The Death Knell

Chapter 50 Bats always have a plan

Afu quickly delivered the dinner. Through a hidden elevator, he pushed the dining cart down and prepared a full set of tablecloths, napkins, knives and forks.

On the big table in the Bat Cave were the leftovers of food that Su Ming and the others had finished eating, as well as half a pot of the weird sweet soup made by Cindy. At that time, only Su Ming and Cindy managed to eat it because they were transformed people. After a few mouthfuls, the other three people turned pale after just one taste.

When Ah Fu was cleaning up the garbage, he suddenly found a smoked yellow spot on the table, with cigarette ashes scattered next to it, and also on the ground.

His eyes instantly became sharp.

"Miss, if we want to make friends with Deathstroke, I think we should order a batch of ashtrays to put in the Batcave. You can choose natural crystal products. What do you think?"

Bliss continued to look at the information on the screen without looking back, as if Indian Mountain had some impression on her, but the historical records in the information were only a few lines. This in itself was a problem. Why hadn't she discovered it before? ?

It seems that in the future we need to research a camera that will not be discovered by homeless people and place it in places where homeless people are concentrated in the city.

"No one wants to be friends with Deathstroke. I just want to make a deal with Deathstroke."

Ah Fu tilted his head and nodded, raising his eyebrows to express understanding. He collected the garbage in an orderly manner, spread the tablecloth, and put new food on it.

"Oh, but I suggest that when negotiating with a mercenary like Deathstroke, it's best to have a lawyer present, and the contract must be strict."

"Barry will be with me." Bliss said calmly, leaving the surveillance host and sitting at the big table. This table is actually her workbench. She usually assembles some of her own props on it. Be careful not to get oily or anything on it.

But today, Deathstroke had developed a new use for the workbench and it was dirty, so she might as well just eat on it.

"Huh? But I am a forensic officer. Although it is a kind of forensic medicine, contract law is not my specialty?" Barry appeared at the table in an instant. He had already laid out his napkin and knife and fork, and was waiting. The food is served.

Bliss looked at him with a look like you're kidding me. Barry has a very high IQ and can be said to be the best optoelectronic physicist and materials scientist she has ever seen. But like all scientists, he seems to be just living in daily life. Medium and little roots.

"There is no need to prepare documents, as long as you come with me in uniform."

"Oh, that's what you mean..." Barry suddenly realized, and a smile appeared on his young face: "I understand, your words are more difficult to understand than Diana, uh, our Dai over there Anna.”

"I understand that Qi Xia here is a perverted madman, selfish and insidious. Even if I see the interview on TV, I will feel sick."

Bliss laid out her napkin, and Alfred served the appetizer first, a plate of green fish salad.

"So where is the Sea King here? I mean the Sea Queen." Barry couldn't wait to take a bite, and finally felt that his tongue had regained consciousness.

"****Madman, she is trying to create a world ruled by Atlanteans, and for this purpose, the whole world can be buried with her." Bliss answered his question while eating, picking up the food with a fork. Go into your mouth.

Afu, who was standing aside and serving, stared at her with his eyes. Bliss actually chewed something and talked. He couldn't remember when he had taught the young lady to do this.

Barry nodded, and he probably understood what was going on: "With all due respect, Bliss, I don't think you will be the person I remembered you anymore, but once the Amazons and Atlantis break out, Large-scale war, I... have seen such scenes, in a wrong timeline, the world will also be destroyed."

Bliss looked calm. The darkness in the Batcave seemed to penetrate deep into her bones, and her indifferent expression would always be with her.

"I can guess that if the world situation continues to deteriorate, I might have regarded Arthur as a world-class threat and dealt with her. I originally had a very similar plan."

"You used to be the fuse of the world. Now I have made you change your mind, but I can't make Barbatos change. He is still continuing his evil plan, using the power of the dark multiverse to try to turn the light multiverse into a Pull it over, and once it succeeds, everyone will be finished."

Barry had finished his own food and was waiting for the next dish. He wiped his mouth with a napkin and said what he said before.

"I've heard your theory of universe balance and restart, although it's just a hypothesis, you can't prove it... But as long as there are Amazons and undersea people in this world, threats will always exist. Maybe our world is not the same. A complete, doomed world." Bliss put down her knife and fork and signaled Ah Fu to continue serving the food and not to wait any longer.

"That's what Barbatos wants you to think! No world is destined to be destroyed, and people can change their own destiny!" Barry became serious, and the childish smile on his face faded. He said seriously: "Don't accept him. He may appear in your dreams and tell lies. We will stop this war immediately and the world will continue."

Bliss glanced at him and showed an expression that she couldn't tell what it meant: "I know, let's go find Deathstroke first. I have wanted to fight her to the death with all my strength several times. This criminal is the one I hate the most. But now the situation is special.”

"He is not a criminal in the conventional sense. He has done good things and may one day change his ways. Although it is hard for me to believe this myself... I know you will be very strong once you don't hold back, but It is the principle of both of us not to kill anyone... I have eaten, when will we set off?"

Lightning flashed, and Barry sat aside and picked his teeth. He ate half of all the dishes in an instant, and also changed into his red and yellow lightning uniform.

Bliss sighed, stood up, put on her bat helmet, and restocked the various props.

"Afu, I'll eat the rest of the food when I get back. Barry and I will go out."

"Of course, miss, I will wait for you at home."

Ah Fu bent down slightly, showed an elegant smile, and watched kindly as a red light took Bliss away from his eyes, just like he had watched her leave countless times before to do heroic things.


Indian Hills Underground Research Institute, third floor.

Su Ming and Cindy encountered a hail of bullets here. They had just come down the stairs and before they had taken a few steps, they were greeted by all-round firepower.

This is like an employee dormitory area, or simply a place used to hold ordinary people who are going to be used as experimental subjects. In short, there are small rooms on both sides of the corridor, which is as bright as day.

The moment he was attacked, Su Ming pushed the three people without force into a room, while Cindy ducked into the small room on the opposite side of the corridor.

"There are 47 armed personnel, submachine guns, rocket launchers, large-caliber shotguns, small anti-tank guns and some unknown weapons. What is your decision?"

Cindy poked her head at the door of the room and remembered the situation on the other side at a glance. Amidst the continuous gunfire, she quickly made a series of tactical gestures to Su Ming. Wei Ke asked Pete to record it quickly, but the strong man's legs were as weak as noodles, so Wei Ke had no choice but to carry the camera by himself.

The structural diagram of this architectural form immediately appeared in Su Ming's mind, like the leaves growing symmetrically on a vine. The rooms on both sides of the corridor were like this. There is only a broken stainless steel bed and nothing else in the room. The walls are made of soundproofing materials. Although decades have passed, the quality seems to be pretty good now.

"Flash bomb." Su Ming also responded to her with a tactical gesture. The other party's firepower caused the cement near the door to fly around, and even the corridor floor was chipped away in just ten seconds.

Cindy nodded slightly from across the corridor. Countless bullets passed through their sights dragging tail flames and airflow. The heat made the air slightly distorted. This tactic was exactly what she wanted.

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