The Death Knell

Chapter 4964 An accidental glance

Not to mention how Deadpool was educated by his adjutant and Diana, how the two sides exchanged information and relayed what Deathstroke wanted to say.

In a strange and unfamiliar world, the Supreme Mage and his group were playing on the computer in an office building at the airport.

To be precise, it was Strangler who was playing, while others were watching, because the current composition of this team did not include hackers or computer geniuses.

Yin Ruil may know something about technology, but unfortunately, the eredar technology driven by energy crystals is so different from the human Internet technology composed of 0s and 1s that there is almost no reference.

"Okay, these people shouldn't be able to wake up for four hours."

Hermione put the shotgun back into her fanny pack and returned to the professor in a relaxed tone.

There is no other way. It is easy to sneak into the airport invisibly, but there is no need to hide all the time. The security guards and police in the airport are just ordinary people. It is easier to take them down.

Sneaking into the airport's network information office, Hermione knocked down the staff unconsciously and silently, then used the butt of a gun to patch each person's head to ensure that they would not wake up soon, and dragged in all the security guards patrolling the corridor. , then in the next period of time, no one will notice everyone in the office.

She understands Muggle technology better than ordinary wizards, which is an advantage. It allows her to know how to avoid cameras. In addition, it is night and there are far fewer staff at the airport.

"Well done. The driver in the car just now told me that a big boss has indeed booked a large armored truck at a private security company and is coming to the airport to pick up the goods tonight. Now we only need to investigate today Which goods are scheduled to be shipped out tonight?"

Su Ming was smoking a cigarette by himself, leaning on the edge of the table doing nothing. Instead, a strangled tentacle was connected to a USB port on the server, controlling the data on the display screen next to it to keep changing.

It is definitely not as good as the adjutant in this regard. If the silver-haired beauty is allowed to do this, the results will probably be achieved in an instant, but strangulation can only be done bit by bit like a human investigation.

Although it doesn't use its eyes to look at the screen, nor does it use its tentacles to type on the keyboard, it just uses its own bioelectricity to communicate with the computer.

"Sure enough, the armored truck can also be regarded as a kind of taxi. The driver of the courtesy car and the driver of the security company knew each other, and the latter had just talked to him about this matter. It was an unexpected surprise for us. .”

Hermione nodded, feeling a little emotional. The flow of information in the acquaintance society was so pervasive, and the effect of the Felixir was still effective in this world. The professor was so lucky.

"After all, these are only things for the rich. Ordinary citizens don't have access to limousines and armored vehicles. These senior driver masters may have a circle."

Su Ming took out some snacks to share with everyone and motioned them to find a place to sit. There was nothing interesting about the computer:

"How is it? Ladies, what do you think after coming to this world? About human beings' modern technological society."

The environment at the airport was good, and he was in a good mood, and even made some inverted sentences.

"A car, that's called a car, right? It's so exquisite, and the space inside is so big!" Amber gestured with her hands to signify 'big', and took the soda with excitement: "Compared to a racing car made by engineering, It’s so luxurious, and I heard it’s bulletproof and anti-assassination. I’m wondering if the boss should also buy one so that the king can ride in it.”

She was very loyal. When she saw something she liked, she still thought about her King Varian. She just needed the money from MI7 spy chief Shaw.

"That's easy to say. I have plenty of cars. I'll just give you one later." Su Ming smiled and nodded, and generously made a promise. Anyway, Wilson Enterprises also has its own luxury car, which is better than what women have ridden today: "What about you? Sivirandi, what do you think?"

Handing out some animal-free snacks, he asked the elf Dru Yin who had been thoughtful on the way.

"Me? I just feel that there are not many plants in this city. Even if there are, they are screaming in pain. How pitiful." The female elf shook her head. She could not feel any natural power here, everything was unnatural. Surrounded by human creations, it was not an environment she liked.

Of course, it is still much better than the previous mirror cage or stalactite tunnel.

Although it stands to reason that Druids would like underground caves, who calls them karst landforms? The ground is too humid. If you sleep in a cave with such high air humidity, mushrooms will grow on your body before you sleep for a few years.

"I think high-rise buildings are good. If Kul Tiras can develop like this, I think it is acceptable even if we lose the forest. We still have the sea anyway."

Gianna, who had already found a sofa to sit down at the side, took the initiative to express her opinion. Maybe Dru Yin saw the plants in the city suffering, but what she saw was the people in the city enjoying themselves.

She is a human being, so there is nothing to hesitate in sacrificing the interests of plants for the interests of humans.

Also supporting the development of technology is Yin Ruil, who supported Jaina:

"I think so. Although we also have the same magnificent buildings in Argus, they are either temples, colleges, or fortresses. Civilians cannot live in such tall buildings. I want to change this. When we start from the Burning Legion, Once Argus is taken back from my hands, I will let every Eredar live in high-rise buildings!"

Upon first hearing, she was indeed very ambitious and a qualified leader of the camp. However, she seemed to have had some misunderstandings. When she passed through Manhattan, she saw high-rise buildings on the roadside and regarded each one as someone else's home. She was completely unaware of it. There is a collective location called a company.

But as the Supreme Mage and the leader of Little Hoof Girl, Su Ming did not correct her, but instead affirmed her statement with a smile.

It is always right to want the best for your people. It is also very reasonable to want ordinary people to live in big houses, even if it is an entire skyscraper with hundreds of floors.

And it seems that the Eredar people really have the technology to achieve this.


Strangler made a sound at this time, reminding the host that it had made a discovery. It was not that it had found the shipping order, but that it had just seen the character in the host's memory on the surveillance camera at the airport, and it flashed by in the dark night. , but it took a screenshot successfully.

"Oh?'s this world. It's strange. Why are there so few people?"

Deathstroke didn't need to turn his head to look at the screen. He was already sharing information with the symbiote. He just got the picture in a flash of his mind, but he quickly frowned:

"I only saw Super Kill Girl, but where is Kick-Ass? He was kidnapped too, right? It's not necessary. This universe is already in the box."

"Do you know this world?"

The witch hugged the professor's arm and looked at the person on the computer screen. After discovering that it was a purple-haired little loli who could also ride a motorcycle, she couldn't help but tilt her mouth.

Su Ming stopped making random guesses and nodded with a smile. He happily told the students:

"Yes, this is a world where as long as you wear a uniform, you will be regarded as a mental illness, and you will get the privilege of killing without breaking the law. It's great."

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