The Death Knell

Chapter 4847 Still the same old taste?

Tirnaria used to be a city belonging to vampires, but after being occupied by elves, it became the capital of the elves.

Therefore, the buildings here do not have any elven style, but they have the exaggerated beauty unique to the vampires, especially the densely packed Gothic spiers in the city, which look like tombs from a distance.

However, due to the hoarfrost, the city was shrouded in wind and snow, and everything was foggy. Only a few places were slightly black under the snow, and no elves could be seen in the city because it was too cold outside. Now, they also need to stay indoors for the winter.

Because the projected Wild Hunt army is undead, it is not afraid of the cold and can even use the cold as a weapon. However, the elves themselves are like all flesh and blood creatures. If they are really frozen, it will be brittle ice.

"This city is really big." Su Ming turned the cloak into invisibility, and squatted on it with Xili, peeping from a high altitude outside the city: "The city wall on this side alone is almost more than a hundred. Kilometers, that’s fifty stajes.”

This world has been completely shrouded in white frost. It is naturally impossible for the elves to live in scattered cities, so they all live in the capital.

"There is no need to specifically translate it into the language of my hometown. I know what a kilometer means." Shirley covered her mouth and whispered. Although the death knell assured her that she would not be discovered, she thought of the millions of people in this city. The elf still felt a little guilty: "What is your plan? To assassinate their navigator? Or to sneak attack on the King of the Wild Hunt, Eredin Brick Glass?"

After all, she lives in a very simple environment, and has not stayed on Marvel 40K Earth for too long. She still doesn't understand that quantity means nothing under absolute power, and the plan she comes up with is still too small.

But it doesn't matter, Su Ming will do it now, she will know in a moment.

The hoarfrost not only absorbed the heat, but also seemed to absorb the light of the world. At this time, the sky above the city was dark, but it was not the blackness of the night, but the deep gray of the foggy weather.

You can see some lights in the distance, coming from large and small windows. There must be an elf warming up around the magic fireplace behind each window, right?

Of course, compared with such a good life, life outside the city is much worse.

A large area outside the city is filled with mines and crop fields. A large number of alien creatures captured by wild hunting are working here. They don't have any decent cold-proof clothing, just rags, rotten leather, and hemp, which wrap the slaves bulging. , even so, it was still difficult to bear the cold, and they relied on bonfires hundreds of meters apart to keep warm.

To put it simply, a slave is carrying a bag of ore from outside the city to the city. He can walk along a certain road in the thick snow and enjoy about three hours of enjoyment while passing by a magic-blessed bonfire. Five seconds of warm air, and then had to walk into the hoarfrost under the whip of the supervisor, and then regard the next bonfire a few hundred meters away as the destination, and the cycle repeats.

It's been winter here for an unknown number of years. The roads are sunk deeply into the snow, and they look like trenches, and the densely packed slaves look like ants.

Looking around, the visible range outside the city is full of such roads or construction sites. The elves have still found crops that can survive the low temperature, but the yield is too small and they can only use more slaves to increase the planting area.

Su Ming is not an agricultural expert, but from his observation just now, he saw that the things grown in the farmland are more like small berries growing on moss. The fruits are about the size of millet grains, and each acre of land can produce about one. Three to five kilograms?

That's about it. It's 40 to 50 degrees below zero in the ice and snow. Thank God for being able to grow food. Anyway, the land is farmed by captured slaves, and the elves don't go out to work in the city. When the slaves die, they just reappear as wild hunters and go to other worlds to catch them.

Just when Su Ming and Xili said a word, seven or eight slaves fell down in the snow below. They fell headfirst into the snow and never got up again.

Life is like this. Once you close your eyes and never open them again, it's over.

There were selected overseers among the slaves, as well as small foremen with a little status. They were currently arranging for others to pick up the dead and move them away. They were preparing to take them to the city to feed the dogs.

The wild hounds look like skeletal wargs after participating in the wild hunt, but their true bodies are just larger dogs, and they are now warming themselves in the city with their elven masters.

"Well, although I have seen this scene the last time I was caught here, I always feel uncomfortable whenever I see this scene..."

Xili sighed. She didn't know what to say. Obviously, the number of slaves was hundreds of times that of the elves in the city. Their team could not be seen at a glance, but because they had no power and knowledge, they could only be beaten. People are enslaved.

Perhaps it would be better to be killed directly by the Wild Hunt than to be caught here. At least the former would die happily, while the latter would have almost every last drop of blood in his bones squeezed out by the elves.

"They won't have to suffer soon." Su Ming took out a small test tube from his pocket with a smile. The glass tube inside showed a blue spiral shape of DNA: "I will give them power and fight the elves desperately. strength."

As he said that, he randomly picked a direction, and then threw the test tube into the frost-filled distance. Then he used his fingers to separate a little bit into the air and shot out an invisible energy, blasting the test tube in the air.

The bluish smoke was inconspicuous among the white frost, but Su Ming immediately took out a tube of green potion and injected a needle into Xili's butt.

"Ouch!" The girl who was squatting on the flying carpet immediately jumped up, covering her buttocks and rubbing it continuously: "Why are you giving me an injection all of a sudden? Why does it hurt so much? Have I been stabbed by a sword?"

"Normally, when the medicine is injected into the body, you will feel this kind of swelling and pain, but we have to update the version of the vaccine for you, so that's all." Su Mingdan calmly turned the syringe into a wisp of black in his hand. Smoke, smiled and answered the girl: "This is the biochemical weapon Overlord developed by Casillas after harvesting zombie viruses from different universes, which is the latest version of the Stitch Monster virus."

It is said to be the latest version. In fact, Su Ming released a virus into the monster universe, and then selected special infected people from those infected, the kind with super powers, and then asked the lieutenant to capture them back to Xiaoka and dissect their corpses. , study their mutated genes, and use them again to improve the original virus.

The current second-generation suture monster virus is more contagious, has a faster onset rate, and can also produce "running zombies" and "special senses" in batches. It can be said that it is very suitable for playing in a world with low power levels.

"The zombie virus... is really scary."

Seeing that Deathstroke had 'liberated' the slaves, Ciri sighed, but didn't say much. Indeed, as long as he did this, Deathstroke would have an army, an army that far exceeded the total population of elves.

Now that the effect has been seen, the slaves who had just fallen in the snow stood up straight and neighed like ghosts howling like wolves.

"Okay, let's start the game. Don't think it will be disgusting to become a zombie. Girl, at least I let them die happily and really gave them the power to resist the slave master." Su Ming looked at the zombies in the snow below. They started to eat people, and smiled and handed Xili a pack of spicy sticks. Now they just need to wait for a while before giving the elves another show.

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