The Death Knell

Chapter 4978 Descendants enjoy happiness

"Actually, the answer is in the newspaper. You only read the front page before, my animal friends."

The orangutan shook the newspaper in his hand and opened it to Batman to read the content at the back. Batman had looked down upon this thing too lightly before, or his judgment was affected by anger after reading the first page.

Most of the time, Batman is calm, but seeing another Batman become a drug addict, an alcoholic, an addict, and an Internet celebrity has broken through his psychological defenses.

Especially since this Batman is Damian, and everyone has experienced the incident with The Laughing Bat.

For Batman, this codename is the key to maintaining Gotham's rule. When Batman is no longer feared, the evil and chaos of Gotham will flow to the world.

It’s not that there are no villains on Earth 16, but everyone has become a villain, so they promote the legalization of a series of things such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, drunk driving, arms sales, etc., so that everyone can profit from these things, and On the surface, various Internet celebrities and various entertainment methods are created to whitewash peace.

This is a situation worse than Earth 0, because there are no more superheroes, and all that is left are a group of fools who inherited the uniforms but did not inherit the righteous spirit of their parents.

And these things are what makes Batman the most angry. They were betrayed by others, and these people were still their own children.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with apes. Batman doesn't need to care. He doesn't want his teammates to waste time caring about such useless things, so Bobo directly opens the fifth page of the newspaper and shows the lace. news.

Sitting in the Batmobile on the way here, the atmosphere was eerily silent. He could only read the newspaper to pass the time.

But it was this move that made him discover the clue. The most conspicuous thing in this piece of tidbits was a bald girl with pretty features. She also held a bunch of bat-shaped keys in her hand, making a playful gesture of sticking out her tongue and winking.

The caption is - 'Guess who lives in the Batcave? ’

The content of the news report is about Alex Luthor, formerly known as Alex, the smartest and most successful transgender person in the world. She is suspected of having a close relationship with Batman. The two were frequently witnessed by reporters visiting Gotham together.

While participating in a New York Fashion Week catwalk, Alex was interviewed by a reporter. She showed off the key to the Batcave, proudly showed it off to the world and took a photo. Various words during the interview seemed to It's hinted that she has become the mistress of the Batcave.

The next news content is about the background story of Alex. As the son of Luther, he has been without a mother since he was a child, so he became his own mother and gradually thought that he was a girl. Recently, he used the wealth and superb wisdom left by his father , came up with such a thing as perfect sex reassignment surgery.

He was originally a man, but now he is a woman. All physiological functions are the same as those of a natural woman. Moreover, she is more beautiful, smarter, and understands men better, at least better than Jonathan.

Damian got to know her relatively late, because she used to be Jonathan's boyfriend, and later had an affair with the second-generation Green Arrow, and fell in love with Zatanna's daughter. Her emotional experience was too simple, so she only talked about these few things. The target didn't even have any marriage experience, so Batman felt that she couldn't play with him.

However, after contacting them, I discovered that the Luther family members are indeed extremely smart. I am afraid that there is no human being on earth who is more playful than her.

So Batman was soon fascinated by her, and had a little friction with Superman. Now Batman and Luthor's daughter have a very stable relationship, and they will get married soon.

"So, guess how Damian proposed?" The orangutan held the newspaper in front of his Batman, and the implication was obvious.

The authentic Batman could think with the dust on his toes that the boy must have brought the transgender boy here and changed the power-on password of his brother's eye in front of her to show the importance of the other person in his heart. Be much better than everything you have.

This is ‘I love you so much that I changed my ancestor’s name’. It’s really touching... what the hell!

Now Batman accepts this fact with an expressionless face. Being emotionless does not mean that he can forget this matter. He just keeps it in his heart and redoubles his efforts to solve the incident.

Wait until Damian, the Batman of this world, is rescued from the hands of his enemies, and then let him taste the loving iron fist of his father's counterpart.

With a crackle, Batman began to type on the keyboard to investigate intelligence, search for survivors, and at the same time watch videos of various people being kidnapped, and use this device to activate sonic communication to contact his lieutenants.

He was very busy, but the orangutan beside him was smoking leisurely and smiling in a sinister way:

"But Bat, you said that if you do this to Catwoman and change your Batcave password to Selena, will her determination to marry you not be shaken by the Joker?"


This simple answer came out of Batman's mouth. He didn't know whether he was saying that changing the host password for Catwoman was a dream, or that the two getting married was a dream...

But that doesn't matter anymore, because he has already contacted the adjutant and has started to receive the latest intelligence.

A series of information such as the appearance of the monster, human body parts, the prison where the kidnapped people were stored, etc. were synchronized to him and Bobo, and then the rest was what Deadpool dictated and conveyed, which was Deathstroke's plan.

After reading the plan written in encrypted text, Batman still showed no expression. He just destroyed the information and continued to do his own thing.

But Bobo had some ideas. He asked the adjutant:

"Is Deadpool with you now?"

"Here you are, my sexy hairy black old man."

Deadpool's head stretched out from outside the screen, and he shook his non-existent eyebrows, which were the two pieces of flesh under the mask, and then he put on a posture like an overlord lifting a cauldron, and said with a smile:

"The hottest red rose in the mercenary world, aha! To serve you, the prerequisite is that the price is right, but if you don't have money, you can still pay with your flesh and blood!"

"Ugh... is it appropriate to make such a joke on an old orangutan?" Bobo was already used to Deadpool's style. He just took a puff of cigarette to calm down his shock and regained his composure. : "Besides, if I ask you to do something, it will definitely be on your cousin's account, because it is all his arrangement."

There was a light shining on the two people in the darkness, and the smoke slowly spread in the light beam. The atmosphere was quite mysterious for a while.

"Hey, okay, actually I just feel a little itchy in my butt, so I'm talking nonsense."

Seeing that the orangutan did not vomit, the disappointed Wade became serious. He chose to use his thickest middle finger to pick his nose, took out the bloody boogers very seriously and said quickly:

"What do you want to talk to me about? Let's be honest. I have to go to dinner. I have never eaten in Sepulke. Can you believe it? Sometimes my cousin is really stingy to a certain extent. Okay. While he is away today, let me catch up with this wave. By the way, Diana is still here. If you need reinforcements, let her pass?"

Before the orangutan said a few words, Deadpool said dozens of words at the same time, and the extremely high speed of speech gave people a headache.

But Bobo was already prepared. He took out a bottle of motion sickness medicine from the inner pocket of his suit, drank it with the wine in the small stainless steel jug, and drank it.

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