The Death Knell

Chapter 4873 Tomb Robber Expert

After listening to Deathstroke's words, Aphra realized that even if she had awakened the Force, she still had no room for bargaining with Deathstroke, not to mention that this was still her big benefactor.

So while eating, she talked about the purpose of her trip.

Some time ago, she found some clues through records in some documents and went through all kinds of difficulties. After finally successfully deciphering them, she believed that there was an ossuary from the Jedi Yin period on Hawthorne.

To put it simply, it is the cemetery of the first batch of Force warriors.

After realizing this, she became excited. Her biggest hobby was digging other people's graves, which was far better than paleontological investigation, space exploration and other tasks, because those jobs were not profitable.

Although she is a formal member of the Imperial Archaeological Association, it stands to reason that any discoveries she makes should be reported to the association and work with the larger group to conduct scientific conservation archeology.

But formal members also need to eat, spacecraft parts also need money, fuel also needs money, if they hire crew members, they need to pay wages, and eating, drinking, and finding women all cost money.

So Aphra's style has always been like this - when she discovers the ancient tomb, she goes in first, sweeps away all the valuable things, and leaves behind the worthless, purely academic things, and then goes back to report to the association and put her own The site of the discovery was turned over to other interested archaeologists for study.

In this way, he can not only get association points to upgrade, but also subsidize his own life. From time to time, Aphra can go to his ex-girlfriends and take money to pretend to be B in front of them.

Of course, like some famous archaeologists in other universes, most of the ruins Aphra visited collapsed due to various reasons. Wherever she went, they collapsed, even if they were originally standing before she arrived. It has not collapsed for tens of thousands of years, and the result is the same, as if their end has come.

Su Ming seemed to be able to see Laura and Derek praising Aphra from a distance. This was probably what the so-called destructive archeology was.

In short, Aphra came to Hawthorne Star based on clues. The next step was to find the specific location, battle with primitive beasts and bad weather, and finally found this iceberg cave that was not naturally formed, but the way was blocked by the iceberg.

She thought of some ways and drilled a hole in the ice, letting the micro-robot drill in with the terminal connection cable and plug it into the panel that controlled the door.

If the door could be opened, the movement would most likely push aside the tens of thousands of tons of ice blocking the door, because at the foot of the iceberg, blasting or other methods were not dared to be used.

"The mausoleum before the first force tide?" Su Ming touched his chin and began to look at the ice wall in front of him, but he observed it through darkness and quantum: "I understand, how many more do you want to do? Sell ​​an antique lightsaber for money, right?"

The most primitive lightsaber technology is not yet mature. The user needs to carry a large vacuum cleaner-like energy backpack and connect the lightsaber hilt through a cable. Although such a lightsaber can be said to be equally indestructible, in actual combat, It's really not very effective.

If you don’t believe it, you can ask Bane in the many parallel worlds of the DC universe and ask how Batman defeated them every time. They will probably immediately scold the manufacturer of the pipe.

But it's not easy to use. Nowadays, those things are just antiques. Many collectors want a set. The first batch of lightsabers in the universe can be displayed at home for guests to see.

When there is a demand, there is a market, and then there are adventurous people like Aphra.

"Anyway, the masters are already dead, and their lightsabers are useless, hehe..." The woman licked the cream on her lips and let out a sinister laugh: "It's better to use the weapon Leave it to me, a living person, to inherit their precious wealth.”

"That makes sense, let me help you." Su Ming raised a hand and pressed it on the inner wall of the cave made of ice. He also took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, asking Zhuo Sha to help light it: "I'll teach you a Force skills will make it much easier for you to drill holes in the future. I call this force resonance."

Although using the Force too wantonly may lead to falling into the dark side of the Force, since Su Ming himself is the dark side, it doesn't matter.

He originally wanted to use his quantum power to open a path directly to the tomb gate a hundred meters away, but as a sudden thought, he invented another new force move. After all, it is better to teach Aphra fish than to give him fish. Her way of catching fish.

If you think of the iceberg as a whole, it is indeed a traditional idea, but in fact ice is solid water, and a glass of water is a compound composed of countless H2O molecules and other impurities. 100% pure water does not exist in nature. of.

In the same way, this iceberg is actually a collection of a lot of different molecules stacked up. The next thing to do is to use the Force to visualize the structures of various molecules and feel the different frequencies they emit. Then it causes some of the molecules to vibrate, causing this part of the iceberg to 'fall apart'.

In fact, it is also a disguised use of the Force to control objects, except that most Force masters will use the Force to grab weapons from a distance, and use the Force to grab things and hit people. Su Ming is just grabbing smaller particles.

While telling Aphra his idea of ​​a move, he actually operated it with his hands. Even though his palms only made contact with the ice for a moment, a long and narrow tunnel for two people to pass silently appeared in front of him, and some water mist filled the air. , turned into a piece of white mist in the cold environment.

"Well... I can't learn, and I don't want to learn." Aphra thought for a moment, stuck out her tongue, quickly put away her terminal and ran towards the passage: "Actually, if it weren't for my limited conditions, I wouldn't want to. I can definitely buy a laser tunneling machine for carrying valuables, and it won't be much slower than yours."

The so-called laser tunnel boring machine is actually a small tank using a laser main gun. Even if the main gun has a smaller power, the ultra-high temperature energy rays are always effective in cracking mountains and cracking rocks.

Looking at her rat-like back, Su Ming smiled, shook his head, and stepped to follow.

It cannot be said that Aphra is unmotivated, but she is more attentive when it comes to making a lot of money and meeting beautiful women.

She has never been very interested in letting her learn how to fight and how to become better at fighting. At that time, she would rather go out and have a few drinks.

But no matter what, she is living quite happily now, living one person at a time.

The two walked into the opened path one after another. There was no ice barrier in the mere hundred meters distance. Aphra arrived in front of the gate smoothly. The next thing was much simpler, because no matter how thick the gate was, It cannot be as thick as a hundred meters of ice.

She took off her lightsaber from her belt, activated it with a 'buzz', and then stabbed the door, starting another masterpiece of her destructive excavation.

The heavy stone door was penetrated by light, emitting a strange smell, which smelled a bit like grilled fish...

"Be careful, Aphra, the smell is too fishy, ​​this is wrong."

Although he said this, Deathstroke also popped out a lightsaber in his hand, and he and the girl began to play with the door.

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