The Death Knell

Chapter 4997 Ends of the World

"Batman, look."

Mindy discovered another interesting way to kill people. She happily showed her work to the bats and orangutans behind her:

"Look at this man, I can crush his skull and brain with mental power, just like using an eraser to erase the marks on the paper."

As she spoke, she operated, just like the girl said, it was very easy to play with this hand.

At this time, a man with a fruit knife in his hand and a sinister face rushed towards her under the cover of the fire of his accomplices' submachine guns, and cursed: "Go to hell, Xiao Bichi!"

Minty just raised her hand, and the area above the person's eyebrows was erased. The incision was very smooth, and the entire brain disappeared. In fact, it was using telekinesis to smash these parts into the smallest particles.

Super Killer is very satisfied with this, because this way she kills people and preserves their human flavor, instead of beating people into a bloody mist like before, causing onlookers not to know that she is killing people.

Only by retaining the original taste of some people, they know what it is.

"Yes, the technique is very neat. When Diana swings a sword, the lethality is almost the same as what you have achieved now. The police officers seem to like this kind of explosive scene."

Sure enough, the police officers following her not far away applauded her and thought she did a great job. Many police officers even took out their mobile phones to film the video, presumably to upload the video to social media.

In fact, Su Ming doesn't hate such idle people, at least he thinks they are quite smart.

In many worlds, police officers want to catch both super villains and superheroes. The result is that both sides are unhappy, and whenever they are dispatched, they suffer heavy casualties.

It's different in this universe. The villains can take their usual filial photos, and they won't stop the superheroes from killing the villains. The police remain neutral and will only wait for the matter to end quietly, and then clean up quietly. Everyone is fine.

Because they all know that evil can never be eliminated. Even the criminal police officers understand this truth and will not completely bind themselves to a certain criminal boss.

There are good police officers with good conscience, but these people are only a very small number in the police department. There may be four or five of the more than 30,000 police officers in New York. Including Mindy's stepfather, they are still low-level patrol officers and have no rights at all. .

And the powerful police officers and leaders are eager for the superheroes to go on a killing spree. It would be great if any area could change seventy or eighty bosses a month.

Because of such things as bribery, every newcomer will pay a greeting gift. This is an unspoken rule. When a villain who once paid filial piety to his superiors dies, and the new boss takes over, it means that a new filial piety will appear again. On the desk.

The faster the power list of the dark side of society is updated, the more criminal police officers will earn.

There is nothing to blame. The general environment of this world is so dark. Black police officers are just ordinary people. Every police officer has a family. Why do they have to get involved in incidents that are beyond their capabilities? Isn’t it good to be alive?

This is pretty good now. No one will stand up to stop Mindy from killing someone on the street. This place is like an anarchist paradise. If the clown came here, he would definitely fall in love with it.

"Super Killer Girl, look over here."

Someone from the police camp called out to the girl who was still holding the body in her hands to show her face so that it would be easier to take pictures.

The girl also understood very well. The strong man she was carrying was missing the upper half of his head, and blood was spurting out from the empty skull. She pointed this angle at the police officers' cameras with a smile.

Then a burst of flashlights lit up not far away, and the excited police officers pressed the shutter button of the camera app on their mobile phones repeatedly, and talked like professional photographers:

"Very good. This is the pose. It's beautiful. It's so beautiful. You're so photogenic."

The girl also seemed to be interested. She posed in a few more poses, avoiding the bullets fired at her by the villains. She smiled and used the brainless corpse in her hand as a shield, and asked the police officers to take more blood shots. Flowers splash the scene.

These photos are what the police officers plan to sell for money, whether they are sold to newspapers or they go home and run their own self-media, they will all be income.

As a superhero, you have to be sensible. Is this guy in his twenties coming out to fight with you on the street in the middle of the night just for fun? Aren't you just waiting to get some benefits?

Taking some photos and selling them was one thing, but helping these villains collect their bodies was the bulk of their income.

What about the wallet on the dead body, the gold teeth embedded in the mouth, all the valuables are stolen, and there is also a brand new method that has become popular recently - selling the corpse to a private collector with necrophilia is better than selling it to a carer. Restaurant people make more money.

In short, it’s all about making money. This is New York. It’s not that easy to live in this city. To put it simply, you can’t do it without money.

Super Killer also understands this matter. If she wants the New York Police's attention, she must give her some benefits, such as cooperating with others to take photos, or accepting interviews. Big Daddy has taught Mindy a long time ago.

Of course, if a rogue police officer goes too far, he will just kill him and the other police officers will not care.

Because a colleague died, some relative or friend of the living person might be able to introduce him to the police station to make money.

This is how real life is. Is it true that someone is going to commit suicide because of the death of a colleague? We are all social beings, how can we have so many emotions? New York is an indifferent city, and living for yourself is the first goal of survival.

Seeing that Mindy looked good at taking photos, Su Ming, disguised as Batman, also took the photo and started taking pictures with her, even dragging Bobo along to participate.

As a result, the police officers' mobile phone screens were being clicked with sparks. Whether this Batman was real or not was not important to them, but it was a good gimmick if someone wore the uniform of the character in the comics.

Maybe soon there will be other superheroes who come to fight as Batman's admirers, because not everyone can be Batman.

The police officers became even more excited when they thought that a "cape battle" might break out soon. The only drawback was that there was always a sad orangutan in the photo, which was a bit annoying.


The Fourth Sandman is a professional detective. His investigation speed may not be as fast as Flash's, but the level of detail and thinking in his work cannot be matched by The Flash.

The detective who crashed with Sandman and became completely unknown is also a detective, right?

He squatted on the roadside and inspected the corpses one by one, and soon discovered other facts. For example, there was no money on these corpses, which was very unreasonable.

Sandy has only seen this kind of thing without a wallet in Tianchao, because mobile payment is popular there.

But in the United States, everyone must bring a wallet when going out to hold cash or credit cards, otherwise it will be difficult to move out.

If a person has no money on him, it can be said that he has forgotten it, but Sandy checked more than ten people and found that everyone had no money on them. It was as clean as if someone had deliberately searched them. This was wrong.

What's more, we don't even have mobile phones. Who in modern times goes out without taking a mobile phone? The Flintstones?

So he turned his attention to the black body that Jie Yin had seen before. There might be something special about the gold chains around his neck, but when he got closer and touched it, he found that they were plastic coated with gold paint...

The superhero under the gas mask rolled his eyes. He thought for a moment and stretched out his fingers to pry the black man's mouth. After seeing that the man was missing several teeth and there were still golden traces on the gums, he felt suspicious. think.

Who can be faster than The Flash, come here and take away people's money and pull out their gold teeth...

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