The Death Knell

Chapter 4849 Preparing for midnight snack

The two talked about warm, homely topics, and soon, the original noise under the flying carpet gradually became quiet. There were no more screams and roars, only the unconscious "uh-uh" sounds of the zombies were heard from time to time.

They seemed to be able to feel the breath of living people in the city. More and more zombies were staggering from the distant hoarfrost. They stretched their arms forward, and their faces full of misery were still frozen with the last moments before death. The breath turns into white frost and solidifies on the beard or eyebrows.

The city gate of Tilnaria is fifty meters high and hundreds of meters wide, which is enough for a legion to line up for battle. However, at this time, the zombies are scratching at the huge metal withered gate with their fingernails, like It is the beast in the zoo that is pulling at his own rice bowl.

The birth of a large number of zombies means that a large number of special infected people will also appear. These are completely the fruits of chaos. No one knows what kind of abilities the next special sense will show.

And this also brought fun to Su Ming, which was to guess what abilities the special infected people had that were different from Xili.

Although Xili didn't want to see this kind of poisoning and massacre, she still liked to play, and she was a naughty girl.

She might have been a little resistant at first, but after Su Ming took out the chocolate and tempted her to guess the riddle, she quickly fell in love with this game of guessing the license plate.

The only difference is that this one is more difficult. In the past, guessing the license plate on the streets of New York only required guessing the odd and even numbers, but here it is not a multiple-choice question.

"I guess that's a speed zombie. Its special ability is probably to bounce like a frog." Xili pointed out a special zombie from the group of corpses. It looked a bit like a furry licker. It was crawling at high speed just now. Passed the crowd.

Su Ming placed the chocolate between the two of them and said with a smile, "We'll see."

A few seconds later, the zombie came to the edge of the city wall, then climbed up the wall like a gecko, and jumped into the city. Obviously its ability was not super jumping, but super climbing ability. Even though The city walls were covered with a layer of white frost, but it easily became the first lucky person to enter the city.

"Ah! Wrong guess!" Xili pouted, watching Deathstroke break off a large piece of chocolate and stuff it into Strangler's mouth. The two eyes of the little black bean sprout were bent into a crescent shape, and she said speechlessly. : "Did you already know what type of mutation it is?"

"Where do I know where to go? Virus mutations are random and it all depends on luck. The distribution of random numbers is determined by the concept of chaos." Su Ming took out a few more chocolates and piled them into a small pile on the back of the cloak between the two. Dui: "Keep guessing, there's a big guy over there, guess what he's capable of."

Deathstroke pointed to a zombie that looked five meters tall and had abnormally swollen muscles all over his body. At this time, the zombie was knocking away other similar people blocking the way and quickly approaching the city gate.

The girl originally wanted to subconsciously say that it was some kind of power-type ability, but then she thought about it and realized that this might be a trap. Looking big does not necessarily mean that she has strength. She had to change her mind-set and come up with a different answer.

"I guess he has a brain mutation and awakened spiritual superpowers."

After hearing this answer, Su Ming suddenly showed a black question mark face. He turned his head and looked at the zombie below again. The zombie had five shoulders as broad as an ordinary human, but his head was not half as big as an ordinary person.

Xili's guess is a bit outrageous. Did she consider the opposite of the opposite of the question?

But there was no need to think too much. At this moment, the big zombie rushed to the city gate and slammed into the gate sideways. Then there was a loud noise and he exploded.

Together with a large area of ​​ordinary zombies around them, as well as the withered flower gate left by the vampires, they all disappeared under the soaring mushroom clouds. The white frost was also blown away along with the soil, leaving a trace on the exposed black earth. There was a pattern like sun rays.

"It seems that he is a person with the ability to self-destruct." Su Ming, who was smiling, shook his head, indicating that the girl guessed wrong again, so he broke off a piece of chocolate again and fed it to Strangler: "Do you still guess?"

Ciri shook her head. She stood up on the flying carpet and looked down. Tiernaria's main city gate was rushed open. At this time, an endless army of zombies was pouring into the city. She really had no intention of playing guessing games. .

She has the blood of elves in her body. Logically speaking, these enemies are her people. However, the torture and fear they gave her in the past made her want to send them to death as soon as possible. Her emotions at this time were very complicated.

"No more guessing, let's go into the city and have a look. I think...if they are going to perish, I have to witness it with my own eyes."

"Okay, let's walk, but don't rush down, just stay in the sky and watch." Su Ming patted his cloak, then led the two of them into the city, to the center of the city, where the largest building is. It's the palace of the past.

The scenery around them flashed by, and the two of them had arrived at the scheduled location. This place was still dozens of kilometers away from the city gate, so the streets were still very deserted for the time being.

The situation in the city is similar to that in the outside world. All the buildings are covered with hoarfrost. The only thing that can be seen in every house is that the door is not frozen. Even the glowing windows have a layer of ice crust on them.

However, the reaction speed of the elves did not seem to be slow. At this time, a group of knights was gathering in front of the palace, and at the same time, elf mages were also arriving. An obviously larger elf was preparing for war.

Seeing that figure, Ciri's hand holding the sword tightened. Most of her sufferings came from this guy, the King of the Wild Hunt, or the elf Eredin.

If Deathstroke hadn't pulled her waistcoat collar, she might have jumped out on the spot and given him a thud from the sky, but that was obviously not Deathstroke's plan. His thoughts were darker and more relieving.

"Don't be impulsive, girl." Su Ming sat her down on the flying carpet that opened up the invisible realm, and stuffed a handful of melon seeds into her hand: "The Ain family has magic, and biohazard is not a problem for them. It’s a problem that can’t be solved, but after they completely eliminate the zombies, that’s when the game begins. Remember, we are here for a vacation, not for you to fight, just watch.”

After listening to Deathstroke's words, Ciri took a few deep breaths, and the cool white mist was inhaled into her body. If it weren't for the magical protection of the cloak, she would definitely turn blue.

But it wasn't much better now. She looked away from the figure on the ground with difficulty, grabbed the chocolate on the side and stuffed it into her mouth. After chewing for a while, she spit out the plastic bag:

"I'm not impulsive, I just want him to die quickly."

"Don't worry, since I asked you to come here with me, I definitely didn't come here to drink from the northwest wind. The King of the Wild Hunt will definitely die. As I said, even if God comes, he can't be saved."

After pinching the cigarette butt and putting it away, Su Ming conjured up a large pot and several packets of hot pot base ingredients, because it seemed that the war between the living and the dead was about to begin, so he had to prepare the supper first, and he would be listening to the elf later. Their screams were followed by the meal.

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