The Death Knell

Chapter 490 Take action

"The direction of the wind has changed, and the situation has turned to the side of the Justice League. To wrap up our mission, Black Manta, I will teleport you back immediately."

Luthor has been monitoring the battlefield. When he saw that the Justice League broke through the isolation zone of the earth, and that Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash were all unscathed, he gave Black Manta new orders.

Leave those idiot alien Poseidons behind, find a way to sweep away their tears of death, and then run away.

He is the person who understands Superman the most. Now that Metropolis has sunk, Superman has long been furious.

Maybe Poseidon's sneak attack can cause harm to Superman, but when the Justice League is together, Batman will be watching everyone's back.

In this case, even if the three Poseidons were tied together, they wouldn't be enough for a Kryptonian to fight alone.


"Did you hear that?" Black Manta didn't respond. Luther was sure there was no problem with his communication system and asked again.

"Yes, Lex, I heard that very clearly..."

There was a dull sound from the other side, which was the echo caused by Black Manta's helmet.

However, in fact, Black Manta secretly incited the Poseidons to inject the Tears of Death into the Flood, creating the current Death Siren. What could he use to restore Luther's life?

Unexpectedly, the Justice League always has a hidden card. Even if an underwater city like Atlantis can conjure rockets, what else can they do?

Black Manta turned off the teleportation positioning device on his body. He had a new plan and no longer listened to the bald man's mercy.

The Death Siren is there, and as long as he gains control of it, Black Manta will be the master of the earth, no, this universe.

That thing is stronger than the Poseidons and the Justice League. Any planet that is lightly touched by it will turn into a pool of stagnant water.

Looking at the blood-red tentacles in the sky, the desire in Black Manta's heart became even more intense. He had wanted to destroy Atlantis for a long time, and now was a golden opportunity.

Black Manta looked at the backs of the three Poseidons. They stood on the bow of the ship, facing the Justice League seriously, without paying any attention to him.

The Justice League on the opposite side also regarded the Poseidons as their top enemies, and even Arthur didn't even look at Black Manta.

The distance between the two ships was getting closer and closer, and soon the sound from the other side could be heard.

"Poseidon, surrender, we can guarantee your life safety." Poseidon Arthur began to shout.

However, the Poseidons have been imprisoned for ten thousand years, and the most annoying thing is being in jail.

"Zhenhai, activate the Kraken." Admiral Nu Tao immediately said to his companions. If they were to be imprisoned again, it would be better to die together!

Zhenhai held down the bone collar around his neck, and the next second, the originally motionless tentacles in the sky began to swing wildly, and large areas of the red barrier were shattered.

The Kraken began to slowly fall toward the sea below.

It doesn't look fast, like it's floating. In fact, that's just an optical illusion caused by its huge size.

"No, we have to stop that monster and prevent it from touching the sea water!" Arthur knew what it was.

He doesn't know the principles and theories, but he only needs to know the results of contact.

No matter what, don't let it touch the sea.

"Justice League, stop it at all costs." Batman gave a new order, and all the flying heroes on the deck rushed over.

They used their strongest attack methods to continuously block the monster's descent, but it was of no use. This huge monster's defensive capabilities were astonishingly strong.

Even Superman's heat vision could only leave a streak of burnt black on its skin, let alone Barry. He stepped on the monster's body several times and couldn't even find a weak spot.

This thing looks like an oversized octopus, a fusion of sea urchins, sea cucumbers and corals, but none of the weaknesses of these creatures are found in this monster.

And if nothing else, the size difference is too obvious. To this giant sea monster, the heroes are as insignificant as a speck of dust.

"No! Batman, think of a way!"

Superman called Batman, but now there was an accident on the spaceship.

It turned out that after the Poseidons activated the Kraken, they rushed towards heroes such as Batman and Arthur who could not fly and did not have the speed force.

The sky was filled with an ominous atmosphere, and a big melee was about to start on the decks of the two ships.

But at this moment, Black Manta suddenly stabbed Commander Zhenhai in the back, and pierced Zhenhai's back with a dagger glowing with black light.

The poor white-bearded Poseidon only had time to let out a scream before he convulsed and died.

Manta ray quickly squatted down, took off the fish bone collar from Zhenhai's neck, struggled to reach over his big helmet, and hung it on his shoulders.

"Manta! What are you doing?!"

Admiral Fury roared. The three of them did not die in the hands of the Justice League, but one fell in the hands of a former ally.

"What to do? Haha, do what I should have done a few days ago." Black Manta touched the fish bone on his shoulder. This thing was so big that he wore it like a shawl: "My dagger and Leopard Girl Like my fingernails, they are all stained with the tears of death. I have obtained the bone circle and controlled the Kraken. Now, bow your knees to the new god of the earth!!!"

"You're not a god! You're just a pirate!" Nu Tao and Gu Dan watched their friends die in front of their eyes. They didn't care about the Justice League on the other side, but turned around and rushed towards Black Manta.

"Come on, everyone has a pirate in their heart." Black Manta threw out the two daggers in his hand and flew towards the two Poseidons respectively. His unique skill as a mercenary is throwing weapons: "I will help you Those who kneel, let them cry loudly first!”

Whether it's throwing knives, crossbows, or harpoon guns, Black Manta can do it very well, and his shots are as fast as thunder.

Captain Lonely rushed to the front, intending to use his octopus-like arms to grab Black Manta and hang him, but he was directly pierced in the heart by a dagger.


Just like the manta ray said, he let out a cry of pain and then died.

The other dagger should have been pierced into the chest of Admiral Furious Waves, but Arthur intervened at the critical moment and blocked the dagger's flight path with his palm.

