwarves, humans, and a very prosperous entertainment city called Youmo Bang, located in the southeast corner of the island.

The river Ciri mentioned was nothing special. It ran through the island from north to south. Su Ming knew that Geralt and Ciri would be by the water because they were addicted to fishing.

Eorzea is different from Azeroth. Fishing in the latter is more casual, and there are super booms and high-tech baits that you can use, while the former is more like a competitive sport where you compete with yourself. Different There are often some special fish called "fish kings" in the waters. To catch them, not only the proficiency of the fisherman is required, but also sometimes the weather and time.

It's really confusing. Su Ming didn't have a good computer in his previous life and had never played FF14 with Eorzea as the main background. However, despite surfing the Internet intensively, he had heard of a kind of fish king called the 'Red Dragon'. , many people have been fishing for several months without even seeing a shadow.

You must know that it is just one of many fish kings. If you want to collect all the fish kings, if you are not lucky, it will be difficult in a few years.

It happened that Geralt, as a witcher, suffered from squirrel syndrome. Su Ming could see this when he and he were traveling together in the wizarding world. During that time, when riding through the forest, they had to constantly go to the roadside to pull out herbs and dig. The presence of honey.

When he arrived in Eorzea, White Wolf couldn't help it when he saw the challenging and collecting-oriented fisherman industry. Anyway, he was already retired in his own world. If he didn't fish, all his time would be wasted. ?

Then you have to collect them all.

So they were cornered by the river by the Wild Hunt, which made sense.

There is no doubt about the speed of the magic floating cloak. Just a moment ago, the two of them were looking at the sand in the sky above the empty land. The next second they arrived at their destination and found the traces of the demon hunter in an instant.

The main reason is that the hoarfrost that accompanies the Wild Hunt is too conspicuous. When it appears in an area dominated by the Gobi Desert, it is like a napkin on a bald man's head.

White frost has covered the ground, and the river has been frozen. Strong convective weather has triggered a small-scale snowstorm, and there is a figure jumping up and down in the wind and snow.

The white wolf is now holding an exaggerated luminous spear, flying over the heads of the enemy groups. One moment, a dragon-shaped energy is emitted from the head of the gun, and the next moment, it hits the ground and throws out a large fire, especially for him. He also learned how to fight with a spear in one hand and a silver sword in the other. Coupled with this strategy of seven in and seven out, Su Ming suddenly reminded Su Ming of Zhao Zilong.

However, his opponents are not humans, but a large group of monsters.

Except for two heavily armored Wild Hunt riders, most of the enemies were monsters that looked like large wargs. These things should be called wild hounds. When these minions of the wild hunt attack, they always rush beside the riders of Ain El, like the broken ice dropped by the coming comet.

When Ciri came to the sky above the battlefield, the two knights seemed to sense something, and they raised their heads at the same time.

They were two guys who looked dirty all over. They were riding skeleton horses, wearing rotten armor and tattered cloaks. They had pale skin under the dead gray masks, and their eyes were burning with will-o'-the-wisps. At a glance, you can sing the high notes.

But for Deathstroke, that's about it.

A few decades ago, he did not regard the Wild Hunt as an opponent, but now, his strength is no longer what it used to be.

Although the light elements in the first world filled the world and the power of darkness was extremely weak, it didn't matter. He himself was the source of darkness, and after swallowing the concept of quantum, darkness was everywhere.

"The target of the Wild Hunt is you, don't go down."

The calm Su Ming raised his mask, and the red eyepiece instantly lit up. He stretched out his hand to hold Shiri's shoulder, who was about to draw her sword, and gestured with his chin to pull the gun out of the holster on her leg, leaving it high in the air to provide firepower. Support, in fact, is to find something for her to do, then turn over and jump off the flying carpet, making a funny sound in mid-air:

"Here you come, brother?!"

Although he calls the Wild Hunt riders his brothers, what he gives them is not a cornbread, but his exclusive set meal, which is also a dead-on one.

Since I have never faced off against the Wild Hunt before, I first tried the New Year Sword Technique that fell from the sky.


Facing the sword skills falling from the sky, the Wild Hunt rider who rushed in front did react. He raised his sword in an attempt to resist.

However, although their weapons also glowed with a dull white light, with frost falling when they were swung, and they should be enchanted weapons, they were still far behind the lightsaber in Deathstroke's hand. This gap was like using ham sausage. Just like a real ham fight, of course the ham sausage will break when touched.

Accompanied by the turbulence of the golden light cutting through the air, Deathstroke cut the knight and his horse in half with one strike of his sword, like cutting a piece of tofu.

With a twist of his wrist, the golden light in his hand exploded like fireworks. In the blink of an eye, before the knight's body even hit the ground, it was split into thousands of pieces of almost equal size by the light in mid-air, and then turned into a pile of ice and snow powder, disappearing in the air. In hoarfrost and storm.

"The projection from another world is considered strong among the undead units, but that's all." Su Ming waved his sword and jumped back to Geralt: "You elves, can't you plant the world tree and eat the fruits? If you let your dogs attack a man, then I, Slade of New York, must treat your illness."

Standing between the monster and the witcher, he made a sinister sound and surrounded all the enemies by himself.

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