The Death Knell

Chapter 502 Non-stop

Marvel, Long Island, New York, on the top floor of the Wilson Enterprises office building.

It was early morning in Marvel, and Su Ming discovered that as he traveled back and forth, the time flow rates between the two universes became very close.

Originally, he had been in Marvel for more than 20 years, and only a month had passed in DC. But the last time he went to see Ancient One, and this time he came back, only two days passed.

Su Ming touched the Comedian's badge on his chest. He guessed that it was the 'Manhattan Ball'. If he returned to DC again, he could use this badge to borrow a passage to Manhattan and return to the time when he left.

But regarding that bag of gems, we currently only know their origins. The specific principle that allows them to be used in Marvel is completely unguessable.

This is not a lack of knowledge, but a lack of understanding of the universe.

Manhattan used quantum concepts to explain to Su Ming, but that was just his explanation. His set of rules was not universal and could be used in every world.

For example, Tom and Jerry, those two animals are often patted into small cakes, or cut into several sections, but they are still alive and kicking.

Su Ming can guarantee that the immortality of those two idiots has nothing to do with quantum. The concept of death does not exist in their world.

Even the common understanding of past lives such as 'If people seek death, they will die' cannot be applied to every world, let alone the quantum theory of the DC world.

So Su Ming decided to explore the sea of ​​stars first and gain some knowledge. Maybe one day he would be able to understand these things.

He leaned quietly on the boss's chair and added wine to the cup on the table. The brown-red wine gurgled down.

I originally planned to go to DC for a vacation, but I didn't expect that a lot of things would happen again. It's still peaceful here at Marvel...

Except World War II was still going on.

Steve and his team of ‘Amazing Men’ should still be in Egypt, right?

After taking care of Kang the Conqueror and Apocalypse, Su Ming was too lazy to tangle with Hydra, so he just let little Steve train slowly.


Gin walked in from the door. He was still the same, wearing a black suit, but he still had the oversized ring on his finger that Su Ming gave him before.

"Is there any new information in the past two days? Wakanda still hasn't been found?" Su Ming motioned for him to sit down casually. They were all veterans of more than 20 years, so there was nothing to be polite about.

Gin also approached the desk and poured himself a drink. He sighed and shook his head: "We have sent people to search for the general area you drew on the map, but there are still no clues. Now the Axis and Alliance Africa has been turned into a battlefield, and similarly, the armies of both sides have not discovered the existence of any indigenous utopia."

Su Ming sighed. It seems that Wakanda chose to hide itself completely because of the world situation. Their technological level is very high now, and it is difficult to find them based on the current level of the outside world.

Everything in that country is based on vibranium technology, but it is still an idealistic tribal emirate. They believe that heart-shaped grass and vibranium are gifts from the Leopard God.

Su Ming had some problems with his own technology tree. He originally planned to find Wakanda to sign some contracts, exchanging cigarettes and drinks for industrial equipment.

But at present, such a big country cannot be found there, so this plan is not feasible.

How about investing in Stark Industries first? Suck some shares from the stock market or something?

But it was too early. Howard was even more crooked than Tony. In addition to helping SHIELD these days, he also went to Hollywood to become a director and an actress.

Investing in Howard now means wasting your money. It is entirely conceivable what level of movies he will make in pursuit of potential actresses.

"How is the revenue of our company?"

Su Ming took a sip of wine and said that he had taken a trip to Europe and had not paid attention to the company's development for some days.

"Tobacco and alcohol are still the main revenue generators, but as the number of U.S. troops in Europe increases, sales of stockings and cosmetics have also increased a lot on the front lines."

Although Gin couldn't give too many specific figures because he was a follower and not an accountant, he still knew which business made the most money.

British beauties like silk stockings, so many American soldiers will use their military pay to support them. Silk stockings have become a courtship gift.

"Let's do this for now. I'll rest for a few days before I go out. You tell Vodka and ask him to buy me land on Long Island. I'm going to open a school."

"School? That doesn't make much money, does it?"

"Times have changed, my old man. The world will only become more and more cruel in the future. Our manpower cannot always be thugs pulled from the streets."

Su Ming clinked glasses with Gin Jiu and turned to look at the scenery outside the window. The sea in the distance was glowing with golden light. He calmly replied to Gin Jiu:

“Young people in the future must have ideals, be literate, repay kindness, and have comprehensive abilities.”

Gin understood that it was said to be a school, but it was actually a place to cultivate diehards.

"Okay, boss."

"Priority in admissions will be selected from orphans who lost their parents and relatives in the war. Food and accommodation will be provided. This is the same from kindergarten to university. Jobs will be assigned after graduation. The details will be discussed after the school is completed. I also need to find a principal. We all Not suitable for taking care of children.”

It is impossible to cultivate confidants quickly, but fortunately, Su Ming has plenty of time.

