The Death Knell

Chapter 4937 Distributing Cannon Fodder

About half an hour later, the group reached the bottom floor.

The reason why I say this is because after Su Ming penetrated the floor again, he found that it was not another prison underneath, but a thicker piece of overall material.

It still looks like a mirror, but as we all know, a mirror is actually a layer of metal on the back of glass. However, the materials here are different. No matter what angle you dig from or how deep you dig, what you see is the mirror surface. The only difference is whether it is a flat mirror or a mirror.

After digging a well and confirming that there was still a mirror underneath, Su Ming jumped out of the pit.

The cell where he is now is already full of people who were rescued along the way down. There are more people on the upper floors who have not come down because there is no room for them to stand in the current room.

"Okay, everyone has gathered. Now I have something to ask everyone." Su Ming floated up, hovering above the heads of the crowd, and asked loudly in English: "Have any of you seen these two people who were captured? On the road, or before being locked in a cage, it counts as a dream.”

As he spoke, he used cosmic energy to project the three-dimensional heads of two people, which looked like Jaina and Khadgar.

As for whether everyone present can understand English? That doesn't matter anymore. If you don't understand, just pull him down. This is just trying your luck.

The rescued people come from all races, and not all of them are from Azeroth. Some of them even look like creatures from another world. Perhaps the only thing they have in common is that they are intelligent and do not look like beasts.

The savior asked questions, and most people were willing to help out. However, after carefully identifying the two heads, the creatures in the room shook their heads, indicating that they had never seen them.

"Okay, since I haven't seen it before, you should go first and make some room for those people upstairs." With that, Deathstroke casually opened a big hole in the wall with his lightsaber, and the outside was as smooth and shiny as a mirror. The bright road looked very safe: "Run, everyone, run, escape from here, Forrest Gump."

The road had been opened, and the bewildered prisoners naturally wanted to escape. At first, only a few brave ones went to the exit to look around. After discovering that there were no monsters outside, more and more people began to pour out.

The eyeball monsters were all above a thousand meters in the air and could not be seen by them; the severed-foot monsters that Su Ming had seen before had been patrolling and might have wandered elsewhere at this time.

Anyway, it's quiet outside now, and it seems like nothing happened.

Su Ming drove them into the unknown world and let them fend for themselves. These people were cannon fodder that could be used to attract the enemy's attention. This was the greatest use after rescuing them.

Yes, the bionic man is not valuable, and the cost price is thirty dollars each. But no matter how small the mosquito is, it is still meat. If your own cannon fodder unit is lost, you have to calculate the cost.

Not as useful as these picked up for free.

Watching the space on the first floor gradually vacate, the Supreme Mage took out another bottle of Blissful Elixir from his pocket, poured two drops into his mouth, then signaled Cloak to put down a batch of people upstairs, and then put the people at the exit of the cell down. Block the side first.

When another group of people landed along the slide made of cloaks and lined up to fill the cells on the first floor, Su Ming repeated the question again and asked who had seen these two people.

Again, no one had seen them, so he waved his hand and let these cannon fodder go, letting them run freely on the streets.

Next came the third batch, the fourth batch, the fifth batch... The same questions were raised again and again, but Su Ming still maintained the same patience. This is how luck is, you have to be calm. .

Sure enough, when the seventh batch of prisoners arrived, the answer came from the crowd after asking questions:

"I have met Ms. Proudmoore. She was by my side when she was grabbed by strange hands and lifted up to heaven!"

"Very good! Very energetic!" Su Ming waved his hand, indicating to Cloak that all the prisoners could be released, and that this person would be left alone. He also took out food and water as a trade: "First, replenish nutrition, and then Tell me, which room is she locked in? Hunter."

This was a human hunter. He wore leather armor and carried a broken bow on his back. He smelled like a wild beast. He judged that his battle pet should be a bear.

"Across from us, this gentleman."

The hunter accepted the food and water, immediately put it in his mouth, and at the same time gave a very definite answer. He also pointed to the opposite side of the mirror-like avenue outside, where there was still a building made of countless cubes, which looked like a The entire high wall:

"Although I was locked up very high, I activated the Eagle Vision before entering the cage. I saw with my own eyes that Ms. Proudmoore was locked in that cell at that time, which was on the first floor."

The place he pointed at was diagonally opposite the road. Although there was no obvious dividing line between the cells made of mirrors and everything was perfectly integrated, there should be no doubt about the hunter's vision.

"Thank you. When this matter is over, I will ask King Varian to take credit for you." Deathstroke raised his hand and made a few tactical gestures to signal his teammates to start taking action: "You should leave quickly and go find A way out of here.”

Hearing that he could get a reward from the king, the middle-aged man happily ran away with the food in his arms. He didn't notice that the death knell looked at his back with a slightly sympathetic look, because as a cannon fodder that attracted the enemy's attention, could he survive? Receiving the award is another matter.

But there is no other way. Just releasing them from the cell has already done all the benevolence. Do we still have to protect these people who have no fighting ability until the whole thing is over?

Does being a mercenary mean you can start a charity? Who would do something that is not beneficial?

The room suddenly became chaotic, and more people poured out of the cell. There were about seven or eight hundred people. When they reached the road, they began to run away, and soon only Deathstroke and himself were left. teammates.

"Phew! There are so many people. Oops, the last time I saw so many people was last year's Black Friday. When I went to Wilson's Supermarket to do some shopping, damn, a group of fat old ladies squeezed the shit out of me. ”

Wade rubbed the foot that had been stepped on by someone just now, complained, walked to his cousin, and said:

"But today is going quite smoothly. You know the whereabouts of your other student so quickly. Is it the luck that my lucky star has brought to you? Haha! Alas, I am such an outstanding man. There is really nothing I can do about it. .”

After saying that, he immediately walked to the wall and looked in the mirror, and he seemed to be even more beautiful.

"Stop being so cool, let's go, let's go to the opposite side, pick up Jaina first, and then think about Khadgar's affairs."

Su Ming was too lazy to pay attention to his cousin who had mental problems, and motioned for others to follow him and keep a close enough distance:

"Be vigilant. There are so many people running out. Although the enemy will most likely be lured away, you should not stay too far away from me. Our enemies can be very fast."

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