The Death Knell

Chapter 5003 Song of Blood

"The compassionate XXXX is high in the sky, promising eternal sleep under the wings of Jinshena. In that high place, sacred and holy, the soul of our friend has gone to the eternal resting place, and the source of mercy has been Protect them forever, and bind their souls in this eternal life. The remains are their memorial, may they rest in peace."

Needless to say, the Flash's speed. If it weren't for his inability to urinate, Jay Yin wouldn't have taken so long to go to the toilet, but this also proves that the Speed ​​Force really has nothing to do with the prostate.

But that's not the key. After he walked into the garage, before he could complain about Sandy's disobedience and acting without permission, his attention was attracted by the sentence written on the garage floor, and he couldn't help but read it out.

After reading it, he fell silent. He didn't know how to evaluate this thing that was not a poem, especially when it started with four unidentifiable symbols. He realized that everything that happened in this town seemed to be with everyone. There is a connection between the major events being traced.

"What do you think?"

He turned around and asked Karen and Connie behind him. In fact, he mainly asked the former. Her super vision might be able to detect things that others could not see.

Forgetting the whirlwind, the woman stopped at the garage door. She seemed to have picked up a comic book and started reading it on the spot.

The Wonder Girl also understood what the leader meant. Her eyes glowed and she scanned the entire garage, but found nothing except the words written in blood on the ground, and she had to present another mystery to her teammates. .

"These words didn't exist originally." She crossed her arms and took a few steps worriedly: "When I first arrived in the sky over this town, I activated my super vision and looked at all the houses. I could look towards the Earth or Krypton. By any god, this poem didn't exist on this garage floor at that time."

She knew that what she said might be a bit bizarre, but in the world of superheroes, there was no way to do it.

For example, there is a crazy speedster in the town. He is hundreds or thousands of times faster than any known speedster, so that no one can even see his shadow when he moves, even if the first generation lightning is among the people present. Xia and himself...

Well, that's impossible. This statement is actually a bit forced. She is still very confident in her and Lao Jie Yin's abilities.

Uncatchable enemies do exist, but they can’t even see their shadows? That doesn't exist.

However, she believes that there must be an explanation for these, and it is a scientific explanation, even Kryptonian science.

But Connie next to her didn't know it. She hadn't heard the strange blood word before, but now that it suddenly appeared, the girl suddenly became frowning. She stretched out her hand and tugged on Wonder Woman's belt with her fingers:

"Huh? Isn't this place haunted? I'm most afraid of ghosts. I don't even watch horror movies."

"Don't be afraid, child, there are indeed some missing bodies in our world, but the environment where they exist is not a place like this." Jie Yin explained some things about ghosts to the girl. Although he didn't understand much, after all, It's a way of saying: "So calm down and think about whether you can do something with your star staff."

Star Chaser herself is a very good gymnast with decent fighting skills, but the main reason why she was able to become a superhero and join an established organization like the Justice Society was the golden staff in her hand.

This star staff gives her the ability to use starlight energy, which means she has obtained cosmic energy, which can greatly increase the upper limit of a person's strength.

On the other hand, it is actually more like a living creature. Not only does it have its own emotions, it can also help its owner Star Chaser perform some tasks, and even fight alone when no one is controlling it.

It sounds very mysterious, but don't worry, its position has not left the category of a 'pet', at least it will definitely not betray Star Chaser. It likes her very much, and even if she is stolen by the bad guys, it will automatically Return to her.

"Oh, yes, let it try." Star Chaser Girl let go of her hand holding the star staff and let it float in front of her. Then she clasped her hands together and bowed to it: "Please, Universe, help me see it. Where did these words come from, or what do they mean?”

She didn't know the origin of this magical long staff. It was said to be a relic of a generation of Star Heroes, but later the Eighth Generation Star Heroes gave it to her.

By the way, the Star Man who almost killed everyone before was the sixth generation who returned from the future, but that is not important. The order of inheritance of the Star Man is a mess because they can travel through time. Whoever studies it is lost in the lake.

Anyway, she only knew that this weapon chose her. It flew into her bedroom window one night, and the room was filled with starlight, so she gave this guy a name and called it 'Universe'.

The long golden staff flew around her, and then flew over the blood letter to take a look, even though the star staff also had no eyes.

Then it crossed over in mid-air, and a burst of starlight erupted from the top of the staff, forming shining starlight characters in the air:

"I want you to watch Temptation of the Wild with me for three days."

"Oh, God, no! No, I still have to go to school." Connie shook her head repeatedly, and she scratched her blond hair into a mess: "And if I watch it for three days in a row, I will die."

One person and one stick, the bargaining began. Faced with Jie Yin's puzzled gaze on the side, and the Sandman hiding behind the gas mask who was still lost in the lake, Karen flattened his mouth and explained:

""The Temptation of the Wild" is a Spanish soap opera. It mainly tells the story of several families in a town. These people are all very wild and fall in love in various combinations. Today A and B are in love, and tomorrow A will break up with C. We got together, but the day after tomorrow we discovered that C was actually B's mother. It turned out that A had a relationship with C more than ten years ago. B was actually A's daughter, but she was nominally D's daughter. However, in the plot of the day after tomorrow, everyone discovered that D is actually A’s father..."

"Stop, just stop here." The old Flash stopped with a bit of pain. He raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose: "Friends, am I really unable to keep up with the times? Obviously only There are four characters, but their relationship confuses me. The TV series when I was young were not like this. Will anyone really watch such a show?"

"Actually, there are more than forty families in total. What she told you is just a little bit from the beginning of the first season. In addition, there are still many people watching this show. It is the most popular show on Spanish-language TV recently. It’s a drama. In fact, if you think about it, you will understand, old man, if people don’t read these, why do they read the news and tell everyone that the earth is facing crisis every day?”

Xuanfeng interrupted outside the garage door with a smile. She was still flipping through the comic book in her hand, looking like she was immersed in it:

"And I also watched it. I watched it with my grandma. It was at the headquarters of the Justice Society. Didn't you notice?"

"That's probably because I don't usually go into the kitchen."

The old man shook his head speechlessly. He once again felt that women's hobbies were elusive, but now is not the time to sigh. Business is more important:

"Okay, Star Chaser Girl, your long staff just wants to find someone to watch the show with it. This can be easily solved. When the mission is over, you can temporarily give it to the first-generation Red Tornado for a few days, and they can be together. Look, and it will be very popular, now ask it if you can find anything through the power of starlight, this matter is very serious."

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