The Death Knell

Chapter 4956 The valuable secret

"Is it over?"

The witch with a relaxed tone hugged the professor's arm and watched the pink ball disappear into the passage, then looked away as if it no longer deserved any more attention.

As for the professor's intention to kill the other person's whole family if they disagreed, she didn't think there was anything wrong, because in a dark world, failure to completely eliminate the enemy meant safety risks.

For example, the same kind of meat ball comes to avenge it? Or is it lurking in the dark, ready to attack everyone at any time? Judging from its demonstrated capabilities, if the root cause is not eradicated, there will be many uncontrollable factors in the operation.

"No, this is just the beginning. I used the concept of darkness, which means that our real enemy has a high probability of knowing that I am here. The next actions may be more dangerous, or..."

"What could it be?" Yin Ruier shook his tail.

"It might waste more time. I now suspect that these things are deliberately delaying me here." Su Ming tapped his ear and tried to contact the adjutant, but as expected, there was no response.

The cube you are currently in may be isolated from several conventional communication methods.

"Let's go back the way we came to find Deadpool." Su Ming was not worried about this, because he could still rely on his cousin to run errands and deliver letters, so he could go out reasonably.

"Then what about the Duke? After meeting Mr. Deadpool, are you going to find Master Khadgar?" The female spy held her sniper rifle and stuck out her tongue with some fatigue. After the violent bombardment of the meat ball just now, During the explosion, she clearly realized the gap between herself and leaders.

Jaina and Yin Ruil just lost their mental energy and could recover by drinking a glass of water, but she herself felt so tired now that she didn't want to move, and the constant shooting made her shoulders feel like they were broken.

"Just wait until Khadgar comes to us. The job of rescuing people is very simple. You have seen it before. The top priority now is to find the boundaries of the cube and open a way for everyone to leave."

Turning the cloak into a flying carpet, he motioned for everyone to sit on it, and the group began to return to the ground. Deathstroke talked about his plan, but had no further explanation.

It is known that the current environment we are in is a matryoshka structure of a large cube inside a small cube. So how many layers does it have and what is the situation in the outside world? This needs to be investigated clearly.

But first, go find Deadpool outside the cave and ask him to run some errands to deliver some news to the adjutant. Some things need to be arranged in advance.

Because there was no need to look for anyone this time, the return was very fast. Almost as soon as everyone boarded the flying carpet, the next second a few people were already outside the cave entrance from whence they came.

It was still dark between the sky and the earth, but there was fire in the mountains ahead, as bright as a beacon in the night, but there were still some weird movements coming from there.

Su Ming was very familiar with this kind of thing. In his previous life, he would pass by a park on his way to work, and he would always see an old man with a portable karaoke machine, surrounded by flowers and trees, with the admiring eyes of many old ladies. , singing operas or classic old songs loudly.

Since he works as a night shift security guard and goes to work at night, this kind of disturbing noise usually occurs after 22 o'clock.

This is the situation now. Wade's howling singing voice can be heard from a distance. His mp3 player originally had an external playback function, but I don't know where he got the microphone. What a sin.

"Gently pry open the sleeping heart, um~~um~! Let me see your eyes, hehe..."

She doesn't sing well either. She was out of tune to begin with, and now she's making a sound that sounds like she's trying to hold it in. What kind of noise is this?

Cloak led everyone over the hill, and finally saw the figure of Deadpool. He was currently riding on a strange hand, prying the opponent's fingernails with a samurai sword.

The enemy was obviously dead and lay softly on the ground, but his body strength was still online, so it was a bit laborious to pull out his nails.

Wade sang happily while pulling out the dead body's nails as a pastime, apparently waiting for his cousin to come over and join him. When he reached the high notes, he closed his eyes intoxicated and his body was trembling.

In such a weird atmosphere, Su Ming and everyone landed in front of him. They were surrounded by enemy corpses, all of them mutilated. I don't know how the bitch did it.

Because according to theory, the speed of these monsters is much higher than Deadpool's reaction speed, so he should be the one who was dismembered.

"It's so slow, Slade, my throat is dry from waiting." Deadpool stuffed the monster's fingernails into his trouser pocket, patted his butt and stood up, smiling evilly and said: "Have you seen the surroundings? ? This is the country I have built for you."

It seems that he also wants to try out his domineering style.

"This is a shitty country, and the fish pond is about the same." Su Ming used his feet to turn over the corpse of the strange hand on the ground. At this time, only the 'very six plus one' gesture was left on the mutilated body. Two fingers, looking quite miserable: "Did you find anything?"

There is no wind on the black plain, which means that the smell of Deadpool's body is condensed and lingering. After some exercise, he looks like rotten food that has just been reheated in the microwave.

"Yes, but hey, hey." The cousin came closer and rubbed his fingers at high speed with a foul smell. The meaning was self-explanatory.

He took out five hundred dollars in old non-serial bills from his pocket and stuffed them into his cousin's arms. Deathstroke signaled with his eyes that he could continue.

Although Wade is unreliable in many cases, his observation skills are still good. He counted the bills with his tongue flicking at high speed and said:

"We are all prisoners, and these hands, these eyes, these guts are not that different from us."

"Well, continue." Su Ming stretched out his hand to pull him up into the cloak, and flew towards the dark front. He was currently in a large cube, so if he flew in any direction, he would definitely have a chance to stand out from the edge.

"They actually have feelings and can even feel nausea. Although I don't understand why they can't appreciate my beauty, this is why I can defeat them."

The bitch who sat on the flying carpet and started to lick the dead skin off her butt told another piece of information, that is, although these monsters all look like human body parts, they do not have an independent digestive system, but they will also lose it due to nausea. Combat power, this shows that they have reason and can be affected by certain means.

"I have known this for a long time. I have eaten a palm monster before. I have a lot of knowledge about them. Go ahead and tell me about your discovery. It is best to be fresh, otherwise, the money will be deducted."

There was darkness in front of him, but Deathstroke's tone was very pleasant.

"Deduct money again? It's dark, it's too dark! But I'm not afraid, do you know why? Because I did discover a super secret, I guarantee your satisfaction!"

At first, Wade screamed in horror, but Wade immediately changed his face like a Sichuan opera. He lifted half of his mask and revealed a triumphant smile, as if he was sure of victory.

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