The Death Knell

Chapter 4903 Upgrade on the spot

In the oil painting, Ah San's face turned the color of pig liver. His originally dark skin now looked even darker.

But he is just a painting. At this time, he can do nothing but rage.

However, the sound of the two sides arguing clearly attracted the attention of the other two people in the painting. They also returned to their own frames, as if to watch the fun.

Among them was a fat wizard who looked like a Venetian merchant and was covered with luxurious decorations.

They say that with a big head and thick neck, he is either the boss or the cook, but he is not from Hufflepuff House. On the contrary, he is the dean of Slytherin College thousands of years ago, Professor Charles Rookwood, a pure-blood good old man.

It's a pity that future generations are not living up to expectations. Charles is also the ancestor of August Rookwood, who was Voldemort's right-hand man and was once placed in the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic. He was a man with oilier hair than Severus. .

Speaking of which, Tom’s men without noses all have greasy hair? Was it because their image was too sloppy that Voldemort decided to give himself a bald head?

In short, after Voldemort died, he was also liquidated as a Death Eater. Now that guy has a suite in Azkaban, and Soul Eaters kiss him every day. He should be a person without worries, right?

The last wizard was Ms. Fitzgerald, the then principal of Hogwarts, a powerful witch and a victim of Yin Sidora.

Even in the oil painting portrait after her death, she seemed to maintain her graceful leadership. She stopped Ah San from jumping around in the oil painting, and then gently intervened in the topic:

"Good day, sir and madam, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Neopher Fitzgerald, the former headmaster of Hogwarts. Can I join this discussion?"

"Of course, ma'am, it's an honor to meet you."

Su Ming smiled and nodded. He took a puff of cigarette, patted his chest, and followed the gentlemanly procedure:

"I am the physical education professor at Hogwarts a thousand years after your time, Slade Wilson. Next to me is my apprentice, British Minister of Magic, President of the International Federation of Wizards, and recipient of the First Class Order of Merlin. The most powerful witch, alchemist, expert on magical animals and plants in the 21st century, advocate of national fitness movement for wizards, master of tens of thousands of improved spells, proficient in all biological languages ​​​​in the world, recognized by the French magic circle as the most charming witch in the world. Hermione Granger, known as 'Miss Know-it-all'."

The professor was boasting about the ancient people, while Hermione tried her best to keep the expression on her face to prevent it from getting red and hot.

Because only the first three of Deathstroke's words were correct, and the rest were all made up by him on the spot. Hermione herself didn't have those titles or nicknames, which made her feel shy.

That's what lies are like, there are some elements of truth and a lot of lies.

But in order to cooperate with the professor's lie, Hermione still showed her magic, that is, directly summoning the giant summoning guardian without using a wand or spell, to prove her identity as a powerful white wizard.

Ordinary people's divine guardians usually summon a small animal, but Hermione's magic summoned a crouching giant with his back directly touching the ceiling, and it could also protect her on the body. internal.

Well, this was also Su Ming's idea. When Hermione went to Japan to study at the Magic Academy, while eating miso soup one morning, the professor suddenly thought of Sunao Nōhu's ninjutsu and encouraged her to try it. Let's see if we can make a magic version.

Unexpectedly, it actually happened, but the image she summoned was not a samurai, but the professor's appearance in black and yellow armor. Other people's patron saints were animals, but her patron saint was the glowing image of the professor.

Anyway, after listening to this long series of introductions, the four people in the oil painting all took a breath, especially after seeing Hermione's appearance as a seventeen-year-old girl and her powerful spells, they immediately He fell into panic and ecstasy.

If they were looking at ordinary Hogwarts students before, now they were looking at a magic god. Compared with these surprising things, they forgot to ask what kind of physical education course it was.

"It turns out to be Madam Minister... What an amazing talent. Are you the reincarnation of Ms. Ravenclaw?" The headmistress said such words. She seemed to be stunned and her eyes were wide open. : "When I was as old as her, I was still thinking about falling in love."

The other three wizards had similar reactions, and even Ah San couldn't bear to be angry anymore, because in a sense, the Minister of Magic was more noble than the Hogwarts professor.

"Actually, she is already 23 years old this year, but because of her immortality, her appearance remains at the age of seventeen." Su Ming smiled modestly, patted the student's back gently, and let the girl stand in front of him. Zhong straightened up: "So she became the Minister of Magic and the President of the International Federation of Wizards at the age of sixteen. Alas, I don't even want to mention it. After all, it happened several years ago."

As soon as these words came out, the four dead professors were dumbfounded. They felt that Professor Wilson seemed to be showing off, but his words were very modest.

Taking advantage of their daze, Su Ming immediately launched a verbal attack:

"So let's not talk about that. We are here today on behalf of the Ministry of Magic. On the one hand, it is for ancient magic, and on the other hand, it is for those sealed emotions."

"This..." Professor Rackham was shaken, because the Ministry of Magic represents the will of all wizards. As a kind and upright wizard, there is no reason to disobey the Ministry of Magic: "Madam Minister is very powerful, but she It seems that he has no talent for ancient magic."

If you want to use ancient magic, you must first be able to sense it. It is a special talent. The owner can see colorful energy in the air that ordinary people cannot see, like flowing ribbons. It’s the glowing Milky Way.

Only when you can see these energies can you talk about using them. Otherwise, you can't even see them, let alone apply them. That's the same as asking a blind man to build a building.

"Ahem, don't worry, ancient magic is the original energy of the universe. We know that its existence is closely related to emotions, so let me make up a temporary lesson for the students." Su Ming said this and stretched out his hands. In the blink of an eye, ten rings of different colors appeared in his hands. He said to Hermione: "I used quantum concepts to create ten new light rings. You can try them on, and be careful not to be seduced by the green lights." That’s it.”

Without waiting for her to react, he grabbed her hand and asked Strangler to put all ten rings on her at once!

Hermione's face turned red. She didn't know where she was thinking. She just lowered her head and looked at her toes, her body trembling slightly.

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