The Death Knell

Chapter 4871 Return to Baishuang

How should I put it? Su Ming originally thought that Xili had been feeling aggrieved for so long and wanted to vent her anger. For example, she could tell Eredin something like thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, so as to have some verbal exchanges.

But the female witcher was too straightforward. She jumped off the flying carpet and cut off the enemy's head with a single blow of her sword. The sword blade even caused sparks to fly on the stone ground of the square, followed by the fallen heads. Get out of here together.

After chopping off the opponent's head, Shirley knelt down on one knee, covering her face with her other hand, as if sobbing silently.

Su Ming did not disturb her, but just nodded to the adjutant, and then several aliens nearby divided the human body lying on the ground with sticks, and another one chased the head that rolled away.

These adult aliens actually obey the orders of the Alien Queen, but the queen in their eyes is the adjutant herself. A large part of the training cost of the alien army is invested in this matter. After all, only the use of magic can make people A group of bloodthirsty beasts obey the orders of a super AI.

"Okay, we can move away the aliens and the corpses." The flesh of the corpses is also a material, and can be recycled later to create bionic humans: "When Ciri recovers, we will evacuate the planet Ain El The universe we are in is hopeless, and hoarfrost has completely filled every space in space."

"As ordered, execution is in progress, but Sheriff, even you can't save this universe?"

"That's not true. It's just that the resources here are available to me in other multiverses. There is nothing indispensable. Saving it would be completely thankless. Using quantum authority would also be possible. There's a price to pay. The more I use it, the more I feel like I'm slipping towards the state of that blue man. You don't want me to become such an emotionless monster, right? Or can you say 'fitting one's body with one's actions'?"

Su Ming took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. He took a deep breath of the slightly cool air, as if he was smoking a mint-flavored cigarette. He gave this answer.

"Understood, the aliens have been evacuated, and the corpses have been recovered. Now only Ciri, Eredin, the ambush bug and his drone are left in the city. The cleanup is completed, verification and re-inspection, scanning and confirmation are completed."

Although she usually communicates the way humans speak, when it comes to serious matters and reporting on work, the adjutant is still more accustomed to the past speaking style.

"Ciri! Let's go!"

Su Ming shouted to the girl not far away. The enemy's body had been dismantled. There was no need to stare at the blood stains. He would not stand up again.

And even if you want to recall the enemy's dead appearance in the future, you can ask the adjutant to give you a copy of the video. It doesn't have to be engraved in your brain or DNA, right? Don't carve anything up. This is not the table in Sanwei Bookstore.

Only then did the girl come back to her senses. She rubbed her face randomly, and then she felt the astonishing low temperature around her. She crossed her arms, shivered, and ran back to the range of the flying carpet.

"Thank you for helping me get revenge. I feel much better. What are you going to do next?" Xili's current state has changed. She is like the kind of person who carries hundreds of kilograms of goods and unloads the goods in the warehouse. that state.

She let out a long breath, and her smile became much more relaxed. If she hadn't wiped her tears just now and the snot from her nose was all over her face, she would have been as cute as pear blossoms with rain.

"I'm going to patrol other universes to see if my enemies are secretly targeting me and causing trouble for other multiverses in my hands."

Deathstroke threw her a pack of tissues and asked her to stop rubbing her eyes with dirty hands. No one could tell whether these elves who often eat people have infectious diseases:

"But you should go back and accompany Geralt. He should have finished taking a bath. From now on, you can play cards when you need to, and you can fight monsters if you want to. Just like I said, you are all free, the Demon Hunter." That’s how it should be.”

After thinking about it, Ciri nodded, because she realized that she seemed to be unable to help Deathstroke. She could only say:

"If we catch a monster we haven't seen before, we will send it to your zoo. That's probably all we can do."

"This is enough. Even if I am no longer here in the future, the zoo will not close down, and people can still learn about monsters." Deathstroke waved his hand and said goodbye to the ambush bugs beside him, and at the same time asked the adjutant to teleport everyone back to the first world. You Mobang: "When will you return to 40K? I'll ask my cousin to go out with you and tell Geralt that there is no lady in New York that Deadpool doesn't know. I'll make sure he takes a bath until his skin peels off."

"Bah." Shiri made a face and stuck out her little tongue, and several people disappeared in a blue light at this time.

There was nothing left in the empty city, except for the bloodstains on the streets and squares, which showed what had happened here.

But soon, hoarfrost filled the gap, and its representative freezing fog and snow were poured into this huge empty city like thick cream. In just a few seconds, everything was covered up. Under the snow, this planet, this universe, has since fallen into an icy sleep...


“Where do you want to go next?”


After sending Ciri back to the first world and finding Geralt playing cards in the tavern, Su Ming followed the ambush bug to Channel 52 to sign the contract, and then returned to Sepurk with his lieutenant to make a decision.

But he can't take his adjutant around anymore, because potential enemies can't tell when they will attack DC Diversity 1. It's better for the adjutant to stay and guard the space fortress, so Su Ming wants to ask Strangler for his opinion and take a look at it. Is there anything in particular you want to eat?

The symbiote's answer is simple. It wants to eat something that can evolve itself. Isn't this what the host has always known?

But that kind of thing is not easy to find, because the host has already eaten everything it can think of. Now if you want to find 'ingredients' that do not exist in your cognition, you can just try your luck.

"Then just wander around for a while." Su Ming stretched his arms and turned to look at the adjutant who had floated behind the console and plugged in the line: "Send us to the Star Wars universe to see Dr. Aphra. Have you ever helped me find some novel things so that I can eat them and evolve them?"

It was the familiar blue light again, and the mercenary landed smoothly. Because he had done something to the doctor's body when they separated last time, the transfer came accurately behind her this time.

At this time, the woman was alone. At least her two killing robots were not with her. She was holding a terminal and typing in front of an iceberg.

It's a bit strange to say that she plugged the terminal's cable into the ice and snow, and the iceberg actually responded. However, only she probably knew what the numbers and charts that came back meant.

"It seems that you are not idle, Aphra. Is there anything exciting today that you can show me?"

The sound suddenly sounded in the dark ice cave.

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