The Death Knell

Chapter 4877 Musical Genius Adjutant

It was too quiet inside the ancient tomb, so Su Ming decided to play some music while Aphra was working to adjust the atmosphere.

So over there is the woman holding a crowbar and opening the coffin, and here is the death knell leaning against the door and humming along with the music player, and the song is the theme song of the Korean drama "Full House".

It's not that he thinks there's anything romantic about robbing tombs with lesbians. He needs to look at this from another angle.

Thinking from the perspective of a Jedi Knight, all the Jedi Yin seniors in the past were buried collectively in this cemetery after their death. This mausoleum building can be considered a big room, right? Then the spirit of living together and dying together, and sharing the same hole after death, isn't it romantic?

Burying couples together is one of the most typical romantic behaviors. But here hundreds of people are buried together, isn't it a hundred times more romantic? Is there too much romance to overflow?

So the mausoleum itself is full of romance, so there’s nothing wrong with it.

Of course, humming is also a way to pass the time. The Supreme Mage is actually waiting to see if the person behind the strange hand will send something else.

But the answer is no.

Aphra made her way out of the first tomb, and visited half of the hundreds of dormitory-like tombs. A lot of time passed, but there was no follow-up response from the enemy, as if they didn't know where they were. Same as what happened.

But the dark mercenaries knew that they definitely did not give up. Most likely they just changed their strategy and did not intend to have a head-on conflict.

Speaking of which, when I killed that strange hand, I didn't show my true skills yet. I just tried it for a little while, and the other party became afraid, or was there some off-site factor...

"Can you stop looping the single? I'm going crazy!"

While the Supreme Mage was thinking, Aphra couldn't help it anymore. She scratched her scalp with the crowbar in her hand, looking crazy under the dim light:

"The song you listened to is okay, but the language used in the lyrics is too vulgar. What is 'Salang'? What is 'Eight Treasures Side Sun'?"

"Hahahaha... OK, I'll change the song and listen to some pure music. It's okay, right?" Su Ming smiled and made a scissor hand in the air, indicating to the adjutant to cut the song: "Don't worry about what language it is. It's just a local dialect in a small place. Whether you know it or not, it doesn't affect your life."

The female doctor's shoulders slumped. As the song stopped, she breathed a sigh of relief. She opened her collar and showed Deathstroke the big headphones around her neck: "Well, pure music is good. I always used to do it when I was working. Those who listen to music should not have lyrics, as it will be too tiring after listening for a long time.”

"Okay, what you said makes sense."

Lighting a cigarette to suppress the smell of dust, Su Ming took another look at the environment deep in the mausoleum. It was still what a burial ground should look like. It was already spooky, and maybe it was because it was located inside an iceberg. , it’s still a little humid here, so now is a good time to listen to more passionate and passionate music:

"Adjutant, help me choose a song that suits the situation, you know."

"Okay Sheriff, scan all networks in the known universe, screening... Next, please enjoy the classic pure music - The Big Funeral."

Su Ming: "?"

As the low and eerie sound of the suona sounded, a question seemed to slowly appear on his head. Is this something that a living person should appreciate?


A few hours later, when Su Ming appeared at the Stark Industries headquarters in London, he was still telling Howard about the music from the underworld, and expressed regret that they didn't play this music when they held the funeral. ?

Especially Howard, he faked his death twice, so he obviously had a better chance.

London in the magical world is still the same. The air is humid and foggy, so much so that there is still a fireplace in the penthouse suite of the building. At this time, there is an endless amount of magic firewood burning inside.

The mustached scientist smiled slightly and carried two glasses to the death knell. Two comfortable and soft sofas were placed on the carpet. Facing the flames in the fireplace, he poured whiskey into the glasses in the light of the fire. , said:

"Tony has learned a lot and can't fool him anymore. But if you want to 'resurrection' and fake your own death again to trick Steve, I can give you some advice."

After Howard reunited with his son on 40K Earth, the two father and son soon separated on bad terms.

Yes, maybe in the eyes of outsiders, after the father and son are reunited, everyone should live happily together, right? After all, they are a family. Even if they fake their own deaths as a prank, what does that mean?

But that is just a delusion, and it is unrealistic when it comes to the two Stark fathers and sons. Their personalities are too similar, they are conceited, proud, self-centered, don't care about other people's feelings, and they are both geniuses.

Geniuses do not need to be understood. This is the creed of their family, so there is really no mutual understanding between the father and son. Apart from the joy of reunion at the beginning, after the embarrassment of having their fake death exposed, there were continuous quarrels. .

No matter what Tony did, in Howard's eyes, it was all nonsense, this was wrong and that was wrong, and he kept finding faults.

Tony used to build a space carrier for SHIELD, and Howard scolded him for wasting resources. Why not build a spaceship? A few days ago, Tony actually built a spaceship for S.H.I.E.L.D., but was despised by Howard again, and said that the spaceship was already outdated. As an old man, he, as a father, is now playing with artificial planets of the Death Star level.

Tony didn't like people handing him things. This was a sequelae caused by thinking that his parents were dead, but Howard didn't care at all. He also laughed at him for his fragile nerves, like a bitch, and then talked about his own participation in World War II on the front line. , even though there were bombs falling from the sky, he still played mahjong with Captain America and Colonel Philip.

Not to mention Tony's current fiancée, Cass and her parents' Hydra relationship. Although that matter has passed and has been discussed, it is impossible to make Howard not mind at all. He is very Have you been serving as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. for nothing for so many years? As a spy chief, he may not have learned anything else, but he just stands out as being suspicious.

Even Tony's overreliance on his secretary Pepper Potts was completely criticized by Howard, because no matter how close he was, Potts was still an outsider. How could he write the other party into his will?

Excluding the Wilson Group's shareholding, once Tony dies, Potts and Cassian will equally share the remaining shares of Stark Industries. How is this allowed? How much had Tony drank while thinking about this?

In short, due to various reasons, after the two father and son argued for several days, Howard took Maria and left the 40K Earth together, returned to the world of "Hermione Granger", and ran the Star Tower in this other world. Ke Industrial, he wants to prove one thing, that is, dad will always be someone's dad!

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