The Death Knell

Chapter 4972 Crazy greetings

The girls are meeting in the invisible barrier wrapped by the flying carpet. No matter what they say or how much noise they make, no one outside can hear them. This is the power of magic.

So Batman and Supergirl in the warehouse are still looking for the skull of that saint.

To be more precise, the dark man did nothing. He just stood in a dark corner with his arms folded. The thin little girl was working the whole time, and with her little carrot-head figure, she looked like They are like poor child labor being exploited.

But she herself was very happy and kept talking all kinds of nonsense.

"Batman, I like to eat ketchup omelette rice. What about you? Among the dishes that the housekeeper usually cooks, which one is your favorite?"

"Batman, you have so much money, why don't you form an army? Wouldn't it be easier to just implement martial law in Gotham?"

"Who do you like more, Batman, Catwoman or Talia? Who do you like the most among the Robins?"

Like all ardent fans who meet their idols, she always has all kinds of questions and must seize every opportunity to answer them to satisfy her curiosity.

But she didn't ask it for herself, but for Big Daddy. Her dead father's worship of Batman was deeply rooted in his bones. As a good girl, she wanted to ask these questions about her father during his lifetime, and then go there. Before his grave, tell Big Daddy in Heaven to listen.

In fact, she didn't expect to get any answers, because everyone knew that Batman didn't like to answer questions.

But what she didn't know was that the bat that appeared today was a fake and a fun-loving man. He really answered in the dark.

Is it true? On the other hand, Minty only asked for an answer, and it didn't have to be the correct answer.

"My favorite thing about Alfred's cooking is braised pig's trotters; as for raising an army in Gotham, those gang members are all my army when necessary, so I already have them; Catwoman and Thalia, I I don’t like them all, I still miss my first love Viktor Valli, the reporter; as for who I like the most among Robins, it is undoubtedly Jason, he is the most like me.”

She didn't answer the questions quickly, as if there was a devil telling a story in the dark, telling everything in a hoarse and terrifying voice. But after listening to it, the expression on Mindy's face became very strange, even The movement of searching for the skull in his hands slowed down.

Because she really couldn't imagine what it would be like for Batman to chew on a pig's trotters, and the subsequent answers also had a subtle sense of confusion.

But this didn't require Batman's explanation, because she quickly figured out the answer herself, and answered herself perfectly. It was also very simple to say, that is, Batman is a human being, and he has been maintaining his human identity, so he It doesn’t have to be perfect.

These answers are all a bit outrageous, but if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with each answer.

In the United States, no one eats pig trotters. After slaughterhouses slaughter live pigs, the hooves are sold directly to feed factories for grinding into bone meal. Therefore, eating pig's trotters, a raw material for fish feed, is also the most inconsistent with Batman's status as a rich man. It represents his dark rebellion of being super rich but siding with the poor.

The gang members in Gotham will indeed spontaneously unite when foreign enemies invade. In terms of the relationship between Batman and their boss, there is no problem that Bat will automatically gain leadership when they are unanimous. This is the tacit dark game of Gotham. rule.

The problem of lovers is also simple. Vic Valli has been married for more than ten years. In the comics, she married a French director and left Gotham long ago. So Batman said that he loves her the most. This is darkness. Not being able to love is the most painful and deep hatred.

The Robin I love the most is Red Hood, and it’s the same reason, because among all the Robins, he was the only one who died once, and even fell out with Batman after being resurrected. This is a dark feeling that you only know how to cherish after losing it.

So after a comprehensive analysis, Batman's answer seems strange on the surface, but as long as a smart person analyzes it, he can see two big words between the lines.


As long as it's dark enough, it's fine. That's Batman's style. He didn't lie, and he didn't bother to lie to a little girl from another world.

Mindy nodded, and she sighed cutely, because Batman is so heartbreaking. What kind of willpower does he have to live a positive life despite being burdened with so many dark pasts?

However, now that I know a lot of answers, I can tell Big Daddy the next time I visit his grave. If he knows, he will be very pleased, right?

He turned his head and glanced at the Dark Knight behind him. He almost blended into the dark night. When the plane flew over his head at low altitude and landed at the airport, his body would tremble slightly. Normally he looked like a sculpture.

Even though Batman only exposes his butt and chin under the mask, it still looks right.

Shaking her head, the girl began to talk about other topics, such as transportation. Although she patrolled on a motorcycle every day, she also had greater ambitions. She said that she planned to learn to fly a plane, and then she would Make one.

Because it is actually not difficult to make an airplane. It is unrealistic to build a jet or a more advanced space fighter in one step. But if you just want a wooden-frame airplane like the Wright Brothers, you just need to have the skills.

Make an aircraft frame out of wood, then install an engine on it, add a few pairs of wings and three wheels to the fuselage, and you can take off.

There is no need for instrument panels and electronic equipment, all depends on visual inspection.

Such an aircraft may not be able to do other things, but it is enough to be used for reconnaissance over cities at night with night vision telescopes, or to help spread pesticides on other people's farms on weekends.

The more she talked, the happier she became. She seemed to have imagined herself flying in the sky. Maybe she had held it in for too long. Now that she found someone to talk to, she would talk endlessly.

However, she did not forget the serious business. The work of finding the skull was still going on in an orderly manner. She was indeed very smart and came up with a good idea.

First, open a wooden box at random and check whether the skeleton inside is real or plaster. After discovering that they were made of plaster, she could tell which boxes contained fake skeletons by smell.

Gypsum itself has no smell, but the teaching skeletons sold on the market have the smell of industrial products, which is easy to distinguish.

In front of each box, she grabbed it and shook it a few times, then smelled it against the cracks in the wooden box, and she knew if it was the target she was looking for.

"Kick-Ass isn't here."

While she was working and chattering, Batman spoke up. He used a predicative sentence to express a question. He was asking where her former partner was.

When she mentioned Dave, Mindy's little mouth tilted to one side. She was so depressed that she also forgot about language management. She answered Uncle Bat:

"Retired and missing because his dick blew up, literally."

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