The Death Knell

Chapter 4919 A ​​leader

The three of them walked into Stormwind Fortress, which is the true core of Stormwind Kingdom and the king's residence.

Like most Western castles, you have to go through a long corridor to reach the circular throne room. At the same time, this is the alliance's military headquarters. There is also a command room on the side of the throne room, which contains a huge sand table and map.

On the other side of the throne room, it leads to the garden, where you can breathe fresh air and have small animals to play with.

There is also a large room connected to the garden, which is the royal library. It is usually used by the Archaeological Association, but there is nothing particularly noteworthy about it.

Su Ming came to the throne room and sat down on the throne without any courtesy. Who said this was the only chair in the room?

This stone throne was engraved with reliefs of lion's head and eagle's head, which was quite impressive, but for Deathstroke, who had experienced many thrones, he still preferred a modern sofa.

"Oh, I'm tired from walking, let's take a rest." After saying this, he patted the armrest of the throne and asked Hermione to sit down and rest as well: "There are no other living people in the city, and even if there are, I don't plan to If we go looking for it, it’s better to let others come to us.”

Hermione nodded. Although she didn't know what the professor was planning, she walked to the side of the throne, sat on the armrest, and took something out of her small bag to eat, which should be candy.

She didn't speak and didn't urge her. She just waited calmly and offered the candy jar in her hand to Amber.

Speaking of which, the last time Hermione came to Azeroth, she was teleported directly into Stormwind Fortress by Jaina. This was the only place she was familiar with in Stormwind City.

It's a pity that King Varian is not here, nor are the few paladins, so it is a little deserted.

However, the female agent of MI7 is a little less calm. After all, not everyone can sit on the throne casually. There is no one in the city now, so it’s okay to sit on the death knell, but you have to do something serious. Hurry up. Save people.

She rubbed her hands, walked to the other side of the throne, and simply sat down on the armrest:

"Then, sir, do you already have a plan?"

"Plan? Is it okay to wait for other survivors to take the initiative to find me?" Su Ming said this, but as if he suddenly remembered something, he lightly patted his forehead and called out the symbiote on his shoulder: " I almost forgot, people don’t know I’m in Stormwind Fortress yet, hang it, search in your pocket, and bring out my flag.”


The cute strangulation let out a soft cry, and then used its black and smooth tentacles to dig into the host's pocket. First, he threw out some garbage and put it aside, then took out a huge plaque, and a moment later found a large flag wrapped in it. flagpole.

Following the host's instructions, it first went to the castle door and pressed the plaque on top of the gate. The plaque was embedded in the stone and had the four characters "Mingjing hangs high" written on it.

Then it rolled up the huge flagpole with another tentacle, got out from the door leading to the garden, came to the top of the highest tower of the castle, and set up the flag. I saw four words written on it, " Do justice for heaven!

After doing all this, it retracted its host's body, indicating that it was done. Even though it shared the field of view with the host, Su Ming had already known it.

"Very good. With my flag standing there, if others see it, they will definitely come to the castle to look for me." Su Ming dug twice in his pocket and took out a pair of mahjong: "There is still some time. But we need someone to play mahjong, the adjutant, everyone on Azeroth is missing, what about Draenor? Are the aliens on the abduction list?"

"Scanning the planet Draenor...the readings are normal." The adjutant's projection floated out, startling Amber, but she soon classified it as magic and calmed down. The silver-haired girl continued: "Ari The people left in the Azeroth ship Exodari are missing, but the people in the Storm Fortress ship are not affected by the kidnapping because they are counterattacking Argus at this time."

"Oh, then let's inform Yin Ruil to come over and play cards. It just so happens that three are short of one." Deathstroke took out an automatic mahjong table from his pocket, and happily started to prepare to shuffle the cards: "Speaking of which, I haven't seen her for a while. , and I don’t know how the Draini people under her leadership are doing?”

"It's good, Sheriff, she is now a very powerful paladin." The deputy said, and played some past observation records.

Many of them were taken from the battlefield in Argus, where the ground was covered with green evil energy. Obviously, in the past period of time, that little hoof waved his hammer like a madman, beating the demons into pulp, and then trampled on them. Looking high-spirited among the piles of corpses.

But don't think this is some backward war. In fact, she leads a modern army with a high degree of technology. She is the only one who engages in close combat, and the others use firearms or drive tanks.

It's a pity that because this army is small in number, at least compared to the infinite demons pouring out of the twisted void, it is still in a guerrilla state.

In any case, after the adjutant notified the other party, just a few breaths later, Yin Ruil arrived with a blue light.

Wearing heavy plate armor and walking across the beautiful brick and stone floor, she happily took Hermione's hand, and the two of them touched each other cordially after not seeing each other for a long time. Then she bowed to the death knell very respectfully:

"Long time no see, Supreme Mage, I have been looking forward to your return."

"You don't have to be so polite, Yin Ruil, we are all old friends." Su Ming smiled and told her to relax, and took out a chair from his pocket for her to sit on: "When did you lead the army to counterattack Argus? Why? You didn’t even notify Khadgar?”

"Taking back our homeland is the dream of every Eredar. Although I was born in Draenor, my ancestors are buried in their homeland. When I think of the scenes where demons are still raging, my heart feels like it is being tortured by fire."

The fair-skinned Eredar took Hermione's hand and sat down next to her, wagging her tail and sighing:

"You have helped our clan a lot, but I'm sorry to trouble you anymore about taking back our home planet. We are a member of the alliance, but instead of providing any help to the alliance, we just keep accepting help shamelessly... ..”

"Don't say that, Yin Ruil. I told you before that the alliance under Varian's leadership is a close comrade-in-arms. There is no need to care about these gains and losses." Su Ming laid out the mahjong and motioned to Hermione to teach Amber how to play. , and took the opportunity to talk to the hoof girl: "Come, sit down and play a few rounds and chat for a while. You may not have noticed it because you have been in Argus. Something happened in Azeroth today, and a new enemy appeared."

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