The manta ray's dagger was made of promethium metal and was coated with tears of death. Arthur now lost the ability to be invulnerable, so the weapon penetrated his palm and still stuck in Raging Wave's chest.

But because of the slight angle and the thickness of his palm, the blow was not fatal, but only seriously injured Nu Tao.

Arthur found that the life force in his body had awakened under the stimulation of the Tears of Death. He was not affected by the Tears of Death, but stiffened slightly, and then returned to Zhenglian's ship while holding the raging waves.

"Admiral." Arthur hugged Poseidon and looked at Manta Ray warily.

"The Death Siren... You must stop the manta ray." Admiral Raging Waves said feebly. Only now did she understand that the three of them were being used by the bald man.

Everything is wrong.

"Uh, do we still want to fight?"

Beast Boy secretly asked the raven beside him, he just said he wanted to kill Poseidon, but now they are all dead, only one is left half dead, but why does it feel like the form has changed again?

Raven rolled her eyes, pulled up her hood and put it on. She didn't want to talk to an idiot.

Didn't you see that Mera was staring at Arthur's hand? Seeing him constantly rubbing the body of the alien goddess of the sea, Mera's eyes were about to burst out with fire.

Even if you want to take action, it won't be Titan's turn, right?

In fact, Arthur was just subconsciously checking the spread of toxins in Poseidon's body, and using his own life force to dispel these forces of death was not trying to take advantage of him at all.

He has no other thoughts on the battlefield. He is a very simple warrior.

"Manta?! What's going on? We got the total body and the power of death. The ocean has nothing to do with our plan. Open the teleporter! Don't..."

The bald man's voice sounded in Manta's earphones. Luther didn't expect this. Manta went completely crazy.

"So what if I don't drive you? You said the ocean has nothing to do with us, but I feel that the ocean is mine! Not just the oceans on Earth, but every ocean in the multiverse!"

Luther was furious, how dare Black Manta go against his wishes?

"Manta, how dare you?!"

Black Manta cut off the communication lightly: "Sorry, Lex, we broke off our relationship."

Manta Ray ordered the Death Siren to get closer, preparing to deal with the people in Zhenglian first, but the Death Siren didn't seem to obey his orders and slowly descended.

"You can't control the Kraken, only Zhenhai can." Nu Tao said to Manta with a desperate look on her face. She pressed the wound on her chest: "It will destroy all the planets and creatures in its path, including you, Manta. "

Black Manta didn't believe it. He held his head with one hand and the bone ring with the other hand, imitating Zhenhai's command to the siren.

"Kraken, kill these bugs on my deck!"

The huge sea monster not far away did not obey orders. Its tentacles were like roots and had spread out, intending to touch the sea water.

"No! Listen to my orders, why don't you listen to my orders?!" Black Manta immediately tried several more times, but the result was the same.

No matter how wildly he screams, the Death Siren still goes his own way.

"Damn it, you will kill the whole universe!" Arthur leaned the raging wave against the side of the ship and rushed towards the manta ray: "Mera, lead the others to stop the sea monster."

Neptune pounced on Black Manta. He wanted to kill this guy with his own hands. Raging Waves had just returned his trident to him. At this time, he planned to stick the manta ray on it to make grilled fish.

The manta ray had been watching his movements. When it saw Arthur approaching, it immediately sprayed two red energy beams from the helmet eyepiece and shot them along the deck in an instant.

And Arthur also crossed the trident, intending to take the blow forcefully.

It was impossible to dodge. There was a seriously injured Poseidon behind him. Furious Wave already knew that he was in the wrong and could not die here. The earth's sea water still needed her to repair it, and the humans who turned into fish needed her to restore it.

Not to mention that there are Titans and Shadow Pact children behind him, and Neptune will not get out of the way.

But just when his whole body tensed up and prepared for impact, a golden shield appeared in front of him, followed by a black cloak and a sword passing in front of him.

The red laser was extinguished instantly, and Deathstroke stood in front of Arthur with a shield.

"Really, you can wave that forked toothpick with one hand. Have you never thought about equipping it with a shield?"

Deathstroke shook his head, turned the shield in his hand into a scimitar again, turned to complain to Arthur, wasn't it just a steel fork? Who said you need two hands?

Arthur breathed a sigh of relief, scratched the back of his head and showed a simple smile.

I don't know why, but he felt much more relaxed after Deathstroke appeared, and Deathstroke obviously had sufficient plans for the Death Siren.

If Deathstroke had no plan, could he stand here and tell cold jokes?

But the situation on Manta's side was not good. He was desperate when he saw Deathstroke. The difference in strength was too big and he couldn't match him at all.

There are almost all video data of Luthor's previous battle with Deathstroke in another world. Sinestro and Grodd also faced him, and they both failed and almost died.

Not only in terms of fighting skills, but also in terms of strength, speed, self-healing ability, tactics and experience, there is a big gap between mercenaries and mercenaries.

And in the few battles where there is no information, the concept that Deathstroke even killed Hecate is simply unimaginable.

Manta ray backed away quickly, looking warily at the deck of the opposite ship, while tremblingly turning on the communicator: "Luthor! I'm ready, take me away quickly."

Luther's sneer voice came from the communicator: "Sorry, Manta, the signal here is not very good, sizzle, squeak, listen, that's it, hang up first."

The wind roared high in the sky, and the sails on the spacecraft kept shaking.

Seeing Deathstroke walking towards him with his big sword whirring like a whirring movement of his wrist, and Arthur behind him with a sullen look on his face, Manta Ray felt gloomy in his heart...

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