The Death Knell

Chapter 4917 Life and death

Amber's condition was relatively stable, and she couldn't detect any tampering with her memory. The stuffed bear was airless and stuffy, and her pale face at this time was consistent with it.

So Su Ming temporarily classified her as a person who could be questioned, but instead of asking questions for the time being, he asked her to eat and drink first.

He brought out more food and drinks to show that he had enough to eat here, and it was not the kind of garbage that the mage rubbed out with his hands. The juice produced in his factory really contained 0.003% of the pulp content, no. It's completely flavored and mixed with water, so it's somewhat nutritious, right?

It was obvious that Amber had never tasted food from another world. She quickly focused on eating and drinking without seeming to think about anything else.

But she was a well-trained MI7 agent, how could she not have any ideas? She was just smart enough. She mentioned Marshal Windsor before, then asked for food, and showed that she could fight. These were all part of her plan.

She didn't say anything about working for Deathstroke, but she expressed this intention everywhere.

Deathstroke, who also took out a bottle of wine to drink, didn't care about this, because this was good news, proving that Amber's thinking was not under control, and she still had her own behavior habits and personality.

It can be seen from this that the enemies hiding in the dark are not able to brainwash everyone or modify the target's memory at will.

For subjects with particularly strong willpower or high IQ, as well as those whose brains have magic or magical defense, their method is useless and basically ineffective. Their method is not omnipotent.

It seems that there is no intervention of third-party forces. The strange actors are still those strange actors. The people behind them have just launched a larger-scale offensive and exposed more flaws.

There was just one question lingering in Su Ming's mind, and that was - why choose Azeroth?

The Warcraft multiverse where Azeroth is located is not very advanced among the many worlds controlled by Deathstroke or controlled in disguise. It cannot compare with DC and Marvel, and even Warhammer and The Dark Tower are more valuable than it. .

While Amber was eating, he asked his lieutenant to take a look at the multiverses and concluded that everything was normal.

It is impossible for the enemy to launch their target plan where Su Ming goes, because even if they use this to test his ability, they do it too often and can detect it with their toes. It is impossible for him to take it. What's the real deal?

On the contrary, he encountered the Strange Hand several times, and he thoroughly studied the weird creatures. He relied on his ability to strangle, and as long as there were some to eat, he could get out the information, even if the Strange Hand was just the lowest-level soldier to the people behind the scenes. , but this is also a loss.

Moreover, there is too much movement in Azeroth, and the kidnapping of everyone seems to have been planned for a long time.

Oh, a strange hand gave me a message before, saying that my way was wrong. Are they going to use another method to prove that they are right now? So the purpose of kidnapping everyone is to let them live in another 'better' world, to prove that the other way is right?

There is currently no clue, and there are still too few clues to analyze the enemy's motives.

"Professor, which one do you think is better, the black one? Or the purple one?" While thinking, Hermione hugged the two night sabers and came to the edge of the animal pen to ask the question. She rubbed the two big cats. head, and they licked her hand very meekly.

The animal pen in Stormwind City is the largest in the Alliance. As long as you are a member of the Alliance, you can find mounts unique to their race. There are not only leopards, but also elephants and mechanical chocobos. There are even mounts that you had to have the corresponding military rank to purchase. What about the giant lizard?

At first, she was a little worried that ferocious beasts were not suitable as mounts, but after a little contact with them, she found that the mounts here were very smart and docile, and she suddenly became tangled.

She selected for a long time, and finally there were only two night sabers left. She really couldn't make up her mind, so she thought of asking the professor which one was better.

"My student, you are also an adult, so what you have to do at this time is not multiple-choice questions, but all of them."

Su Ming was leaning on the wooden railing of the animal pen, drinking wine, as calmly as he was admiring the pastoral scenery after finishing work on his farm:

"There are no people left. I guess they won't mind if you ride a few more big cats. You can definitely take a look at the armored elephants and military horses over there. If there is a chance, I will take you to Northrend again. Let me show you the mounts of the Scourge. By the way, how about the skeleton horse? From now on, you can ride the skeleton horse to work at the Ministry of Magic. Isn’t it cool?”

It was like this every time. The professor said something, as if in her heart, the young witch's heart began to beat wildly.

Rubbing the purple leopard's head and touching the black leopard's chin, feeling their wet noses rubbing against her palms, and hearing the purring sound, she felt that the professor was right, and she should really choose to have them all.

But when she thought about the time when she was riding a skeleton horse to work, and while galloping on the road, she had to continuously fire the "Forget All" magic at the Muggle pedestrians on the roadside, she still felt that it was not appropriate.

There is no chance for the existence of the magic world to be known to ordinary people yet. At least before doing that, the potential threats from goblins must be dealt with first.

"It's better to ride a skeleton horse to work, but I want these two big cats." The witch lifted the corners of her robe. She was wearing jeans and sneakers under the robe, which allowed her to climb over the fence easily: " How do I take them away?"

"It's simple. Any mount in Azeroth can be turned into a whistle and placed in a storage bag." With that said, Su Ming rummaged through his pocket for a few seconds and found an ordinary wooden whistle. Put it in your mouth and blow: "Beep——!"

As a burst of smoke appeared, a rather dull-looking horse appeared under the professor's crotch. As if it still didn't know what was happening, it raised its two front hooves and stood upright, and made a neighing sound.

This is the mount Su Ming bought when he first came to Azeroth. It was a thousand-gold horse he picked at the East Valley Lumber Camp. Although he almost never rode it again, the significance of collecting it is not there. What?

It may not be easy to use or look good, but if others have it, you can't live without it.

After riding the horse for a few steps, Su Ming put the horse away again, turned it into a whistle and showed it to the students.

"Wait a minute, Professor, why do you think it's so reasonable?" Hermione acted like a dragon covering her head with her hands, objecting with an expression of a ruined world view: "A living animal can suddenly change It turns into a wooden whistle, and can it turn back into a whistle? What is the principle? This is obviously unreasonable, right?"

The last time I went to Azeroth with my professor, I didn't see this scene.

Amber was eating volcanic stone grilled sausage on the side, also looking puzzled:

"The mount turned into a whistle...isn't this normal? This beautiful lady, you must be a noble lady with a very strict upbringing, right? Have you never had the opportunity to go out of the house before, and have you never seen a mount?"

Amber felt that the female mage was pitiful because she had never even seen a horse whistle. So what if she saw a bird whistle that could turn into a flying mount?

Regarding the native's guess and assessment, the witch just looked at the agent with an expression of "Are you kidding me", but said nothing because she was not sure whether what she said could be heard by this person, lest the professor would have to wash the native off. memory or kill her to silence her.

Anyway, at home, animals can't turn into whistles.

Even with the transformation spell, it can only turn dead things into living things with a simple structure. If, on the other hand, it can turn living things into other dead things, it is estimated that this will be the darkest and most evil black magic.

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