The Death Knell

Chapter 5005 Call Pause

"This Jin Shena...I don't know what it means, but I found out what Shena is."

Sandy, who was wearing a gas mask, and his voice became extremely dull, said this, raised his mobile phone towards everyone, and turned it over to let everyone see the Wikipedia content on it.

Well, for top detectives, intelligence and data are stored in the brain, such as Batman, Bobo, and even Constantine.

When I see some clues, there is a click, and lightning flashes in my mind. I immediately recall the relevant knowledge points and solve the problem on the spot.

But not everyone can achieve such inhuman performance. A person's energy and memory have their limits. It is impossible for ordinary people to immediately associate a lot of relevant information after discovering some clues.

What they can do is to record it first, and then find documentation or seek professional help.

Times have changed now. The emergence of good things like mobile phones has saved many detectives and police officers from traveling a lot and can obtain the information they want directly at the crime scene.

Moreover, mobile phones can take pictures and read words, so you don’t have to worry about words you can’t read.

Jie Yin just pronounced the word Shena incorrectly. It should not be pronounced in English, but pronounced in Sanskrit ?ā?aka.

It has two meanings. One refers to a certain type of special clothing, some of which are like Greek-style bed sheets and a scarf.

The other refers to 'view' or 'Buddha body', and then there are a lot of specious and confusing religious terms. Although the abstract concepts described in the English environment are almost incomprehensible, they are full of Zen. taste.

"I probably understand. If the previous attributive 'gold' is added in front of Shena, the latter statement seems unreasonable." Karen had some ideas. She straightened her short blond hair and blinked: "So there is only the first explanation, the golden clothes, which makes some sense."

It was quiet inside and outside the garage, and the blood-filled streets seemed to be filled with an aura of terror, which made all the smart little animals stay away. Even the mice, which liked to move most at night, had no intention of coming here to join in the fun.

Everyone was silent and thinking about the direction of Karen's analysis until Star Chaser spoke first.

"The golden clothes... are so earthy, but the golden Buddha body. Buddha is an oriental god, right? It seems to make sense."

Connie imagined it for a moment, and then her face turned into the word "囧". She really couldn't stand this aesthetic:

"I have heard of the word golden body. It is said that in some places, the statues of gods are painted with gold paint or put on golden clothes. The word 'golden body' may be referring to some people wearing golden clothes and wings. god."

"Well, actually, all explanations refer to one kind of object, and that is God." Jie Yin put on his steel helmet hat and touched the little wings on it: "Sandy, what do you think?"

"We have some ideas. If all of this is done by certain beings in the name of gods, then they cannot leave no trace. Our next step is to investigate whether there are any recognized images of gods in the world that like to wear gold clothes. , and it has wings.”

The fourth generation Sandman made a very intuitive suggestion. His detective code is to keep his feet on the ground. It is impossible to confuse his teammates like Batman, and no one can keep up with his jumping thinking.

God is the first to be excluded because he has no wings in the image of people's perception; His angels are also excluded because they do not wear gold.

"I like gold and wings." Xuanfeng put away the comic book Bai picked up. A suspicious look appeared on her beautiful face. After approaching everyone, she lowered her voice and said, "Do you think this is talking about Senna? Gang people?"

Senagon's golden N metal is extremely famous, such as Hawkgirl and Hawkman. Their wings are all Senagon technology. If you are looking for aliens who like to wear gold and have wings, they will be regarded as gods by ancient people. , then they are the first suspects.

The Justice Society fell into silence again. This kind of speculation is not impossible.

But the Kryptonians and Senagans are Earth's only allies in the universe, and no one wants this speculation to be true.


"how do you feel?"

Under the shadow of the dark building, Su Ming's Batman pretended to be expressionless, but he still took out a pack of tissues from his bat belt to let Super Killer wipe away her sweat.

Crazy practice of superpowers is still quite taxing on the body. Although after being injected with the super soldier serum, she should be able to spend a whole day with anyone, but this person cannot be herself.

She has demonstrated various novel superpowers, and the transformation of her by the perfect virus serum is still in progress. Unfortunately, she does not have super endurance. She is now gasping for air.

Without looking at the watch, Su Ming knew that this time was about an hour, which was a very good result, because she could be said to be busy killing people every second. Even though her physical fitness was a bit poor, her mental strength was strong enough. .

"I'm so tired, my whole body hurts, but I can still hold on, Batman." She took the man and hid behind a shared phone booth to avoid bullets, in exchange for a brief respite: "The villains are still coming in a steady stream. It’s coming and I can’t stop.”

Yes, just like hers, the gunshots, insults, and screams all around never stopped.

Although the police have dispatched helicopters, they are only here to provide lighting for the warring parties on the dark streets. In addition, a large number of trucks have been arriving at the edge of the battlefield. The police are transporting the bodies of the dead people away, which is commonly known as "street sweeping".

Even so, villains kept coming from all directions, seemingly in endless numbers.

For a moment, Super Kill Girl began to doubt whether she could kill so many enemies, because no matter how many people she killed, more people would appear, and this endless feeling would drive people away. Crazy.

But she used her willpower to force herself to continue and find as much fun as possible. She couldn't lose the fun, otherwise she might not be able to hold on for the next second.

"Do you think this is right?" Batman touched the girl's head and his voice became much gentler, as if he had turned off the voice changer.

"I understand that killing too many people seems wrong to you." The girl shook her head, then gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words: "But I have no choice!"

"No, actually you have a choice. I'll call a timeout for you and you can think about it."

With that said, Batman walked out from behind the phone booth. Just when she thought the man would be attacked by all kinds of heavy firepower in an instant, he raised his hands and made a 'T'-shaped gesture. This is a ball game. A timeout commonly used in games.

So in the girl's surprised eyes, the world paused. Whether it was bullets, grenades, or villains jumping up to slash at Batman, these things were all still in mid-air, even the lights of the police car not far away. , as if they have become solidified objects.

At this time, the orangutan's eyes lit up, and he gradually followed the death knell's thoughts.

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