The Death Knell

Chapter 4950 God said there must be

The devil is in Hell, and in fact, he's not happy about being back here.

Because once upon a time, his father had predicted that if he failed to prevent everything from happening, he would have to return to hell, pick up the authority of Satan, and let everything develop as 'arranged'.

Now, it seemed to be a bad sign. He felt that he might have faced an invisible failure.

But at least not today. He did not come here today to take over hell. The blond demon raised his chin proudly, looking at the dangerous peaks and cliffs that he once owned, walking silently on the narrow mountain road, just as he once walked in the sky. .

Looking up, you can see the floating white shadows in the cliff castle, and looking down, you can see the endless red land. Lucifer hates looking up at others, but his brothers are an exception.

He continued walking on the mountain road, but this time his eyes were cast further down, on the red hot earth.

He could see demons playing with their prey in the distance, playing endless games, and seemed to be able to hear screams, which made him feel a lot better.

Generally speaking, before people's bodies enter hell, they have been buried or cremated, their muscles are stiff, and their eyes have been eaten by scavenging insects.

However, at the moment of entering hell, the deceased will find that his limbs are intact, but he will soon be quartered by five horses. This is a welcome ceremony from the devils.

Their eyes will be gouged out after witnessing fear again and again, and people will find that their nerves are particularly sensitive, and they always have a tongue that can be used to scream.

Once the physical body manifested by the spirit body is destroyed, everything will start all over again, and intact people can start running again, until the soul becomes corrupted and dark under the influence of negative emotions such as despair, darkness, madness, pain, etc. , using themselves to repay their debts to the devils,

There are also those who are lucky enough to suddenly gain enlightenment and be cleansed of all their sins. However, such a soul will never come out in tens of millions of years. Even if it does come out, the rest of the world will not be controlled by Satan. It is the realm of death.

It is impossible for a sinless person to come to hell.

The same goes for Guardian Archangel Duma. The crime he committed is not obvious, but one thing is obvious. In a world composed of red and black, there is a white castle on the top of the mountain, which does ruin the scenery a bit.

Lucifer thought about this and walked steadily to the castle gate. He raised his hand and knocked on the white wood. The latter made a winter sound and sang with a smile:

"Little rabbit, be good, open the door, I want to come in."

The city gate opened and disappeared silently in front of him. This was never a gate. After all, ordinary doors could not stop the devil from outside.

But if this door is a means of defense against demons, then what is the angel Mammon patrolling at the foot of the mountain?

It is nothing, or it can be anything. It can be a face, a sacrifice, or a dream representing an angel.

To say that this is a castle is actually an exaggeration. This is actually a greenhouse garden surrounded by four walls.

Satan has his own castle in hell, which is a symbol of royal power.

Lucifer has the Obsidian Castle, which now belongs to Wheat; the First Fallen has the Lead Yellow Castle, where the yellow actually refers to gold; and Yin Xie’s beautiful castle is the Hirasaka Castle located in the underworld hell, which is typical In the style of an island country, for some time in the past, Lucifer would always fly directly into the castle tower to have sex with her.

Guardian Angel Duma is not Satan or the King of Hell, so his castle is not a castle, but an isolated garden.

At this time, this beautiful angel in a white robe and blond hair was taking care of the flowers and vegetables she planted in a giant greenhouse made of crystal, as if she hadn't seen the guests arrive.

But this is impossible, because he was the one who opened the door for his brother just now.

The red sky light in hell turns into bright white light after passing through the arched crystal canopy, as if we are still in Yin Tian Garden, where the birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, and the climate is pleasant. If you hadn't walked all the way, it would be difficult to believe this. It's in hell.

"Turn everything created into nothingness and turn it into green thoughts in the shade. This is a poem by a human poet. I like it very much. Duma, my brother, have I disturbed you?"

With his hands in his pockets, Lucifer walked through the long tree-lined path and came to Tiansheng's back, as if he was sizing up his golden wings.

The angel holding a golden kettle and watering a tomato plant smiled. He turned to look at Satan, but did not speak.

His expression was calm and gentle, but he had a look of indifference that could repel people thousands of miles away.

The devil had already expected this, and he didn't mind, because that's the kind of person Duma was.

So he continued: "I've been in hell long enough to know how annoying it is. If I didn't have no ideas, I wouldn't come back here again, especially... This seems to be validating that we old ghosts What dad said."

The tall angel turned away and continued to water, as if Lucifer's words had not touched him in any way.

Yes, God is dead, but what does that have to do with Him?

In response, Lucifer came closer, stretched out his hand and gently touched the golden wings, and continued as if he was recalling something:

"You are a guardian spirit and are always accompanied by silence, but I come to you as a brother. Human beings are always noisy. Maybe this makes you unhappy, but there are always people in the world."

"..." Duma began to water another tomato plant again. He also bent down to tidy up the vines that had not grown enough to stretch.

He remained silent.

"But people also have quiet times, do you remember? Duma, before they were born, the world was terrifyingly quiet. When gas condensed into stars, I was the first light of God."

Lucifer let go of the angel's wings and turned to smell the flowers in the nursery. He closed his eyes intoxicatedly, as if immersed in this short-lived beauty.


Guardianship is always silent, just like fate is always blind.

"When humans were born, they could not speak. At that time, they were still taken care of by you. That was your golden age, wasn't it? It was also mine. I once secretly looked at the world from heaven, and I remember the silence, like a There was an ocean without waves. You were by my side at that time, so do you still remember? There were things floating under the sea."

The kettle poured in Duma's hand stopped, and the clear mountain spring no longer spilled. He sighed and turned around again to face the rebellious elder brother, because he knew what the other person wanted to say when he came back here this time. .

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