The Death Knell

Chapter 4897 Transfer student with wide hobbies

The small door of the Room of Requirement opened silently again. This time, a large amount of dust came from the pavement, like an earth dragon, protruding its head from the door frame.

"Ahem, clean it up!"

Hermione held her nose and took a step back. She immediately cast a spell to disperse the giant python formed by the dust. She quickly touched her hair to prevent dust from sticking to it, and then said to the professor next to her:

"Professor, this seems to be another single dormitory."

Yes, although the dust was very heavy, it was as if the two of them had walked into the dust bag of a vacuum cleaner, but there was plenty of light in the room, one wall was covered with beautiful stained glass that was covered in dust, and it covered an area of ​​four to five hundred square meters. living area.

There were many soil cultivation tanks placed in the center of the room, the same ones used in herbalism classes. However, there were no plants in these giant flowerpots, but a pile of dead leaves and branches that turned to dust were left.

In addition, there is a big bed in the distance, various experimental equipment, and even the crucible is an unprecedentedly large size, the kind that can throw Hagrid into it and take a bath.

Although there is dust everywhere, you can still vaguely see that the furniture and props here are magnificent and exquisite. It is obvious that the transfer student really had a good life.

"It seems that geniuses all live in single rooms." Su Ming walked towards the long troughs filled with soil, and reached out to touch the completely dry solid soil: "There are actually twelve large cultivation troughs here. That guy used to Are you a farmer? Or do you really like plants that much?"

There are many tools for herbalism and potions here, as well as some tools needed to raise magical animals. So, does the door on the glass wall on the other side of the room actually lead to the breeding space? Like Newt's suitcase?

But look no further, the magical animals living inside have not been taken care of for hundreds of years. If they were not raised by magical tortoises, those animals would have died long ago.

"I don't know about that. Maybe he is secretly planting some dangerous plants?" Hermione also came over to check, but there wasn't even a complete leaf nearby, and there was nothing visible just by looking at the dust.

There are many plants in the magical world that are too dangerous for students. For example, biting cabbage is different from the monster books. If you are bitten by the book, you will lose arms and legs at most, but biting cabbage can really kill people.

Hermione had read "Hogwarts: A History of the School". A long time ago, biting cabbage could be grown casually, but then students were really bitten to death, and now students are not allowed to touch it.

Of course, there are also opportunities to come into contact with them, that is, at the dinner table, sometimes there are their shadows in vegetable salads.

"It's possible that whatever he planted before, it was a giant plant." Su Ming pointed to his feet with his chin, where he could see the broken bones of some small animals. The small animal mentioned here should be a cow, although it was weathered It was serious, but I could still restore the general outline of the leg bone in my mind: "And these plants turned into too much dust after they died. The last time I saw so much dust was in the pyramids of Egypt."

"Ah, it's been a long time since I dug the pyramids." Hermione said with emotion. She took the professor's arm and shook it a few times: "Teacher, when will we go to Egypt again?"

"You don't care about the Ministry of Magic anymore?"

Su Ming put his arm around her shoulders and walked through the planting area. Under the light from the stained glass windows, he continued to investigate the furnishings of the room in the distance.

The transfer student's taste was pretty good. The Supreme Mage who was inspecting the garbage dump found a somewhat worn golden nanmu chair. He took it away and asked Xiao Wang to see if he could repair it and put it in Kama Taj.

"Tomorrow, my sisters will all arrive in London. Then I will assign the work to them, and then I will have time to travel." Hermione raised her head and looked at the huge chandelier in the room. The ceiling is almost ten meters from the ground, but the hanging crystal chandelier alone takes up four meters.

So the ancient magic user who mysteriously disappeared before seemed to be a flamboyant person.

"Yes, you are a big girl now, and it's time to have your own shadow parliament." Su Ming nodded, let go of Hermione's hand on her head, and walked towards the table with a tray to check the books under the dust: " But I may not be able to accompany you on the trip, there are still many universes that I have to visit, but you can go to Egypt by yourself, taking Crookshanks and Pony with you."

"Then it's not interesting." Hermione tilted her mouth. She walked to another table, cleaned it with magic, and started to pick and choose: "I just want to be with you, Professor."

"Okay, my next stop is Azeroth. If you want to see Jaina, just come with me." Since the student said so, it doesn't matter if he takes her to play for a few more days. Anyway, time The flow rate is adjustable: "Let's get down to business first. We need to find something that is closely related to the transfer student himself."

"Okay, what counts as close contact?" Hermione said with joy, her tone brisk.

"Hair, nails, teeth, bones." Su Ming gave a few examples, flapped his palms in front of his face a few times, and threw away the useless old book in his hand: "It can be body parts, or these things."

"Understood, the body part soaked in the blood of its owner." The witch nodded understandingly. She thought about it for a while, then raised her wand: "The transfer student's blood stains are flying!"

This is the Flying Curse, just like what Deathstroke first explained. Hermione has been practicing this spell hard, and can even be said to be specialized in it. Her Flying Charm can make things from as far away as her hometown in Manchester fly to her. Come to your side.

The topic of blood is always unavoidable in the magical world, but for her as a Muggle, blood is blood, a bodily fluid in the human body.

Whether it is hair or nails on the human body, blood is needed to provide nutrients during the growth process, and blood is involved in both capillaries and aorta.

This is a magical world, so magic can greatly simplify the difficulty of life. As her spell fell, the wand drew a beautiful trajectory in the air, and something really flew in front of her.

It looked like a nail about the size of half a grain of rice. One end was stained with a tiny trace of pale red, which should be dried blood. It might have been accidentally scratched by its owner while carrying heavy objects.

In addition, there was some hair, but because it fell off hundreds of years ago, the hair had become very brittle and shattered to pieces when touched with her hands. She could only carefully levitate her nails with magic and send them away. Go to the professor.

"What should we do next?" She used her brain. There was no magic to find people through blood, but they were all used to find living people.

"I'll do it." Su Ming stretched out his hand, instead of picking up the small piece of nail, he separated his five fingers and covered the clue.

Many black particles appeared around his palm, like floating dust, but each one was emitting black light. These light illuminated the small nail fragments and seemed to illuminate the surrounding areas. The light was taken away, making it appear brighter.

Just a few seconds later, Su Ming nodded and signaled the witch to throw away the garbage:

"I found the man, come with me to another secret room in Hogwarts."

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