The Death Knell

Chapter 5015 A painful lesson

After all, Nightwing is one of the famous little detectives. He may not be as good as Batman and Bobo, but the basic idea is not wrong.

Facts also proved that his previous suspicion of Amo falling from the sky was right. It was just because of the physical examination report provided by Ron that he misjudged the enemy's combat effectiveness.

Of course, this is not something to be happy about, because sometimes the slightest difference can lead to huge consequences.

However, now is not the time to fall into the mistakes of the past. The key is to see how to remedy the situation next. The first thing that can be judged is that there must be something to be used in the opponent's plan.

Nightwing started his reasoning session for everyone in this messy room, just like all famous detectives.

The biggest threat to Canro, or Starro's individual, is its mind control ability.

Once upon a time, when alien starfish invaded the earth, they almost caused a crisis of annihilation, because it could split into countless small starfish, and these small starfish would lie on the faces of living things like alien facehuggers, taking over the brain and making all living things Do as Starro wishes.

Not only humans, but also the animals on the earth cannot escape control, and even fish are controlled.

It also once controlled Superman and Wonder Woman. During the time it invaded, the heroes of the Justice League would have nightmares about starfish in their beds.

Because as molluscs, small starfish can get into almost any gap and move silently, and it is impossible for humans to rest without closing their eyes forever.

Once you relax, you may be taken advantage of by Starro. In the first invasion, it successfully controlled more than 90% of the earth's population. If Batman and Green Lantern hadn't turned the tide, everyone would have been in trouble. He is a slave to the starfish.

No, not even slaves. People who are controlled by the anti-life equation, that is called slaves, lose their free thoughts and become puppets on strings.

Being controlled by Starro's offspring is more like parasitism. The human body becomes the consciousness container of the little starfish and a node in the starfish's hive consciousness. This is worse than a slave.

Now that Amo has snatched Can Luo, he will most likely use its mind control ability, but how he will use it, Ye Yi can't say yet, because everything is possible.

In addition, the opponent showed strong combat power and was even able to defeat Donna instantly. Any search plan against him must be coordinated with strong combat power to ensure safety.

Although Donna is not as good at fighting as Diana, she is also a demigod. She was created by the Titans in the past, and she inherited the blood of their old gods.

A burst of cosmic energy seriously injured her. This shows that Amo has the ability to hurt the old gods. So can we deduce from this that he is actually a god?

Of course, this may be a bit far-fetched, because Deathstroke from another world can also easily defeat Donna and Diana, but he always emphasizes that he is an ordinary person.

"Aha, pause here, dear, that Amo is most likely a god. You can tell from the way he talks to us. Maybe you can't tell, but I can tell you this judgment very clearly."

Harley interrupted Nightwing here, holding the cigarette butt and flicking the ashes, and touching her torn red skirt sadly with her little hands:

"Xiao Dai told me that arrogance and liking to deceive human beings are the biggest faults of all gods, without exception, and I had some exchanges with Donna on the way here just now. I have analyzed Amo's previous performance, and he is very much like me. Some of the patients I’ve seen.”

Then she began to tell everyone about psychoanalysis and some of her professional diagnoses.

Amo was obviously capable of robbing them head-on, but his first choice of tactic was to deceive. After being discovered, he pretended to be a corpse. This step was still deception. If he hadn't been forced too hard, he might not have even attacked everyone.

Why? Harley felt that he could take pleasure in lying to others, which was a classic symptom of psychosis.

Some people lie compulsively, which is also a mental illness, and the main reason for this symptom, in Harley's opinion, is that these people's inner desire for attention is.

For example, the patient has no father or mother since he was a child, or he is ugly and has low self-esteem. In short, he is a marginalized person in society, forgotten and unnoticed.

Over time, some psychological abnormalities have developed. Whether it is grandstanding or habitual lying, the same desire drives them.

These people crave attention.

They will tell some exaggerated and unrealistic lies, as well as some simple lies that are difficult to distinguish between true and false, but the lie itself is not the point. The point is that they are used to interacting with others in this abnormal way.

When someone is fooled, they may feel some pleasure, but the real source of pleasure comes from people interacting with them frequently because of these lies.

People who crave attention often develop a performative personality when receiving attention. For example, Little Bee's cousin Deadpool is one example.

Although he doesn't lie much, when you look at him, he will either make faces or say dirty things, always trying to attract other people's attention in order to be satisfied.

The same goes for Amo. When people listen to him, he will be gentle and considerate, even very cooperative, even if what he says are lies.

Exposing his scam means cutting off the other party's source of stimulation, which will cause the mentally ill person to lose control and do some extreme things.

Psychology can not only be used to analyze people, but also gods who are closely related to humans. As long as the other person appears in human form, there is a high probability that his thoughts will be similar to humans.

Therefore, Batman has always doubted Superman and worried that he would become a god on earth. This is actually unnecessary in Harley's view, because even if Superman becomes a god, he will still be a god with human weaknesses.

In short, her judgment is very simple. This Amo is eager to be noticed, very eager. This can be seen from the fact that he was disappointed not to see Ganluo at that time, but still had the patience to communicate with everyone.

It seemed that communicating with lower creatures like humans would cause him some unpleasantness, but the pleasure brought to him by lies and attention outweighed these unpleasantnesses, allowing him to accept it with a smile on his face.

"So Amo is a god?" Ron touched his chin and thought, even though he had no beard at all and his green head looked like a skeleton: "This name does have the style of a Martian god."

"You have gods on Mars too?" Dick Grayson raised his eyebrows.

"Yes. It is inevitable for any civilization to have a stage of belief in gods. Although faith will gradually be ignored with the development of science and technology, Mars also has that stage."

Ron recalled his hometown, even though he could never go back:

"About 300,000 years ago, Mars once worshiped some gods. Now if you go to Mars, you can still find their ruined temples buried underground. By the way, Luther and I found the information about Perpetu on Mars before. Ah’s prophecy stele is in one of the temples.”

"So your god is pretty smart?" Nightwing didn't understand what the hunter meant by this.

"No, they were just notified by the monitors, and the book priests called custodians are just poor people who were deceived. In fact, those gods are not gods in today's eyes, but more like superpowers. … Let’s not talk about this for now, it’s a bit off topic, so Raven, what do you want to say?”

Raven usually doesn't like to talk, but the fact that Donna was seriously injured made her very angry, especially after discovering that the reason why she was unharmed was due to the air protection of the Three Palaces, she became even more furious.

"I was the only one who discovered the name Amo. Is it a sound that orangutans can also make? When humans learn a language, they often make sounds like 'ah', 'oh', and 'mah' first. And Amo, It happens to be such a combination of simple tones. So I judge that he is very likely to be an ancient god, a very ancient kind. This is my opinion as a spell caster. We should contact the Justice League Dark immediately and use occult methods to do it. Solve the mystery.”

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