The Death Knell

Chapter 4867: Being tricked one after another

What happened was just as Su Ming expected. The contestants quickly shared the roasted facehugger. Although there was no seasoning, for people who had been hungry for a day, it was enough to eat it. It’s also protein after all.

But originally the facehugger was not that big, like a big slap, with tentacles just big enough to hug a human face. Now it is divided among several people, and each person only gets a few bites.

This is far from enough for them, so according to the biological behavioral logic, if there is not enough food, they need to continue hunting or gathering.

Elf 4 temporarily gained the command of the team, and lost himself in the compliments. With a wave of his hand, he was ready to lead his teammates to the bottom of the spacecraft. He also said that there were many "little creatures in eggs" there, and everyone could go there. , take whatever you want, everyone must be fed.

So they left Elf 5 to guard the bonfire, and the remaining four people went to the bottom of the spacecraft together, as naturally and easily as savages going to pick wild fruits.

"If their behaviors are expected by the aliens, then this is a bit scary." Ambush Bug touched his chin and held the microphone in his hand. Although he said it was scary, he was actually smiling. : "As expected of the pet created by Deathstroke, it is also equally dark."

"Thank you. After all, in the vast universe, the law of survival of the fittest is much more cruel than in Gotham. If it is not dark enough, the aliens will have no future."

Su Mingdan, who was holding a wine bottle, looked at the hot pot steadily. Although he was also participating in the live broadcast, he did not have any business attitude. He just seemed to be chatting with old friends. Kuai Zi who was cooking the food never stopped:

"Do you want to play with aliens? I can give you one, or if you want Zergs, I have some too."

"Haha, forget it. Although I am a bug lover, I am not ready for other creatures to enter my body." He lowered his head nervously, and there were suspicious lines on his mask. Pink lines, and jokes came out naturally.

Speaking of which, this weirdo in green is the counterpart to Deadpool in the DC universe. His tone of voice and his thinking are indeed a bit like his younger cousin.

Of course, as the host, the showmanship was only temporary. He soon began to explain the movements of the elves, but now the focus of everyone's attention was only whether Elf No. 5 would die.

In everyone's eyes, the remaining four people are already dead.

During the chat between the host and the guests, these people followed No. 4 and slid along the elevator to the bottom floor. They saw the 'eggs' they wanted to eat, so they started collecting them.

As a result, after they penetrated deep into the alien egg square, eggs exploded in all directions, the sound was like firecrackers, and facehuggers swarmed towards them like a rain of bullets.

If they appear in the form of Wild Hunt projections, they may not be afraid of aliens at all. After all, they are undead creatures, with heavy armor and handy weapons.

But their elves are too weak, and their flesh and blood bodies should not be too fragile when facing these parasitic creatures.

The key is that they don't have the sense of vigilance that they should have. After learning from No. 4 that these little bugs will only 'harmlessly' land on their faces to scare people, they don't care at all.

After all, they are the elite warriors of the elven clan. If they are just screaming when the food from Sticky Lake is lying on their faces, it would be too incompetent. You must know that the whole clan is watching the live broadcast in the air scroll. .

So just one minute after they started collecting food, these four people were all parasitized. Although they couldn't feel it yet, the alien larvae had actually begun to grow stronger and larger in their bodies, waiting to mature. Moment.

"It's over. If they are all parasitized, then the first one to die will definitely be No. 4. His bugs will be the first to enter his stomach, and he will be the first to complete the transformation."

The adjutant stretched out a hand and pointed at the ambush bug, indicating that he should hand over the prize and want it now.

I am usually very busy, and my main body is always stationed in Sepurk. I don't have many opportunities to come out, and there are even fewer opportunities to meet outsiders. I need to reward now to avoid the ambush bugs from defaulting on their debts.

And I don’t know how many people guessed it correctly. If I have to sign a million calendars, even if the calendar person doesn’t give up his choice, he will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

However, Channel 52 is a reputable company after all. The TV station relies heavily on credibility and reputation, so naturally it has never thought about defaulting on its debt.

The green humanoid grasshopper signaled the adjutant to wait a moment. He stood up on the flying carpet, did some broadcast gymnastics, then squatted down to gather strength with his legs, and then jumped into the air.

He just disappeared. For him, time travel was so simple. He was going back to Taiwan to pick up his things.

Prizes must be given, just in time for the audience to see what the signed calendar looks like on TV. Anyway, except for the time when he is on duty, the calendar man is quite free most of the time. He is a serial killer and can particularly endure loneliness.

A few seconds later, the ambush bug suddenly appeared from the side, smiling and handing the calendar in his hand to the adjutant.

It is a very ordinary wall calendar. The materials used may cost 20 cents in the supermarket, but there are photo color pages for each month, such as channel 52 investment advertisements, recruitment information, and hosts. In their close-up artistic photos, of course, the calendar person is in the absolute C position. After all, the value of this calendar is concentrated on him.

As soon as I opened it, January showed a picture of a bald white man with dead fish eyes, expressionlessly licking a kitchen knife. The most striking appearance feature of the calendar man is that he has extremely large bags under his eyes, as if he has not slept for a long time. Same.

"Here you go, your copy is special. All four of us hosts have signed it." The Ambush Bug reached out and turned to the June page, pointing to the font that looked like dog-pawed shit: "Do you like it? I think my calligraphy is very personal, what do you think? It’s a pity that there is no calligraphy competition in the DC universe, leaving me with nowhere to unleash my good skills..."

In response to his brazen statement, the adjutant retched and handed the calendar to the sergeant.

After all, it was the Sheriff who wanted to collect this strange worthless garbage. She had no interest in it at all. After all, how could any Cybertronian read the calendar? Among those Transformers deities in ancient times, who hasn’t lived for hundreds of billions of years?

The adjutant has indeed transformed into a human being, but his precise control of time has not fallen behind at all.

"Well, not bad, I can even feel the emotion in it."

Su Ming accepted the calendar with satisfaction. He could exchange some things with Batman later, such as some good treasures that he didn't even know existed...

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