Ginjiu left, and Su Ming sat on the chair wondering what to think.

He really needed to take a rest. Although he had only been in DC for two days, the various high-intensity battles and intrigues still made him feel tired.


So in the next few days, Su Ming was in a state of despair. Every day, Ginjiu drove him in a limousine and took him to inspect various factories.

In the evening, most of the time was spent in the Peace Hotel, drinking and listening to music.

The former tavern is no longer adequate. The war has led to more and more drunken people.

Su Ming directly asked Ginjiu to deduct money from his account, buy the residential building above the underground bar, and completely transform it into a comprehensive nightclub.

When Gin asked what a comprehensive nightclub was, Su Ming told him.

"As long as entertainment projects are not illegal, we will arrange them. After all, Wilson Enterprises is a law-abiding businessman."

Gin understood, but he still followed the old rules, except pornography, gambling and drugs.


In the past few days, Monaco came to see Su Ming once. It was said that it was the ancient one who came. However, Su Ming did not want to take on the burden of the Supreme Mage for the time being, so he coaxed Monaco to find Holloway.

"The war is not over yet. German warlocks are still running around. Captain America needs manpower to deal with magical threats. You can join the team on behalf of the magic world. Remember, my identity must be kept secret."

Monaco has recovered well these days, at least he is not as haggard as when we parted. I don’t know how many rabbits were killed.

Su Ming knew that he wanted to kill the Germans, so he simply sent him back to the battlefield.

It's nice to be able to postpone it for at least a few years.

And before Monaco left, Su Ming also snatched away his magic beard wax. How could a big boss not take care of his beard?

Watching the Magic Prince leave, Su Ming also realized that he couldn't be idle, otherwise Gu Yi would definitely come to pester him.

You have to run away quickly and hide in another world.

There happens to be a world, and the things in it are something Su Ming is a little curious about. They may be used to crack Conqueror Kang's technology lock. Su Ming plans to get it back.

On a dark and windy night, Su Ming set out again after only telling Gin that his goal was the stars and the sea.

So Gin once again witnessed his boss being fully armed, then cutting his arm with a knife and frantically mutilating himself, and disappeared into the office.

He originally had a secret that he wanted to tell his boss, but every time he wanted to speak, he was interrupted by his boss, as if he had guessed it but didn't intend to listen at all.

Gin was helpless. He had known for a long time that his boss was very smart, but what did he mean by not letting people speak?


A universe not far from Marvel and DC, it also has a complex multiverse system, with a green and white smiling face and a string of characters floating on the wall of the world.

Su Ming informed Strangler to get ready and was about to break into the world wall. It was so afraid of the heat that it should hide first.

However, Strangler said it wanted to try its best to get used to it and increase its resistance to high temperatures.

In this case, Su Ming didn't say anything more. He dived into this multiverse, and then had to choose his target among the many single universes.

He found it, and the universe of mechanized planets vaguely appeared on the barrier of the single world, and he started moving towards it.


It is also the earth, but some strange things have happened to this planet.

1897, U.S. National Arctic Science Expedition.

They have been walking on the vast snowfield for who knows how long, but they have gained almost nothing. Although the scientific expedition team is called a scientific expedition, it is actually more of an expedition team.

This is within the Arctic Circle, but it is not the big icebergs floating on the sea, but the northern tip of Greenland. Under the ice and snow are solid rocks.

What they are looking for are gold veins, gemstone veins buried under the ice, or creatures that no one has ever seen.

These valuable things are the motivation for adventure.

Now, all that's around is endless white, and whatever tundra might lie beneath them.

These things are worthless.

The cold wind howled, almost freezing the heavy sled to the snow.

Everyone's exposed beards and eyebrows were covered with frost, and the sled dogs kept blowing hot breath from their mouths. The whole team was slowly advancing on the ice sheet like a train, emitting white smoke.

There was not much food and fuel left, and the difficult environment caused five members of the expedition to die. The dream of wealth at the beginning was being shattered by the cold reality.

If nothing valuable can be found next, then this state-funded expedition team will probably have few opportunities for exploration in the future.

However, as the leader of the team, Captain Witwicky would not give up just like that. He had a hunch that something of incomparable value was waiting for him not far ahead.

"Work hard, boys! No sacrifice, no gain!"

Heck, in a place where a cup of hot water is considered a treasure, they still hope to find a more valuable treasure... But as a captain, he must inspire the young people. Once the enthusiasm in his heart is relaxed, it is very likely that Everyone must really stay here under the vast white snow.

"Boss! There's something ahead!"

The team members reported to him loudly, because they found that the pathfinding dogs at the front of the team, used to explore whether there were ice and snow holes on the forward route to prevent everyone's cars from being destroyed and people killed, began to run forward and bark at the same time.

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