The Death Knell

Chapter 4925 Dream in the Tree Hole

Now that the queen has given the order, the little green dragon naturally leads the way obediently. She originally planned to transform back into the original dragon shape and take a few people to fly over, but Su Ming got everyone on the flying carpet first and signaled to Manlinsela that she only needed to show the way. That’s it.

She was also happy and relaxed, fluttering her wings and flying in front. Everyone took off from the forest clearing, and the green sea of ​​trees soon reached her feet. She chose to move toward the southeast, turning her head to introduce the Emerald Dream as she flew, as if to Very proud here.

"The night elves are a race that loves nature and are allies of the Green Dragon Legion. After the Druids' consciousness enters the Emerald Dream, they will transform into a variety of animal life, running around in this beautiful world, but as long as It’s time to rest, and they also like to live together in the big beast’s den.”

As if she was worried that Deathstroke didn't know what a den was, she added a few more words:

"The Big Beast Den is a tree hole under a big tree. It's very big. Even our Green Dragon Legion can sleep inside. It's quiet and shady inside. It's a good place."

"Well, I have a question, Miss Green Dragon." Hermione was a little bit unable to accept the fact that dragons can turn into people and people can turn into dragons, but she didn't show it on her face, she still had a gentle smile. : "A creature's body lives in another world, but its soul lives here. Isn't this a problem?"

The Minister of Magic is very sensitive to things like soul division, and she always feels that something is wrong with the Druids in this world.

"Of course not. In Azeroth, the bodies of the Druids live in nature, and in the Emerald Dream, their souls also live in nature. Isn't this perfect harmony?"

The little green dragon turned her head and looked back and bared her teeth. She was smiling, and this problem was not a problem at all to her, because it was a matter of course.

The wind above the forest blew Hermione's long hair, and she just smiled and nodded without saying anything more.

So then the little green dragon continued his career as a tour guide. While flying, he introduced to everyone the areas they had just flown over, such as where there were laughing sisters and where there were many beetles. They were all talking about small things, but they could still feel her. Really love these things.

This atmosphere is like a host taking guests to visit their own garden, proudly introducing the good things in it.

Sisters of Laughter, in Su Ming's previous life, this kind of creature was commonly known as 'little deer'. The upper body was a beauty and the lower body was a deer. They were also the daughters of Cenarius.

Yin Ruier tried to stretch out her hand, calling for the Holy Light in her heart. A silvery white light suddenly appeared in her palm, which made her feel relieved.

Yes, after getting rid of the scam of the Naaru, there is this advantage in using the Holy Light in your soul, that is, no matter in any world, as long as you still have faith, there will be no restrictions on calling the Holy Light.

Now even if the green dragons fall out, she is sure that she still has the strength to fight.

There was no way around it. Yin Ruier had been fighting orcs for many years and had lost relatives and friends. She was somewhat suffering from persecution paranoia and was not at ease with the seemingly friendly green dragon.

Amber was even more silent. Her eyes were looking around like searchlights. She must be memorizing the route silently, drawing a map in her mind, and planning to hand over the information to MI7 in the future.

This is an occupational disease, and there’s nothing to say about it.

"We're almost there. The flying vehicle you're traveling on is really fast." Manlinsera began to lower her height. Looking from the sky, she saw a tree in the distance that was one size larger than the other trees. That was the destination: " When we fly over the swamp where the green ooze monsters live, we will soon see the big beast's den, where Dru Yin is stationed, but I will help you communicate."

"Well, yes, but why are there ooze monsters in the Emerald Dream?" Su Ming touched his chin. He was actually memorizing the route, but his observation and memory were better than Amber's, and he completed those tasks in an instant. Job: "If I remember correctly, oozes are not beasts or elements. They are aberrations, right?"

"Oh, that's how you humans divide it, right?"

The green dragon girl flapped her wings and landed in the open space next to the big tree, and transformed back into a human form in a burst of smoke. She smiled and made a gesture of invitation, and then continued to lead the way:

"For nature, their function is very similar to earthworms, and they can decompose more things than earthworms. They are good for forests, so they are also part of nature. As long as they are natural, they can Exists in the Emerald Dream."

The laws of nature seemed to be like this. Since their existence was reasonable, she didn't think there was anything wrong with the ooze monster.

This is indeed the case. Although ooze monsters can eat people and their strong acid body fluids are not friendly to most animals, for green dragons, they are not dangerous at all. On the contrary, they are very fun. They can be flattened and rounded at will. Maybe You can also chew it like chewing gum.

"I understand." Su Ming had already seen the Great Beast Cave, which was a huge cave under the roots of the tree. It looked like an uneven tunnel entrance: "I seem to have seen the consciousness of the Dru Yin. "

Just like what he said, he did see something. They were various small animals with translucent bodies and emitting a dull green light. There were foxes and frogs. They were obviously some Druids in their dreams. form.

When they saw Deathstroke, they didn't seem to be very afraid. They just looked at the man curiously, with the confusion of a beast in their eyes.

If this is a role-playing game, then these Druids are completely into the game. They are now animals and live as animals wholeheartedly. In their view, this is an intimate integration with nature.

When wild beasts run in the forest, they are merging with nature. When humans go camping in the forest, they destroy the natural environment.

This judgment standard is very rigid, and the final interpretation power lies in the hands of the Druids.

"Master Claw? Are you awake?" The little green dragon quickly walked into the cave entrance and called the guards of the cave with a clear and sweet voice: "My mother asked me to bring these people here to seek help. thing."

As she finished speaking, two light spots suddenly lit up in the dark entrance of the cave. The light spots began to move slowly. Then, an oversized bear slowly walked out of the cave and gave way to him. The passage behind you.

"It's Ms. Manlinsela. Although I don't know why these humans came to the Great Beast Den, since Her Majesty the Queen has decided..."

The big bear spoke human words and looked down at Deathstroke and his group. He also turned into a middle-aged night elf in a burst of smoke:

"Please come in, humans... and unknown races, the dreamland welcomes you."

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